hi I'm VAJANTI and I got my hair pulled by
a ghost
my name is ANAMIKA TRIVEDI and once in a
while if you're a kid you'll have an
encounter with something spooky and you
won't know what it is at the time but
then one day you realize this is that
ghost story
I am the oldest of two siblings when I
was a kid I lived in Texas for a couple
of years it was a two-story house and
there was an entrance and a staircase
that kind of swirled upstairs and then
the entrance is here right and then
there's a little hallway and then
through that hallway you go to a living
room so one day I was playing upstairs
on top of the staircase with like my
fire trucks because I played with trucks
and my parents put my sister to sleep in
her crib in a bedroom like probably
right about here and they walked down
the stairs and they went through that
hallway and they went to the living room
so I was playing on my staircase and I
looked down the staircase and I saw like
my sister at the bottom of the staircase
so I was kind of weirded out and I was
like what is she doing down there that's
so strange I should probably call my
parents it's all hurt them to put her in
the crib and then I remembered oh wait
they already put her in the crib so what
is she doing down there and then I got a
second look and I realized that it was
whiter than my sister and I had big
black eyes
other than that completely identical so
I started freaking out I screamed for my
parents I looked away they ran over I
started screaming look down there it's
niha why is she down there and when we
looked back there was nothing there my
parents never saw it it was just me they
took my temperature to make sure I
wasn't having a fever and hallucinating
or anything I wasn't sick I wasn't tired
I remembered it like clear as day I
still remember it today so every two
years I would take these trips to India
and when I turned 18 that happened to be
one of those India trips and when I went
there my grandma was braiding my
sister's hair and my grandma my sister
my mom and I were all just like sitting
on the bed talking and then my grandma
like interrupts our conversation and
turns to my mom after she's done
braiding my sister's hair and she says
that's so interesting or through her
hair parted to the left that means that
her twin would have been a girl and I
sat there and I was like what and I
looked at my mom and I was like what is
Nani talking about and my mom was like
well I never told you this but I
miscarried your sisters twin and that's
when I realized that thing that looked
identical to my sister was my sister's
dead twin
no one else has ever seen her I guess my
mom kind of sort of has but like it was
no one else has seen this specific
entity I've talked to my parents about
this since then like I brought it up in
India and it's believed that there's
ghosts all around I mean they believe in
black magic in India so it didn't come
as a shock you know I don't know why she
showed herself to me maybe she was upset
that like she didn't have a playmate
wherever she was I don't know what it
was but maybe she just wanted me to know
like hey that wouldn't have been your
only sister you would have had twice the
drama on your life no I would tell
people who don't believe in ghosts that
you don't believe in them till you
experience it yourself
I myself I'm friends with a person who
like doubts very much the existence but
he's it's really weird he's like been
through a bunch of weird supernatural
things and he's still like I don't know
but I think that's like I'm just trying
to protect themselves my story is real I
can confirm it you can call me crazy but
they're out there and if you don't think
they're out there you would be wrong
because they're real
I grew up in apartments basically my
whole life so I remember I wasn't in
school yet I know that for sure so I was
pretty young and there was a bedroom off
in the corner here one in the middle and
then of the bathroom so there's a
hallway between all of that one day I
was home with my sisters and we're just
hanging out in the room off in this
corner here I had to go use the bathroom
and I started jetting across the hallway
and as I was passing this room here
something grabbed my hair and yanked
yanked it back
I remember bursting into tears because
it was pretty painful and my neck was
really sore the moment that happened my
sisters came rushing out because I
started crying and they were all like
what's wrong what's wrong what's the
matter and I was like one of you guys
pulled my hair and I was really adamant
about one of them having pulled my hair
and they were all adamant that none of
them had done it and they were trying
really hard to actually comp me down and
shush me because being the baby of the
family it's like if your parents walked
in and babies crying everybody's in
trouble so they were trying really hard
to kind of just shush me and calm me
but to this day they claimed that they
they didn't do it but I did get my hair
pulled and it was not fun another
incident that happened in this
particular unit my two older brothers
were watching TV late one night and they
saw my dad go into the kitchen to get
something out of the refrigerator and it
had been a few moments and they realized
he never came out of the kitchen so they
went to look and it turns out he was
never in the kitchen he was still asleep
in bed and the room my parents slept in
was that room
in the middle of the hallway that I was
whizzing past when I got my hair pool I
come from a culture that really believes
in it and embraces that there are other
things among us I've always believed in
ghosts my whole life and I still do
because I've had numerous accounts with
things that were unexplained this is
only one of them some were more intense
than that but they've all been things
that we're just apparitions and shadows
but things that I had like physical
interaction with it so to speak I'm not
gonna try and convince anybody what to
believe I know what my experiences were
and I know what state I was in at the
time that they were happening it's very
real to me there are things that even
science can't quite explain I don't
think we're supposed to know everything
we're not meant to there's so many
mysteries in the world I'm a lot of
things that aren't meant to be just that
a mystery