Chapter 62 The Hague, 52° 5′ 0″ N, 4° 19′ 0″ E, International Court of Justice Headquarters

Everyone was in their respective positions. Andalas looked at himself from the reflection of the car window as he parked not far from the International Court building. His make-up as a food truck chef is quite convincing. Simple and not excessive. The guards must have suspected him to be one of the undercover agents in a food truck. Andalas smiled. Their layered security by using the food truck as a disguise, is a large gap that they completely forgot to take into account.

The 2 rooms in the big hotel had been installed by Andalas earlier to disguise it. The curtains were all closed. Andalas purposely punched holes in the glass in the barrel and telescope of a sniper rifle. Andalas didn't teach how to use the Sako TRG 42 the two women. He had heard that Akiko took out the formidable Helda and Zov Tigra with the sniper rifle. Meanwhile, Lian Xi was there. is a secret agent. There isn't a single secret agent who hasn't been taught how to shoot as a sniper.

In passing, Andalas looked back at his chat with the Consultant. Who knows there's good news about Marcos and Brando. Though of course it was too late. But at least he heard the news of the Consultant who had been missing for a while. Andalas was a little worried.

Andalas isn't it? Killer Hunter huh? Introduce me The Broker. My Consultant father is dead at the hands of the Organization's people. Sorry, I just got back to you because I was only able to retrieve messages that came into my father's device. I know it's too late to provide you with Marcos and Brando. I apologize. Next time let me know if you need anything. My father once told me that you were the only killer he believed in. And I believe in my father.

What! It turns out that the Consultant is dead? Hmm, who else if not the Executor mastermind. Andalas remembered the series of events in Hong Kong and Macau.

But at least he has a successor who turns out to be his own son. Andalas never knew that. The Consultant is full of secrets.

I'm sorry. Yes, you can trust me. Forget Marcos and Brando. Next time I will definitely need you. By the way, your name fits perfectly. The Broker. I like that name.

Andalas adjusted the position of the glasses on his nose. Waiting for the most suitable situation to start. He would signal Akiko and Lian Xi through ear comm that was placed on the hilt of the glasses. They had agreed that the time would be around 4 pm. Now the long hand of the clock is still at 11 and the short hand has passed 3.

Andalas jumped in surprise. A loud explosion startled him. Followed by other explosions in several different places. Even a food truck that was at the front of the street next to the building was lifted and toppled over when a car bomb exploded. The atmosphere became very noisy with various explosions in many places. The average thing that was blown up was a car that was parked and left by its owner who was working. What is this? Marcos and Brando? Impossible! The Broker apologized earlier about that.

Not finished sequence, 2 Sako TRG 42 barrels are also in action. The sound of broken glass and exploding tires was heard from the many food trucks that were hit by 70 mm caliber bullets. Even the windows of the guard post and the International Court of Justice were hit many times. Akiko is helped by Lian Xi to fulfill her promise to scatter bullet boxes.

The atmosphere became very chaotic. Andalas, who was wearing a backpack containing 2 parachutes, took the opportunity by running through the gate and shouting at the guard who was confused as to who to shoot and just ducked and prepared that it was Mossad.

Holding a Jericho-type pistol that was the standard grip of a Mossad agent, Andalas walked into a crowded building with administrative officers taking cover and security guards guarding the entrance and exit. Again, Andalas shouted that he was a Mossad agent and was ordered to stand guard in a holding cell.

Andalas had studied the blueprints for the International Court of Justice building beforehand so he knew where to go. The special detention cell is on the top floor of the 25-story building.

Andalas deliberately did not take the elevator as planned. There would be a lot of suspicion from people when they saw him wearing a big backpack. There may also be someone on the emergency stairs on guard but Andalas is already prepared with good reason. Even if they are in a very chaotic like this, people usually forget about the emergency stairs because everything goes in a rush.

Climbing 25 floors using the emergency stairs while running is not an easy job. Andalas had to stop twice to catch his breath. Including when he reached the 25th floor. Before opening the door and going inside, Andalas tried to hear movement and inserted a mini camera through the gap under the door. Safe.

Loud explosions and gunshots were still heard from below. The security guards had apparently started to retaliate towards the hotel room where Akiko and Lian Xi continued to scatter sniper bullets. The 2 women didn't shoot at the security guards at all. The large caliber bullets only caused chaos and chaos because they targeted the windows, cars, and other parked vehicles.

Andalas entered quickly. A deserted prison cell lined up to welcome his arrival. He didn't know exactly where Doctor Adli Aslan was stationed, but it was easy. By sneaking along the hallway, Andalas broke down the door where the guards were and then rolled over to avoid being shot by the 2 guards who were there. The magnum in Andalas' hand barked several times while still lying down. The 2 guards toppled over. Not killed but helpless because the Andalas shot hit both of their hands and one of their legs.

Andalas let the guards who had been successfully paralyzed groan in pain. He searched the monitor screen. Number 5. Andalas pressed the number 5 button on the keyboard panel.

The door creaked open. Andalas ran out the door while not forgetting to break the door mechanism outside so that people could only open it manually.

"Father!" Andalas rushed in and carried Doctor Adli Aslan who looked very weak. His face was very pale and there was an IV tube stuck in his arm.

"You are sick?" Andalas asked worriedly. Doctor Adli Aslan smiled broadly even though it looked very forced.

"My heart relapsed shortly after the judge's decision. I was unconscious for 2 days. Forget it! Where are we going now?"

Andalas knew his adoptive father was in great pain and very weak. But they couldn't wait. Andalas swiftly holstered his gun and carried Adli Aslan up the stairs to the roof.

They deliberately did not include helicopters in the plan. The helicopter provided by The Kitchen was just waiting on the helipad on the roof of the 5-star hotel where Akiko and Lian Xi were in action.

Andalas attaches a parachute to Doctor Adli Aslan and then puts a jet pack on himself. After that tied the body of his adoptive father to his body. The parachute on Adli Aslan's back is only a backup in case the jet pack that Andalas is currently powered on dies in midair.

There was the sound of footsteps running up the stairs. Andalas had held him back with iron bars but the door wouldn't last long.

Once the door to the roof was successfully broken open after several shots were fired, dozens of security guards found no one there. Only Andalas and Doctor Adli Aslan's bodies were airborne and quickly moved away from the International Court of Justice building towards the hotel where Akiko and Lian Xi were. From the air Andalas watched the mess below using the google he had worn. The special Google besides holding the wind also functions as high-resolution binoculars.

Incredible chaos is still going on there. Apparently, the explosions had not stopped. There was no way that just 2 people acting like Marcos and Brando would cause an endless series of explosions. It must be 1 squad. And Andalas's watchful eyes caught several figures dressed all in black and wearing the typical headgear, crouching in several places holding something.

Andalas enlarges the reach of Google. Gosh it's a Yakuza group!

Even more shocked when Andalas saw the distinctive tattoo on the back of the hand of someone who had just removed a grenade pin and threw it at the food truck next to the International Court of Justice building. Andalas' heart gasped.

It's the Yakuza of the Nakamura clan!