Chapter 12 - Good god how tall is this mountain?

"Ughhhh" I moaned as I moved up the mountain, 'good god I have been climbing this thing for the past 45 minutes and I still feel no where close to the cave, it really did not feel this tall from below.'

"Come on Julian you can do this." I said to my self.

'I remember the cave was close to the halfway point of the first cliff.'(not halfway to the entire mountain, just halfway up to the first cliff, as in sort of resting place. Btw I have never gone mountain climbing, so I'm just writing on how I think mountain climbing would be to someone that isn't a fan of mountain climbing.)

"I know that the cave was covered by an illusion, so the mana will act differently once I get closer to it."

"Ughhh" I moaned once more, as I attached a hook to the side of the mountain, and started to climb once more.





"Huff I should be in the approximate height, of the cave." now I just have to locate where it is.

With that said I started to spread my mana around the walls of the mountain to see where its flow would be disturbed.

"Bingpot" I exclaimed as I felt that my mana sense was being interrupted about 100 meters diagonally, to my left.

"Now to actually get there, ahhh this is hell."





15 ish minutes later, I was standing upon a ledge in the side of the mountain.

"Man I hated the whole climbing up the mountain part of the journey, but damn, this really looks beautiful" I said to myself, as I placed both my hands on my waist, and looked down the mountain. The scenery before me was absolutely serene, and as it was early in the morning the forest below was covered in fog, the birds had just started to chirp, the sun had risen up to a decent height, and the light reflecting off the leaves of the trees created a wonderfully harmonious image.

"Well let's not get too absorbed in the scenery, I have treasure to loot." I said as I turned away from the scenery and faced towards the wall of the mountain.

Slowly I walked towards the wall and moved my right hand to touch it, which cause a ripple effect, as my hand disappeared into the mountain, slowly I entered the cave.

"Huh it's quite a bit darker than I expected." I said as I pulled out a flashlight, to see where I was going.

As I turned the flashlight on, and got a clearer view of the cave I was quite blown away.

"I don't remember seeing these sculptures in the project report in my last life." I said as I walked towards two sizably tall sculptures of men in armor holding two long spears, that had several images of war engraved on them.

On the pedestals of where these sculptures were placed images of slaughters were depicted, along with the same language that I had seen on the gate back on mount ultar, I couldn't quite make out what these scriptures meant, so I didn't bother remembering them, maybe the next time when the elder woke up I would come back here again to understand what was written here, but for the time being there is no point in trying to understand what was written here.

Between the two statues was a gate, that had the figure of a giant lion carved right in the middle of it.

"Let's go" I propped myself up, as I pulled my backpack up and opened the gate.

As soon as I entered the gate, something lunged towards me, thankfully I had carried an extendable mana spear along with me, that I instinctively used to block the attack, as I pushed away the creature.

With the flashlight in my mouth I looked towards the direction where I threw the beast to see a lion like creature, similar to the one that was shown on the gate, however unlike what was shown in the carving, this one was much more shriveled up, almost as if it had been starved for ages.

The beast's eyes glowed bright red, as it once more ran towards me, and in retaliation I too decided to launch my attack.

'No matter how terrifying the beast may have been in its time, it must have been greatly weakened in its time being starved in here.'

"Haah" I shouted as I stabbed towards the beast using the 'mountain destruction stab' which was basically an attack that used brute force and rotation, to destroy everything that stood before it.


The lion roared as it jumped towards me, barely dodging the attack.

"Ugh" I dodged, but the claw of the lion still managed to cut my arm a little.

Blood dripped down my left arm as I decided to end it in the next attack, as dragging this for too long would make it much more difficult for me to climb back down the mountain.

"HUUUUUH" breathed out as I took my stance to launch my last attack at the beast, in hopes to end it before it could get the chance to damage me more than it already had.



Both of us screamed at the top of our lungs, as we rushed at each other, with the intention to end the other in this confrontation. I swung my spear with all the mana I could possibly muster, and it pounced at me in an attempt to bite my neck off.


The sound of blood splashing around the room permeated, as I managed to separate the beast's torso from its legs, but not before it managed to mite at my left shoulder, dislocating it.

"Haaaaah" I wheezed as I fell on my but, completely exhausted, but before I did anything I picked up my backpack, that I had thrown down as soon as the lion attacked me, and pulled out a potion, and a few bandages from it, to patch up my injuries.

"Umffff" I moaned as I tightly wove the bandage around my shoulder and arm, to stop the bleeding.

"Haah" I breathed in relief one I had drunk the healing potion, which assured me that I would be fully healed before I descended the mountain.

"Umpff, let's go I don't have all day." I said to myself as I got up and walked towards the door at the center of the room.

I looked at the door and walked towards it, unlike the last door that had sculptures and carvings, beside and on it, this door was plain, and made of marble.

"Ughhhh" I pushed the door open, which was by the way quite a task, as it was quite a thick door made of marble, opening it was already quite difficult, but when you accounted for my injured shoulder the task had become much more of a pain.


Slowly as the door opened, light began to pass through it, lighting the room behind me, which had darkened as my flashlight broke in my battle with the lion.

"Huff" I breathed hard, as

I stood before the bright room, covering my eyes, and opening them ever so slightly.

The sight that lay before me was way more awe inspiring than I had initially thought.

Mountains of just gold laid on the floor, the walls of the room were made of coldsteel, the floor was made completely from marble, and the ceiling was filled with illumination stones.

"I don't know who made this, or rather why they made this, but holy fucking shit they spent a fuck ton of money on this." I said as I was completely and utterly shocked.

"But it is wired to imagine the amount of stuff the nobles and other adventurers stole from this site, as the report's never mentioned half this shit, moreover, the images we had didn't show the cold steel walls, or the mountains of gold, either someone stole everything, or there is someone in the exploration committee of the empire that hid a lot of information." I said as my expression changed from one of shock to that of confusion and concern.

"Never mind that, let's think about this shit later when I have time, for right now it is time to do some looting." I said as I cleared my head and shook it from side to side.

"First I have to find the storage ring, or else even thinking of taking this shit is no more than a dream." I said as I moved through the mountains of gold, towards the chests that were kept at the end of the hall.

"Not in this one" I opened the chest and slowly looked through each and every single one of the items, some were elixirs, some relics, some artifacts, but not the storage ring that I was looking for,

"Not here either" I did the same to the next chest.

"Nope" and the next chest.

"Not in this one" and the next chest.





"Not here" I had checked through about 50 chests so far, and I still hadn't found the storage ring, and I was about to think that maybe someone found it elsewhere and branded it to be from the mount Tyree cave, for some extra publicity, when.

"BIINGGPOTTTT" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I finally found the storage ring that would allow me to store a fuck ton more items than what the current era storage bracelets would ever allow me to keep.

"Now I can actually loot this place." I said to myself as my pupils changed into gold, as I imagined how ungodly rich this would make me.


All the gold in the room disappeared with the sound of wind blowing through the room, as it all entered my storage ring.

"Time to loot"