Chapter 38 Rio De Janeiro, 22° 54′ 30″ S, 43° 11′ 47″ W, Windsor Convention & Expo Center

Andalas looked at himself in front of the mirror in the hotel room. After the commotion at the San Telmo Cinema Museum, he flew straight to Rio De Janeiro. The target of the O-10 was a prominent official of a country that had great influence in world politics. This time the target was more difficult than before. As a high-ranking official, Target O-10 was not only escorted by special protocols, but also guarded by the police and soldiers of the countries he visited.

Target O-10 would give an important speech at the prestigious annual climate change meeting attended by almost all countries in the world. Moreover, the conference was still in a pandemic situation which meant visitors would be strictly screened. Andalas couldn't possibly enter the conference room even though he was disguised as anyone. He would not be able to carry the Sako TRG 42 as a signature to make the Organization and OWC nervous.

So he had to find the right and strategic place to shoot Target O-10. But where? Andalas conducted a digital survey with the help of The Kitchen. All buildings around the Windsor Convention & Expo Center were sterilized and heavily guarded.

Andalas thought hard. Buildings and vehicles were sterile, so what was not? Andalas's ears heard something peculiar from outside his open hotel window. His eyes immediately lit up. There it is! Andalas quickly searched on his X-One. Yes, confirmed!

Planning to this small detail must involve The Kitchen in order to obtain a precise calculation. If he miscalculated, then this mission would fail. Andalas sent several requests to The Kitchen.

In the morning the sun was bright breezy. If the weather held until 10 o'clock then it would be an advantage for Andalas. The failure of a sniper was generally caused by an error in judging the direction and strength of the wind.

By 8 a.m, Andalas changed into a practical suit. His original plan to infiltrate the courtroom was cancelled. He had already obtained all the calculations he needed from The Kitchen. Andalas felt that time was very valuable down to milliseconds.

One more thing he also hoped to remain unchanged was the Target O-10's arrival schedule at the Windsor Convention & Expo Center. If there was even a slightest problem on the way from the hotel to the venue for the annual meeting, then all of his plans would fall apart.

Andalas went to a metro station, two stops before Windsor. The Metro train track laid close to Windsor Convention & Expo Center with a distance of about 300 meters. Far enough. Andalas would take the shot from that distance.

Train number 2791 arrived and stopped for passengers. As a normal procedure, the driver on the rear car got off the train to make sure the situation was safe before signaling to the driver on the front car to depart.

When the engineer returned to his cabin, someone pressing the cold gun against his temples. Andalas acted quickly. He immediately incapacitated the driver, tied and gagged his mouth.

The train stopped at the next station. Andalas took advantage of that short time to quickly assemble the Sako TRG 42. Next up was the Windsor station. Before arriving at the station, he only had no more than 3 minutes of open space to take a shot. If Target O-10 was late or early, those 3 minutes would be gone.

Andalas placed the Sako TRG 42 on the back of the static driver's seat. The gun was barely sticking out the side window. Andalas was squinting one eye.

The metro train was moving fast passing the Windsor Convention & Expo Center which looked busy with the arrival of important guests. Andalas pulled the trigger.

Just as a figure got off a limousine and waved at the crowd of cheering reporters.

Target O-10's body was violently pushed back into the car when the heavy impact of a Sako TRG 42 bullet ripped through his heart. The bodyguard who was still holding the car door only felt a strong wind rustle and made his tie flutter, followed by blood splatters which instantly wetted his jacket and face.