Chapter 11 - Up a mountain I go

Once the dreadful traffic finally cleared, I along with the three cars that followed me finally arrived at the portal. Once we parked our cars, and got out of them,we went inside the building that housed the actual portal.

"Young master please wait here for a minute, I will get all the paper work done, after which we will be able to leave" Christian came up to me and said as we entered into the portal building.

"Okay, try to be quick, wasting time here more than necessary is something I would like to avoid." I said as I sat on a chair as my body guards surrounded me to secure my safety, as quite a crowd had come to see who it could be, to be surrounded by such a large guard.

"Yes young master." Christian responded as he left the group for the reception to get our passes.

"Great." I nodded.





"Young master I have received our passes and are permitted to leave at any time." approximately 15 minutes after he had left, Christian said, as he returned with a handful of passes in his hands that he gave to earache one of us.

"Great let's leave immediately then." I said as I sprang out of my seat and walked towards the portal room.

Following me the rest of the group also started to walk towards the portal room.

'I had never gotten the chance to look at this place properly in my last life, but the district manager certainly has put a fuck ton of money into making this building as beautiful as possible. Damn it practically is a tourist spot at this point.'

"Young master we can go now." Christian said distracting me off my appreciation of the beautiful architecture that had been used in the building.

"Ah yes let's go." I said as I entered the portal, and the other followed suit behind me.

But as soon as I entered the portal, rather than exiting out the portal beneath mount Tyree in the city of Lecit, I ended up in some place that had been colored blue everywhere, up, down, left, right everywhere.

"Hum, who art thou, why is the flow of time broken through thou? And what is thy relation to !@$#&!^%#& ?" a voice rang into my head, that almost made me puke out of the sheer pain that I had felt just now.

"Lord Choros, in the name of the dragon slayer I bid thou to leave the sirrah be for the time being, when time comes I shall explain all's to the council of the gods by myself" the elder said as he appeared in the space in a semi translucent form, covered in a toga, that worked well with his golden hair.

"Dragon slayer? I see that thou hast broken through thy beshrew, yet this is no light issue, are thou sure that thou handle the repercussions? While we gods respect thy existence, to be one much most like our own, tampering with the flow of time, is to mess with causality, are thou sure thou and, this sirrah of yours can handle 'tis whiplash?" the voice of lord chorus echoed across the room once more. I was oh so close to puking everything that I had eaten today out of the insane amount of pressure that I had been feeling from his words.

"Worry not, lord Choros I assure thou that the god's shall have to hie through no unnecessary issue because of mine actions, for we shall only perform our offices, and as for the repercussions that I shall receive from causality, well I have naught more to lose" the elder said, as he tried to convince lord Choros.

"If thou hast set thy mind to it than most well. Then dragon slayer I shall leave thou two to thy own devices for the time being yet be aknown that thou shall like be bid upon by the council" the voice of lord Choros said, warning us of the upcoming troubles.

"Thou hast mine thanks" the elder said with a bow.

Turning around and looking at me who was drenched in sweat the elder spoke, "Julian boy, I fear that for a while now I will not be able to assist you as my energy has greatly weakened, trying to protect you from imploding due to the pressure of a god, and I also fear that my appearance just now might have been felt by one of the great elders of the dragons. But worry now lord Choros will likely erase the trace of this meeting, however, I will likely be in deep sleep for the next half a year or so." and just as he ended speaking, I appeared in the portal room of the city of Lecit, where I started to puke as soon as I saw a basin.

"Blerghhhhhhhhh" a few others were doing the same as me, when one of the guards who exited before me saw me and started to pat my back.

"Good god young master, is this your first time traveling through a portal?"


'No you fool it isn't I was just about to be flattened by a fucking god.'

"Well, well, even our young master has something he is bad at" some guards bantered as Christian came out.

"Blerghhhhhhh" Christian joined me by the basin to my side at my side and started to puke, the sight of which seemed quite funny to the rest of our group.




"Haaah haaah haah" about 2 minutes of constant puking later, my stomach had practically been completely been emptied.

"Christian, how about we check into our hotel for now and get something to eat, I'm sure you need it as well." I said as I sat on a chair drinking some water, as I looked at Christian.

"Good choice young master, I was about to suggest that myself" he said as he profusely nodded.

"Great then, call the hotel to see if the cars that they sent to pick us up have arrived, and if they have then we check in as soon as possible." I said as I looked at Albert, one of the guards who came with me.

"I will get to it immediately young master." he said in response.

"Good, till then I will go get the young master something to drink." said Cade another one of the guards that came with me.

"I would like a coke" I said

"I would like a sprite" following my lead, Christian asked a drink of his own.

"A mountain dew for me" Albert said as he opened hi phone and began dialing the number to the hotel.

As such what started with one person asking me if I wanted to drink something, became a situation, where everyone asked the guy to bring them something






"And a cold coffee for me" said one of the last guards that was with us.

"… haaah alright" Cade sighed, at the number f drinks he would have to buy.

"Albert, what did the hotel management say?"

"The car is almost here, it should be here by the time Cade gets us our drinks." he replied to me, as he put his phone down.

"Good till then we rest." I said as I folded my arms and nodded.





"Here you go young master your coke, Christian your sprite…" as such Cade distributed our drinks just in time for the cars came to pick us up.

"Let's get going then." I said as I walked towards the car with my coke in my hand.

"*piff* yes young master" said Christian as he opened his can of soda, and followed closely behind me.


"Could you please show us to our rooms?" I said as I talked to the receptionist at the mount Tyree resort, where we had booked our stay.

"Yes sir right away." she said as she asked the many porters that sat by the reception, to carry our luggage, and our show us to our rooms.





"Haaaaah finally I can rest, hey Christian, order some food for us, I am in no situation to move due to my hunger right now, so going downstairs to eat food is definitely not something that will happen." I said to Christian, as I jumped onto my bed, once the porters left the room after leaving all my luggage in the room.

"Yes young master, I will call the room service immediately." he said as he opened the menu and called the reception.




One dry-aged wagyu beef steak dinner later, I could be seen laying on my bed sound asleep from exhaustion from meeting a god.


Early morning the next day, 'haah I was too tired to think about this yesterday, but the elder really is strong isn't he, I mean to be considered equal by the gods, doesn't seem like the easiest of jobs.' I thought to myself as I stood at the foot of the mountains, close to the approximate location where I would have to climb up to to get to the ruin.

"Huuu, guys I'm going to start going up then, keep look so that no monsters approach from below." I said as I looked at my guards, who would not be following me in my climb up the mountains, as I requested my father quite persistently.

"Yes young master." they said with a very concerned face.

"I will be back by the evening, so till we meet again, bye." I said as I checked my gear and began my climb, here my journey finally began.