Chapter 57 Geneve-Beijing-The Hague, Missile Warning

After making sure everything went according to Young Huang's plan at the Nyon pharmaceutical factory, Andalas and the three women traveled to Geneva to the airport. The four of them really hoped that no one else would stop them on the road. There was still a long way to go.

And indeed nothing happened. The journey to the airport was very smooth and safe. Likewise, when Andalas lifted the take off. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. very tired to still have to meet the current obstacle.

Luigi has prepared the best long-haul flight. Additional tanks is also fully charged. They will go directly to Dangxi International Airport without having to transit anywhere.

Cecilia made a special phone call with Young Huang. Ensuring a high level of safety protocol is implemented at the Nyon pharmaceutical factory. Young Huang reassured Cecilia by saying that the 10 squads of security forces he had hired had arrived in Nyon as soon as Cecilia and company left the factory. Young Huang also said that there were a dozen top-level MSS agents who would go undercover and help secure the factory.

Cecilia was relieved to hear that. It must be ensured that the pharmaceutical factory's production line is not disturbed, especially from the security sector. Because the Organization and the OWC will certainly not stand still watching the serum that can stop the pandemic be mass-produced.

Cecilia also reminded Young Huang that the distribution of SAVE Serum must be well planned. Young Huang said that he already had a distribution plan to be concentrated and starting from the countries with the most serious and near critical impact. Because this Ice Virus mostly attacks 4 seasons countries, then Young Huang will prioritize distribution around Europe then to America, after that only other countries.

Akiko gave a signal to Cecilia to ask Young Huang the selling price of the SAVE serum. Cecilia who was also curious asked Young Huang this. And the answer was surprising.

For free. Young Huang will not charge any price for any SAVE serum distributed. He said this was to atone for his regret for not having helped prevent the chaos from the start of the Organization of which he and his brother were one of the leaders.

In addition, Young Huang also emphasized that the free serum was given as a tribute to the sacrifices of his brother and Doctor Adli Aslan.

Cecilia was moved to hear Young Huang's explanation. Money cannot atone for a sin. But regret and do good to make up for it certainly can.

When Gulfstream activates auto pilot altitude cruising, Akiko asks Andalas and Lian Xi to come to the cabin. They wanted to collect Andalas's promise to explain The Hague's plans.

"You see. Security in the detention of the International Court of Justice is certainly not as strict as at the Interpol Headquarters, for example. But it is worth remembering that the UN is made up of many countries. If there are countries that are very concerned about a case, then they will closely guard the case. Including security."

Andalas took a sip of the coffee that Akiko handed him. Java Arabica does have an extraordinary taste. Especially if it is served full of love. Andalas was amused at the romanticism of his thoughts.

"In the case of Doctor Adli Aslan, there are many strong countries that want him to be punished severely. Except China and Germany. You will remember that only those 2 countries did not agree with the Motion of No Confidence which ultimately brought down Doctor Adli Aslan. Almost all the big countries are on the side against him."

"You mean the security in The Hague will be super tight because countries that are against Doctor Adli Aslan are lowering their security forces?" Lian Xi asked in surprise.

"It won't be that conspicuous because political factors are very dominant in this case. The Organization influence is also very strong in this regard. See how the Organization is struggling to penetrate China, and of course Germany too. That's because the influence is not as big as in other countries." Andalas answered Lian Xi's astonishment.

"Then, how? Do you still not need an army?" Cecilia was now the one asking. Freeing Doctor Adli Aslan from UN custody is no joke.

"No Cecilia. The movement of troops will actually cause a big riot. And that will reduce the chances of releasing Doctor Adli Aslan who will definitely be immediately secured as far as possible.

I just needed a distraction so the three of us could sneak into the International Court of Justice building. Or patiently waiting for Doctor Adli Aslan to be transferred to the placed in a maximum security prison in one of the countries. Of course, it is even more difficult to carry out a liberation operation."

"Have you found a way to distract yourself?" Akiko approached. Lian Xi also approached. Cecilia's heart finally tightened a little seeing the 2 women continue to provoke each other. Insane!

"I have tried to contact the Consultant but there is no reply. I used to use the services of 2 troublemakers named Marcos and Brando when I freed you two in Lyon. I got it from The Consultant. They're good at making distraction blasts."

"If you don't get a diversion by the time we get there, are we still going to carry out this infiltration plan? Or is there another way?" Akiko asked to be sure. Something crossed his mind.

Andalas pondered for a moment slow response the consultant's. He doesn't usually do that.

"At all cost on me, Akiko. It means you are a distraction. I'll sneak in alone. This time we have to go undercover. I remembered how Alp Bora had always managed to escape quests and pursuits for so long. That's because he's so good at disguises. I was just lucky that time in Macau."

The conversation went on for a long time. The plan for Adli Aslan's release must be finalized because tomorrow they will fly to The Hague after dropping Cecilia in Beijing.

The sound of an alarm from the radar stopped the heated discussion. Andalas jumped instantly like being chased by a ghost into the cockpit. On the radar, it appears that there are 2 points that are still quite far away and are rapidly approaching. Andalas shouted at Cecilia.

"Please check with The Kitchen. What's chasing us on the radar?!"

Cecilia hastily contacted Darko Ivankov. Too long to use chat. Cecilia immediately called him.

Cecilia turned on the X-One speaker so everyone could hear Darko Ivankov's answer.

"Cecilia, approaching you are 2 surface-to-air missiles. The distance is still quite far but the speed is mach 2!" Darko tried to stay calm even though there was a hint of panic in his voice.

Andalas made a quick decision. He waved to Akiko for the X-One to be brought closer to her.

"Darko, I'll try to dodge by flying low and activating stealth mode. Can you randomize our frequency and also track it using the curved line configuration of the missile where did it come from?!"

Andalas asked everyone to wear a double seal belt. He will perform a super dangerous maneuver.