Chapter 16 New York, 40° 39′ 39.6″ N, 73° 56′ 38.4″ W The Met Breuer

Warily, the four of them entered the red brick museum building. They didn't know what else was waiting for them. It was possible that another group would try to stop them.

Abdelahi and his gang had been dealt with this morning. Helda and her crew were also rendered helpless on the highway outside the city. The next possibility would be Zov Tigra. Andalas told his friends that Zov Tigra always acted alone with unexpected types of action.

The contemporary art section was deserted. Not many visitors. Maybe because it wasn't a holiday, and it was already 2 p.m. Not many people were casually strolling along the streets.

They split up looking for contemporary works on the third renaissance period. They weren't sure what that meant but they had to start looking. If necessary, the museum would be requested to close earlier. Andalas had contacted Luigi and asked him to arrange for flight to Beijing.

They split up in pairs. Andalas was with Cecilia while Akiko was accompanied by Lian Xi. This museum was big, displaying many contemporary works of art form such as paintings, sculptures, ceramics, pottery, and others.

Cecilia said that if there was something hidden then it would be in something like a statue not painting. Andalas disagreed. He thought that it could also be tucked behind a painting. A map maybe?

Cecilia shrugged and continued her thorough search. Whereas Andalas relied more on Cecilia's instincts because he was busy paying attention to the situation around him. His hunch was that Zov Tigra would act. Soon.

Akiko and Lian Xi seemed to be in a race as to who would find the clue to the puzzle first. Even though they were probing together, they often bumped into each other on purpose. Of course, to annoy the other and had a reason to fight. The museum was spacious for a fight.

But nothing happened. Both restrained themselves. At least they were mindful of their task.

"Hey! Look!" Akiko nudged Lian Xi's shoulder quite hard. Lian Xi glared at Akiko but her eyes caught something interesting. Lian Xi nudged Akiko's shoulder hard to show her findings with an eye movement.

Akiko drew a scrap of canvas in the lower right corner of a painting entitled Renaissance. She was observing it for a moment. It was part of a map!

Lian Xi also did the same to what she found. A piece of canvas in the lower left corner from a painting titled Renaissance. Another part of the map!

Elsewhere at about the same time, Cecilia found the third part. There was something strange about a painting titled Renaissance. Upon closer inspection, she found a piece of canvas covering the actual painting in the upper right corner. No wonder this painting looked unusual. Cecilia picked up the perfectly glued piece carefully.

Andalas didn't see what Cecilia got. His attention was drawn to a museum visitor. A large, tall man wearing a jacket that was also very large made him suspicious. All this time the man seemed to be observing the paintings and sculptures very closely as if he was assessing every inch of the artwork. Too careful.

Andalas shifted his body to protect Cecilia who was diligently observing the torn map. Zov Tigra was a very character assassin. He never used a gun. Andalas believed the oversized, baggy jacket hid his legendary flying knives.

Andalas was correct. The man took his hand out of his jacket pocket and threw two flying knives at Andalas and Cecilia in an incredibly fast and subtle motion.

Fortunately, Andalas was alert at the right time. He grabbed Cecilia's arm as she dropped to the floor. The two knives missed the target and hit two medieval ceramic plates displayed behind them.

Zov Tigra was about to reach for another knife from his jacket when a kick landed on his head and a punch hit his waist. Akiko and Lian Xi acted at the same time to save Andalas and Cecilia who would definitely be unable to dodge because they were in a bad position.

Despite being hit by heavy kicks and punches, Zov Tigra didn't seem to feel anything. Didn't even fall. His massive body lunged at Akiko and Lian Xi.

His huge, muscular hands sent a barrage of punches to the death of the two women who were forced to somersault backwards several times. The blow was deadly if it landed on their bodies.

Andalas got up and started attacking Zov Tigra. Zov Tigra and Andalas attacked each other and traded blows. Although Zov Tigra had twice the body of Andalas, the Sumatra man relied on his agility. Akiko moved forward. Meanwhile, Lian Xi stood beside Cecilia guarding her.

Being attacked by two equally tough people, Zov Tigra appeared to be overwhelmed. Andalas and Akiko's punches and kicks hit his sturdy body several times. But, Zov Tigra didn't seem to feel anything. This man continued to attack Andalas and Akiko with deadly fist blows.

Andalas and Akiko made a move at the same time. Knowing that Zov Tigra was very strong and resistant to all kinds of punches and kicks, Andalas used another tactic. So did Akiko.

Akiko lightly jumped high and grabbed the Russian man's neck using both legs. Tried to slam him to the floor. Meanwhile, Andalas hit him in the groin and then continued to punch Zov Tigra in the stomach.

Zov Tigra fell. His large body fell to the floor with his neck almost broken. The incredibly strong man laid on his back unconscious.

Andalas hastily made a run for his friends. The other visitors had been screaming for security officers to see the unusual sight at the museum.

Cecilia took the wheel with Lian Xi by her side. Meanwhile, Andalas and Akiko leaned back tiredly in the back seat. The fight was very exhausting. Zov Tigra was like a machine.

Cecilia who was also pumped with adrenaline watching the incredible fight earlier seemed to have forgotten her fear. This British doctor was driving like a madman. The travel time from The Met Breuer, which normally took approximately 45 minutes, took less than half an hour.

Akiko, who already knew Cecilia's super-cautious temperament, had to hold on tight and hug Andalas' body several times because the seat belt was broken and couldn't be locked. Andalas of course didn't mind. Hugging Akiko's body tightly. Worried that Akiko would be thrown out of the car with no roof.

The mangled car, entered with the sound of squeaking brakes into the hangar which had been opened at some point by god knows whom.

Once inside and the car had stopped, then Cecilia leaned her body against the seat, panting heavily. Looks like I've gone crazy like the three of them!