Chapter 56 Nyon, 46.3833° N, 6.2348° E, Young Huang Pharmaceutical Factory

Andalas stretched his waist on the soft sofa in the control room of Young Huang pharmaceutical factory while sipping slowly the taste of Java Arabica coffee. It's also exhausting speeding on the highway. Especially under the threat of death of the attackers in sports cars who suddenly appeared on the streets. The police car trying to stop them was probably just a minor accomplice to the attackers so they didn't join in on the real pursuit.

"Good grief! It's the Death Bourgeois!" Andalas sat back straight while watching the X-One screen which was opening the Consultant database. The photo that Lian Xi managed to take during the chase became the identification key in the database.

"Who are they?" Akiko approached curiously. Lian Xi joined in. Followed by Cecilia.

"It was a small group of troublemakers, some spoil rich kids in Europe. They are not concerned with the amount of payment. They just want fame. To them it's like playing arcade games. Whoever kills more, then he is the score master."

Cecilia shook her head. There is also such a model among the hit man? Lian Xi had heard of this before so kept quiet. While Akiko frowned.

"There's no way the Organization would send people like that as their assassins? Doesn't seem too serious?" Akiko confirmed her curiosity with a question.

Andalas looked at Akiko.

"I don't think the Organization sent them. Maybe OWC. Because OWC is more concerned with quantity than quality."

"They seem to be specifically targeting me. They've known who I was from the moment we left Geneva Airport. I had seen 2 of them continue to observe me. Though next to me there are 3 beautiful women. That's what makes me suspicious."

"Am I really beautiful to you, hit man?" Akiko tried to be funny by acting coquettishly. Lian Xi snorted disapprovingly at the question. While Cecilia almost giggled in amusement.

"Of course! The three of you are the most courageous beauties I have ever known." Andalas tried not to be nervous.

This time Cecilia couldn't hold back her burst of laughter anymore. Andalas' nervousness is in stark contrast to his ferocity when fighting or killing people without blinking. Akiko was also whiny. It's really sad to see that the ice face looks like it's being baked by a solar storm. Lian Xi smiled widely. This group is actually a lot of fun. If only none of them fell in love. Lian Xi silently cursed herself.

"Cec, what should we do now? SAVE serum is safe here. I heard earlier from the factory manager that the manufacture of this serum would be a top priority. All lines will produce massively." Akiko changed the subject. Really sorry to see the look on Andalas' face. Akiko regretted throwing such a ridiculous question earlier.

"Yup! In a day this factory will be able to produce 100 thousand doses of SAVE serum. That means 3 million doses a month. It will take several years to reach the target of 1 billion doses. Far from adequate. Therefore, Young Huang said he would buy a new factory in Germany with 10 times the capacity of this factory."

Akiko signaled to Cecilia. It's time to tell Andalas about Doctor Adli Aslan.

Cecilia smiled bitterly. This cannot be delayed any longer. This is their next priority.

"Andalas, did you hear the proceedings of the Hague trial this morning?" Cecilia started cautiously.

Adli Aslan's adopted son shrugged his shoulders. There was a slight glint in his eyes. Only Akiko could catch the sign.

"Yes Cecilia. I've heard it from your conversation in the plane cabin. You forgot that I can hear anything. what do you guys talk about when I turn on the cabin speakers? I'm just in case there's news from The Kitchen that requires me to act fast."

So ?

"Yes. I already know that my adoptive father was sentenced to death by the International Court of Justice which I'm sure there must have been interference from the Organization in that decision. As sure as I am sure that the judges are under the chairman's intimidation as money can't buy them. But the Organization threatens their next of kin to make the judges do what the Organization wants."

Cecilia and Akiko grew dumbfounded. Andalas even knew more details than they did.

"I had expected this to happen. I've been preparing for this long ago to face this bad news. Likewise, long ago I had decided to head to Den Haag once the decision is made. I will release my adoptive father at all cost!"

Akiko was starting to get frustrated. The woman said in a fiery tone.

"You have to take me no matter what your plan is! You have to! Or you won't have to know me for the rest of your life!"

Lian Xi shook her head,

"Me too!" her voice was loud as she said that. Her eyes stared at Akiko. She was ready for a fight if that Japanese woman tried to get in her way.

Shock! Akiko stepped forward to hug Lian Xi.

"Of course I won't stop you silly! We all owe it to Doctor Aslan. The whole world is in debt to Doctor Aslan too. Now they are repaying him by putting him to death!"

Cecilia nodded in agreement.

"You know Andalas. We will not all stand idly against injustice. You three go to The Hague. I will stay here with Luigi at the City Tower. Darko and Park will definitely support you from The Kitchen too. If you need back up, I think Young Huang can also help."

Andalas smiled. Something he rarely does.

"Okay beautiful ladies! All the plans are in place. This afternoon we fly to Beijing to drop off Cecilia. After that I, Akiko and Lian Xi will fly to The Hague. I've already made a plan in my head. I'll tell you later on the plane."

This time, it wasn't just Cecilia and Akiko who were stunned. Lian Xi was also stunned. Beautiful women? Did those words really come out of Andalas' mouth?

The silence was then closed with loud laughter from the 3 women. It's very funny Andalas said that sentence.

Andalas couldn't help but smile again. Then his face turned icy again. What's so funny?