"Haaah haah haaaah" I laid on the ground huffing at air, due to my exhaustion, from fighting one of the strongest people not only in the empire, but the entirety of the human domain. 'Damn it he is a monster, I still don't get it though, how did someone as strong as him fall to the dragons? I mean dragons are strong yes, but the ones that invaded the human domain were certainly not strong enough to take out this monster, at least not without great sacrifices from their parts, and as far as the intel that I had gathered during the war, only regular adult dragons and wyverns had joined the invasion.'
"Huh why are you staring at me like that?" he said as he raised an eyebrow and looked at me.
"Nothing much, I was just surprised at how much of a monster you were." waiving my head I gave him a sarcastic reply.
"Oh well can't be helped, I am quite the genius" he said as he shrugged his shoulders.
"Ughh" I frowned.
"Ughh" so did my father.
"Ughh" similarly my mother followed.
"Wha, all three of you at the same time, whaaaa, ooof I really don't feel very welcome right now." the emperor said as he made a frown.
"Ah how could we ever make you feel that way you Majesty" my mother replied sarcastically.
"Exactly as she said your Majesty" my father said as he looked away from the emperor,
"Oufff I'm leaving, both of you really are so annoying, ughh even after the academy you two are still the same" shaking his head the emperor said as he looked at my father from the corner of his eyes.
"Yeah yeah whatever." my father shrugged.
"Well I will be heading back inside then, you guys can talk amongst yourselves" I said as a grumble came from my stomach.
"Oh right sure go on ahead son, I'm sure you are quite hungry by now." my mother said, and my father simply nodded.
"Ok see you later then." the emperor said said, as he nodded his head at me.
"So how is he?" count Jacob, asked the emperor once Julian had left the room to eat food.
Folding his arms and looking at the count the emperor spoke after thinking about something briefly, "He is actually pretty decent despite his late start, I'd say aside from the prodigies of the ducal houses, and my own children, he would likely be one of the most skilled seedlings out there."
"I see, but you said, skill not strength why so?" Amanda asked with a confused look.
With a nod the emperor started to speak, "His lack of stamina, mana, and overall physical capability is absolutely crippling his general combat ability."
Count Jacob said with a nod, as he folded his own arms, "Well he has only just started to train so that can be explained with that, but for you to have rated him so highly in terms of skill, is something I find quite surprising."
"That shocked me as well, you said he has only trained for a few days right." the emperor said as he closed his eyes and sat at the bench in the training ground.
"Uhuh, he just started training about 2 days ago." the count said with a nod.
The emperor started to talk after a sigh, "Then it makes even less sense. While most of his techniques are clearly at most decent, his thrusts are excellent, and I doubt he could get to this level with simple effort alone, especially in the given time frame."
With a shocked face count Jacob said, "Hmmm I didn't take my knowledge hungry, spoiled son, to be good at martial arts, but I guess if you are saying it then it must be true."
"Well there is no need to take my words for it, he will be entering the academy soon anyway, and it will also be with the most elite batch of students it has had since our own year, so if he really is gifted in martial arts, we will be able to see it quite clearly." the emperor said as he looked at the sky with anticipation of the future.
"Right I remember that both the Elizabeth, and Gerard, are both entering the academy this year right." the countess said as she nodded her head.
With a nod the emperor started to speak, "Exactly, and not only them, Leopold Cavendish, James Webb, Helen Castell, and many other promising children, are all entering the academy together this year."
"Haaah, our son is about to have quite the academic life isn't he." the countess said.
"He definitely is about to have a rough time isn't he." the count replied with a nod.
"Haah that was rough" I said as I walked out of the training hall after brushing some of the dust that got on to my suit as I entered the banquet hall, "finally I get to eat food, aghhhh the food smells good" I said as I moved towards the buffet.
As such the evening ended, once I met a few nobles, a couple of my parent's friends, and a few important officials.
"Huuuh that was hectic" I breathed lightly, as I fell face first onto my bed.
"Day after tomorrow huh, I guess I better start preparing for the journey." I said to myself, as I slowly fell asleep from exhaustion.
Two days had passed by quickly, and the morning when I would leave for my little trip had come.
"Well honey take care, and try not to get hurt, also have fun" my mother said as she hugged me.
"Uhuh don't worry mom, I won't get injured, I mean how could I when I have so many people who are coming with me." I said as I hugged her back and looked at m father.
My father coughed in embarrassment at the insane number of guards he had place by me, like seriously he had placed 15 guards to go with me to the mountains, "*cough*Well son, take good care of yourself, also you can head straight for the academy once you are done with your trip, we will send all of your stuff there directly, so you don't have to worry about any of that." he said as he shook off his embarrassment and looked at me.
"Uhuh, and you too dad, take care of mom, and yourself." I said as I asked mom to let go of me.
"I will make sure I do that, now I think you should leave soon, or else your mother simply won't let go of you." my father said as he held back my mother and walked me to the car.
As such once I was done saying my goodbye's to my family, I sat into my car along with a couple of the house's knights who would act like bodyguards during my trip, and escort me up to the academy after I was done with it.
"Hey Christian, how long until we reach the teleportation gate?" I asked the knight who was sitting in the driver's seat as I crossed my legs and sat comfortably.
"Around 2-3 hours young master, but it depends greatly upon the situation of the traffic, around the area of the gate." the driver said.
"I see well can't be helped. Hey Alfred, until we reach the teleportation gate I will be meditating, so wake me up when we get there." I said with a nod as I looked at the driver, before moving my head towards the knight who sat at the seat by the driver's seat.
Once I was done talking to my escorts, I started to breathe in mana using the world's breath technique, while the time I would be able to train right now was short, to me every second I could use to train was important, and I intended to use it to my best capacity.
Two hours passed, and the car was stuck in the middle of a traffic jam right in front of the gate.
"Huffffffff" I breathed letting out a small amount of steam from my mouth as I opened my eyes.
'Almost done forming my first star.'
'But to think that the world's breath technique would allow me to gather such pure amounts of mana, at such an incredible pace, is really shocking.'
'Ahhh right the heaven and earth unification technique, I will have to confirm with the elder, but it may have formed a synergy with the world's breath technique, to allow me to gather mana faster than the technique should allow me, just a theory but a feasible one.'
'Maybe around 1 more day of gathering mana and I will be able to form my 1st - star, and it will be a massive one at that, considering the amount and purity of mana I have gathered in my core.'
"Christian, how much longer till we reach the portal?"
"Around 10-20 more minutes young master, we have basically arrived, but the traffic seems particularly bad today."