
Another day successfully put behind me. Seeing how Dan and I grew up together, he's always up for a chat. Just as I predicted he walked on over. "Good afternoon, Sam. I would like you to meet my best friend Jk," he introduced at once. "It's nice to meet you," I said with a smile. He bowed slightly at me. "How is your assignment going?" He asked reassuringly, but before I could ask to which he could possibly be referring too he continued. "You know the one where you have to show Prof Kim around campus?" I shifted my attention towards Dan in the blink of an eye. Jk gave me a warm knowing smile. Had Dan been talking to him about it? Had Daniel realized that I feel weird and funky around the Korean professor? I know that my secret is safe with him, but I'm not so sure about it being safe around JJ. "Want me to let you in on a little secret?" Dan questioned to my confusion. I tilted my head slightly to the side. "Jk is his cousin." I inhaled sharply. They noticed my reaction immediately. Dan's friend pulled a note out of his pocket and put it in my hand. "Contact him." I could feel how my cheeks tint up. I let out a breath that I've holding in. My heart pounds loudly in my ears. Jk greeted me with a smile and left along side Daniel Miller. After they left it took me a moment to get myself together. I stared down at the piece of paper at hand. I'm completely flabbergasted.

I didn't even notice that Abby approached me until her voice rang through my core. "Are you okay?" She asked. Her tone lined with worry. I looked up at her slowly. "Thank goodness, I were just about to make it known public that a zombie had bitten my bestie and how a zombie apocalypse are unfolding before my eyes," Abby overreacted. I stifled a laugh at her overly dramatic mannerisms. I wrapped my hand firmly around the piece of paper and slipped it into my pocket. The device vibrated against my leg. I pulled it out and scrolled down the list of unopened texts. Obviously Dad wants to know who Dan had been referring too. He made a silly comments about how he must approve firstly, which made my heart sunk into my stomach. The last one read: Over reacting much. Most likely pinpointing towards Abby's earlier outbreak. I turn the mute option off and put the device to my ear, like I'm talking on my phone. Something that I do from time to time. "Really dad? I am a fully grown woman and I need some privacy." I said into the device at hand. "I am completely aware of that Samantha. Are you currently seeing somebody?" My Dad's voice came out of the speaker. "No Dad I'm not, but that's not the issue. What if I were to potentially date someone from work. You can't tag along and be the third wheel on the wagon, Dad." My father cleared his throat and hummed at that. "You've got a valid point, Sam. I wouldn't want to have you around behind close doors when I'm home either," Dad said matter of factly, yet what he said in as little detail as possible made my ears bleed. I'm not about to inform him about my discomfort, then he would say that I'm not mature enough to face the grownup world. "Okay then, apparently my baby girl is all grown up. I give you permission to disconnect me at random as you wish." My father's statement had both Abby and my jaws on the floor.

I would've never imagined something like that exiting Colin Jones Senior's vocal cords. "What? Dad are you serious!?" I exclaimed excitedly in a high pitched tone. He laughed wholeheartedly at my reaction. "I don't want to get an unknown call from the hospital claiming that you're pregnant or stating how you've been in an abusive relationship. So please Sam, for Pete's sake don't make immature decisions." I can't really blame Dad for his purpose. He's been extremely overprotective since Mom passed away. "Thanks Dad. I promise that I won't make immature decisions," I claimed. "I will keep her to her promise Uncle Colin," Abby said from over my shoulder. "That's very reassuring Abby," he said kindly. I were just about to greet my father when his final statement caught me completely off guard. "Go and enjoy your time with that new Professor. I won't stand in your way," with that being said he greeted me and put me on mute. I stared down at the device at a loss for words.