Chapter 61 The Hague, 52° 5′ 0″ N, 4° 19′ 0″ E, International Court Headquarters

Andalas turned the car a second time through the busy street in front of the International Court of Justice building. Looking for just a little gap how to get inside. Maintenance looks normal. Even the economic activities around the building were running normally as if nothing showed special care. Lots of food trucks lined up selling on the right and left side of the building which is right on the corner.

Lian Xi, who had been to the Netherlands several times, said she was amazed.

"I just saw there food trucks in one place in the Netherlands. In the past, when I had several assignments here, not this many. I mean there used to be a lot but they didn't gather in one place like that. Who wants to buy fast and practical food like that if they are far from their office and have to be huddled together on one street like this?"

Andalas was shocked. Good grief! That's no food truck!

"It's a good thing you've been here Lian Xi. I'm sure food trucks lined up with the CIA, GRU, DGSE, MI6, and who knows what else. Let's go round a few more times to be sure. Akiko are you hungry?"

The next round Andalas changes to a different car parked on the street 2 blocks from the target building. They purposely rented 3 cars at once which were placed in 1 escape route. This time it was Lian Xi who was driving.

The car stops at a place where there is a parking slot. Akiko went downstairs with Lian Xi casually. Andalas stayed in the back seat of the car with dark glass while continuing to observe the situation and take notes of some important things. With such tight guard, he really needed Marcos and Brando.

Akiko and Lian Xi split up. They are like 2 women in the office and looking for food together but have different tastes in food. Akiko headed for food truck that specializes in providing practical Japanese-style dishes, while Lian Xi went to queue at a food truck serving Chinese food.

Akiko saw that the 3 busy people in the truck were all Caucasians and none of them were Japanese. Their bodies are stocky and look very fit. Akiko was about to try her Japanese cooking to prove her suspicions when she saw how rigid their way of cooking was. After all, he was hungry.

Akiko almost vomited the sushi that was already in her mouth. Oh my goodness, this isn't sushi but stale fish! Akiko was sure now.

Lian Xi did almost the same thing. 1 chef and 2 people who help him in food truck are indeed Chinese. But with just one look, due to his years of experience as a secret agent, he was sure the 3 people were undercover agents. But which secret agent?

"N hǎo ma? Wǒ láizì zhōngguó běifāng. Zhè sh nǎ dào cài? How are you? I'm from northern China. Which dish is this?" Lian Xi provoked their knowledge of China.

One of them answered lightly, "Hǎo xiāoxī. Zhè shì ānhuī zhùmíng dì hǎixiān měishí. I'm well. this is the famous seafood dish from Anhui."

Oh, fake! There is no seafood in Anhui. Lian Xi confirmed once again.

"Wa, wǒ xiǎng sh shìkàn. Wǒ zǔmǔ fēicháng shàncháng yòng jiǔ tāng zuò fàn. Wow, I want to try it. My grandmother is very good at cooking using wine broth."

This time the chef answered proudly. It's nice to have a new friendly looking customer.

"Mu xiē. Wǒmen yě shǐyòng hénán zhùmíng de ròu tāng. Of course. We also use the famous wine broth from Henan."

Super fake! Henan is famous for its sweet and sour sauce. Not the wine broth! Lian Xi was sure now. But which agency are they from? This time Lian Xi asked in English. The guess is between the CIA or MI6.

"It's a pleasure to chat with my fellow countrymen. I ordered your 3 servings. It looks good!"

The chef replied back. This woman is not only beautiful but also very sexy!

"Of course. Coming soon especially for you."

American! CIA! Lian Xi sat waiting.

Soon Akiko and Lian Xi returned to the car. Andalas had been busy making simple sketches of food trucks, which turned out to be a layer of defense. Crazy! He really needs Marcos and Brando!

"I stopped by the Japanese Food Truck which was filled with all DGSE people! The sushi isn't good at all!" Akiko grumbled as she got into the car.

"Yeah, the same. I ordered Chinese food cooked by CIA agents. But the food is really good! I ordered 3. Do you want it?" Lian Xi held out 2 packs of food in her hand. He had used up his allotment.

Akiko grabbed the food and immediately tried it. He was really hungry. The rotten fish made his tongue itch.

"Good grief! You are right. This is delicious!" Akiko continued her meal quickly as if she hadn't eaten in a week. Andalas also eats his share while continuing to pay attention to his surroundings. Lian Xi drove the car as slowly as possible but still looked natural and not suspicious.

They stopped at the basement where the 3rd rental car was parked. After changing cars with Akiko at the wheel, Andalas lays out his plan.

"It turned out that the guard was as tight as Guantanamo. I'll sneak in after you guys distract. I think the food trucks can be the perfect distraction. You just shoot the trucks from a distance using a Sako TRG 42. I've ordered The Kitchen. The goods will be delivered this afternoon and will be placed in the trunk of our first car. There is a large hotel just down the block about 300 meters away. An ideal range for urban snipers. We rent 2 rooms in each wing. Akiko directed Sako TRG 42 to the left and front of the building. Lian Xi on the right and front of the building. We'll make an escape route for you guys after this. You will definitely be the target of the search."

"You mean we both became snipers then? Good idea. But don't you need friends to sneak in?" Lian Xi asked.

Andalas shook his head.

"It's better to sneak in alone. Much more flexible. Besides, I already know what to disguise as."

Andalas took a deep breath. It's as if something is still stuck. Akiko was curious. He had to know exactly all of Andalas' plans.

"Why? Is something still missing?"

Andalas nodded.

"Yup! If Marcos and Brando had been there, this plan would have worked perfectly. The chaos caused by the explosions and hidden sniper fire, would have really messed up the mood. I would have had an easier time getting Doctor Adli out. Besides, you guys wouldn't be one of the targets. the only one in search."

Akiko looked at Andalas with a reassuring look.

"Relax Andalas. We will use up our bullet box to create the most chaotic chaos. Who knows we may also blow up something so that your plan will run smoothly. And I am absolutely sure of that."

Andalas saw Akiko smiling sweetly. Too cute.