welcome back today i
will be reciting you a horror slash
thriller suspense story
we see a horrifying scene of a family of
four being hung on a tree
the scene changes to a man moving into a
new house with his family
the man's name is ellison oswalt he is a
famous true crime writer best known for
his hitbook kentucky blood
his wife tracy helps him move the boxes
insider his son trevor and daughter
ashley adjusting to their new home
as the couple works the town sheriff
visits them ellison's last true crime
book had caused a criminal to set free
the sheriff doesn't want ellison to
cause the same scene in the town so he
advises him to leave
ellison however disagrees tracy suspects
that ellison has bought a home near a
scene again she asks him but ellison
lies and says no
however ellison chose this home because
it is the house that the murders we saw
at the beginning of the movie occurred
a family named the stephenson's lived in
the house a few years ago
one day they were found hanging from a
tree in their backyard however
the youngest daughter of the family
stephanie was disappeared after the
ellison plans to write about the family
in his next book but before that he has
to investigate their death and find out
what happened to stephanie
ellison goes to the kitchen and in
fascination stairs at the tree the
family was hung on
sometime later the family unboxes their
belongings ellison goes to the attic to
place the empty boxes
however when he enters it he sees a
singular box on the floor
he opens the box to find several reels
and a projector to play the reels in
the reels have events from different
years marked in them he takes the box
with him with the intention of
investigating it later
at dinner that night tracy complains to
ellison about the negative impact of his
books on the kids
his work is too graphic for the kids to
read so tracy wants him to always lock
the door to his office
later as she is about to sleep tracy
asks ellison to consider writing
something other than true crime but
ellison insists his next book will be a
his last two books have flopped so tracy
is worried about him
after everyone goes to sleep ellison
goes to his office to work
he collects pictures of the death of the
stevenson family with notes beside them
he finds a picture of the attic from the
police records but is surprised to see
that the box he found earlier is missing
he concludes someone had put it there
after the deaths he gets the projector
out of the box
hangs a white cloth on the wall and sits
down to watch the films
the first reel is titled family hanging
out 11. the film is of the stevenson
family hanging out in their backyard
they all play with each other and look
happy the person filing the clip isn't
suddenly the scene changes to the four
of them being hung to the tree they were
playing around
ellison is shocked as expected stephanie
is present with the family through the
fun part that is missing from the last
ellison writes this on his notepad and
goes to the backyard to look at the tree
when he comes back in ashley is
wandering around the house looking for
the bathroom
he helps her and gets back to work
ellison then puts in the next reel
it is titled barbecue 79 this film shows
the martinez family fishing by a lake
near their house
they also have a barbecue picnic beside
it it is all fun and games but suddenly
the clip changes
it is now nighttime the cameraman shows
the family gagged and tied inside their
the car hood has a demonic symbol
painted on it the family lies beside
several bottles of gasoline
the cameraman lights the car on fire
killing the whole family
ellison is then about to watch the next
reel when a noise from outside distracts
he goes out to check but finds no one
then he suddenly realizes that the noise
is coming from one of the moving boxes
just then trevor comes out of the box
yelling ellison tries to calm him down
but to no avail
he then takes him outside tracy comes
out too
trevor finally wakes up but doesn't
remember how he ended up in the box
the parents think it is his night terror
the next morning the family eats
breakfast together
tracy takes the kids to school and
ellison gets back to work he plays the
reel he stopped at last night
the reel is named pool party 66. in the
a family is at their pool playing and
enjoying themselves the scene abruptly
changes and it is now nighttime
a green substance is seen inside the
glass they were drinking from earlier
then we see the family tied to pool
benches the benches have ropes tied onto
someone pulls the ropes making them
drown in the pool a strange figure is
seen inside the food for a few seconds
it seems to be watching the family die
ellison zooms onto the picture and looks
at it closely
just then the projector behind him
started to burn ellison puts the fire
out but the projector is destroyed
he then learns to play the reel on his
computer through the internet tracy and
the kids get back home
furious tracy tells alison that trevor
had drawn people hanging on a tree on
the whiteboard
tracy blames ellison's books and they
argue later at night ellison goes to his
office again to continue the reels
the next one is titled sleepytime98
we see an empty kitchen with glass
containing the same green substance from
the earlier video
then we see the demonic symbol again the
cameraman goes to a room where a couple
is bound on a bed
there he cuts their throat open he
enters the other room and does the same
to a kid
ellison zooms into a part of the video
and finds an address with that
he manages to find the case file on the
internet it says that the youngest kid
of the family had gone missing after the
the similarity between this case and the
stevenson family's case astounds ellison
suddenly the lights go off ellison hears
noises from outside
as he checks he hears that the noise is
coming from the attic
he climbs up and looks around with his
phone's flashlight ellison finds a board
with drawings that seem to be made by
in them all of the murders he has
watched so far are depicted
strangely a figure called the mr boogie
is in every drawing
the attic floors are weak so when elsa
moves it breaks sending him down to the
it is almost morning now the police
arrive at the house as ellison claims
that there was an intruder
his leg is hurt from the fall the deputy
suspects that the noises were made by
squirrels as there are no signs of an
the deputy is ellison's fan he tells him
of his wish to be included in the
acknowledgments part of his new book
ellison asks him for help he wants the
deputy to provide reports of these
murders to him
the deputy agrees and leaves last night
he has taken pictures of the drawing in
the attic
he investigates it and watches the
videos of the murders on repeat
allison then makes a surprising
revelation in every video
a tall figure stands in the background
its face doesn't look human
sometime later the deputy police officer
calls him he gives ellison the name and
address of one of the families in the
the murders took place at different
times in different cities across the
then he finds that the stevenson family
lived in the house where the miller
family were murdered before moving to
after the call ellison finds a video he
had accidentally taken when he fell from
the attic earlier
he is terrified to see several hands
pushing him down he quickly shuts the
later that night a noise wakes ellison
he goes into his office to check and
finds the projector displaying the
picture of the stevenson family
displayed on the wall
he turns it off then ellison watches the
tree in the backyard through the window
suddenly the figure from the video clips
appears in the backyard
but it disappears at a second glance
ellison goes out and sees trevor having
another night terror and behind the
after bringing trevor inside ellison
goes out again when a dog appears
before him while he is distracted by the
dog we see the missing children of all
the families that were murdered standing
behind ellison
however he doesn't notice them the
deputy officer visits ellison with the
reports of murder the next afternoon
he is fascinated by ellison's office he
notices the picture of the demonic
symbol pasted on the mood board
the deputy suggests ellison talked to a
professor named jonas who is an expert
in occult symbols
later that day ellison gets on a
conference call with jonas and tells him
about the symbol
jonas studies it and reveals that the
symbol represents an ancient pagan deity
named mugul
bagool is known as the deity that feeds
on children's souls he is known for
killing families and taking one of their
children to consume their soul slowly
jonas suspects that the murders are not
any single person's doing but rather the
initiation of a cult
allison now wants nothing to do with the
case he keeps the reels and the
projector back in the box
locks his office and goes to sleep
however that night he is awoken by a
he sees the office's doors wide open
inside the projector
is set up and the film of the stevenson
family hanging is playing
surprised ellison turns the projector
off and looks for an intruder with a
baseball bat in his hand
while ellison goes around the house we
see the missing children lurking around
but he doesn't notice them stephanie's
ghost appears before ashley
the little girl looks at it in fear
after a while ellison falls asleep on
the couch
in the morning ashley draws a picture on
the wall and is scolded by her mother
ellison is surprised to see that it is a
picture of stephanie ashley reveals that
she is the girl who lived in the house
before them
tracy figures ellison's real intentions
for buying this house
she cannot believe that ellison lied to
her and is furious at him
the two get into a huge argument that
night ellison is again woken up by a
this time he realizes that the noise is
coming from the attic even the attic's
ladder is down
curious ellison climbs up to look inside
as he peeks into the room
ellison is beyond terrified to come face
to face with all the missing children
they watch a clip of bagool the children
stare at ellison
just then the ghoul appears in front of
him ellison slips off the attic door and
falls to the ground
a few seconds later someone throws the
box of reels and the projector through
the arctic store
ellison then brings the reels and the
projector to the backyard to burn them
tracy comes outside and inquires about
what he is doing ellison urges her to
wake the kids and pack the essentials
he doesn't want to stay at the house
anymore tracy doesn't ask any questions
the family then drives away from the
house ellison drives all night and
reaches a new house in the morning
he calls the movers to bring their
belongings from the previous house
that morning ellison receives an email
from professor jonas
curious he calls him jonas has
researched bagool and found out that the
deity has the ability to possess
pictures and films
ellison finally figures out that the
film of the murders was possessed
he asks jones what happens if the
possessed pictures are destroyed but
jonas has no answer
after the call ellison deletes all the
pictures and videos of the murders
the family's belongings arrive ellison
is again moving the boxes to house's
he finds the box of reels and projector
in the attic the films have followed
them to the new house
however an extra envelope in the box
catches ellison's eyes
it says extended cut endings ellison is
about to play the new clips when he gets
a call from the deputy
who claims to have found another secret
about the murders the murdered families
had lived in each other's previous homes
each new murder occurred shortly after
the family moved from the crime scene
into a new residence
hence now that they have moved from the
previous house to the new one they are
basically next in line to be murdered
not wanting to believe it ellison cuts
the phone he then plays the new clips
a new secret is revealed the clips of
their family dying were filmed by the
missing kids themselves
horrified ellison watches the video of
the kids killing their family with a
smile on their faces
ellison begins to feel like-headed as he
watches it when he looks at his teacup
he finds the same green liquid from the
a note that says goodnight daddy and
ashley's handwriting lies under his cup
as he realizes that the t was drugged he
falls unconscious
ashley watches him as he falls allison
wakes up after a while
tracy and trevor lie beside him on the
ground all three of them are tied
ashley stands in front of him with an
axe and a video camera she puts the
camera at a better angle and hits her
father with the axe
sometime later we see that the walls are
covered in blood ashley has drawn a
cat and bagool symbol on the wall later
she is in ellison's office drawing
tracy and trevor's body's decapitated
the little girl has beheaded her family
then the missing kids watch ashley from
inside a video they run away when they
see bagool appear near ashley
bagool then takes ashley with him
thanks for listening to me