Chapter 17 New York-Beijing Via Wuhan

While carrying out the sequence of starting the plane's engine, Andalas asked his friends to put together the three pieces of canvas obtained at The Met Breuer.

Cecilia led the compilation of maps on the plane's cabin table. The three of them were stupefied and transfixed at the result of joining the torn canvases together. It was some kind of map. But what map was this? it showed an island surrounded by an ocean. And what island was this and where? The map did not have any description on it. .

Cecilia put the map in her pocket. Another confusing riddle from Doctor Aslan.

The plane was ready to fly. Andalas contacted the ATC tower requesting clearance which the tower responded to in order to go to runway 2. The flight to Beijing would take almost 20 hours with one stop for refueling in Wuhan City.

The plane was taxing toward the runway. Andalas was communicating with the ATC tower. He looked into the cabin and saw that his three friends were still busy discussing and guessing what and where exactly the place on the map was.

Finally the Gulfstream I-AA was on its first que to takeoff. Andalas put the small plane with the big jet engine at the end of the runway. Waiting for orders from the ATC tower.

10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes. It shouldn't take this long for a plane that was already at the end of the runway. Because it had a domino effect on the queues in the air for planes that were about to land.

30 minutes later, Andalas sensed something was wrong. He waved at Lian Xi to take the copilot's seat. Then shouted at Akiko and Cecilia.

"Look around if there's any suspicious movement approaching our plane!"

Akiko and Cecilia were stunned. They thought this flight delay was something normal. But then they saw from the window that a group of cars were approaching at high speed, and realized this wasn't normal at all.

"There is a group of black wagons moving fast towards us! FBI! And behind them is Interpol!"

Andalas pushed the thrust lever. The Gulfstream accelerated quickly over the runway. Cecilia screamed in horror when she saw at the end of the runway a moving fire engine which was parked and left on purpose in the middle of the runway.

Andalas remained calm. He continued to increase the speed and signaled Lian Xi to get ready. Everyone's heart was thumping rapidly. If this plane hadn't reached the minimum speed for takeoff by the time it reached the middle of the runway that was blocked by the fire engines, their history would surely be over. A collision at this speed would turn the plane into a giant fire ball.

Just a few meters before the nose of the plane scraped the body of the fire engine, Andalas lifted the lever, and the plane was lifted into the air with its tail only inches from the fire engine. Andalas took a deep breath. So did the others. Cecilia slumped in the cabin seat while rubbing her chest. Holly shit!

Akiko swore in Japanese many times. Fucking cowards!! Asshole! Damn it!

After everything settled down, Akiko joined Cecilia and fell on the cabin seat with a limp body.

Andalas smiled faintly. He had just had a little faith and wished a lot of luck the plane could fly in time.

As soon as the plane reached the altitude according to the flight plan, Andalas switched on auto pilot and asked Lian Xi to join him at the back. They sat opposite Cecilia and Akiko who were still weak.

Andalas gulped one cup of coffee. His heart was still beating fast. Lian Xi poured champagne and drank it with trembling fingers on the glass. There was a deep frown on her face.

"There's no way the FBI or Interpol parked the fire truck. It must be someone else's job wishing us dead."

Andalas agreed.

"The FBI and Interpol of course have a protocol. And endangering flights is not one of those protocols. It's most likely the Executor."

"But we're safe, right?" Cecilia interrupted with anxious tone.

Andalas shook his head. They had left United States airspace and were now flying over the Pacific Ocean.

"Well there is no barier in the sky, the Executor can attack us easily. Remember what happened in the Arctic waters. They even falsified a NATO frigate and use it to hunt us down. Until we enter Chinese airspace, I think we are still in danger."

Cecilia's face paled. Imagining this plane being chased by jet fighter switch deadly weaponry.

"Then what should we do?" Akiko asked in frustration.

Andalas stood up to return to the cockpit. But before stepping away, he answered Akiko's question in a soft tone. There was a hint of hope and anxiety mixed in from his words.

"This private plane has been modified by Doctor Aslan. This aircraft also has the ability to defend itself from air attacks. It has several air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles."

Andalas stepped into the cockpit while gesturing Lian Xi to follow. He turned to Akiko and continued his words, this time filled with hope.

"We can defend ourselves for a while. Let's hope they don't after us. But if they do, at least we don't have to deal with them all at once. I really hope, even though it's very unlikely, that this plane has a stealth mode. That's the best way to avoid a dogfight that we can't win."

Something answered Andalas' words. There was a loud warning sound from the control panel. A rapid beeping sound filled the cockpit and cabin.

Andalas hastily sat in the pilot's seat. Lian Xi followed.

On the monitor screen, the radar showed two small dots moving quickly towards their plane. Andalas choked.

"Missile! Two sidewinders are on us!"