
"Did that just happen?" Dan's disbelieving voice came from the entrance. I nod my head slowly. "He actually gave you permission to date Prof Kim?" He rushed forward and caught me in a hug. Lifting me off my feet and twirling me around in mid-air. The way that Daniel's acting makes me think like he've just won the lottery. Does he know something that I don't? Is what I'm feeling for that stranger only one sided or not? He makes me feel this overwhelming desire to touch him. He makes me want to steal a second glimpse when he's not paying attention. He makes me feel like I'm back in school for some strange unexplainable reason. I don't know if there's anything here, but now I can find out without Dad pressuring me about it. I muted the device at hand and noticed how the one option automatically unmarked itself. Dad even unmarked the camera function and I mimicked his action. The only function that's still marked is the texting mode. I pointed it towards Daniel, showing him. Somewhere along the line he've let me down and I haven't even noticed. "This is great. I'm so happy for you, Sam," he exclaimed slightly. "Now you just need to man up and approach him," Abby were next to say. I swallowed nervously as Dan shoved me in the direction of the exit, showing me his broad figure as he walked down the corridor. Both of them pushed me into the direction that they wanted me to go. When I were just through the doorframe, I sighed when I saw how far of a distance there's between us. I could see how a sly smile spread upon Daniel's face. "Prof Kim, wait up!" He yelled out so nevermindely. Doesn't he worry what my Dad might hear, or are they muted too?

At that moment I wish I was an ostrich who could hide her head in the sand. But he turned around and when he saw us, a wide smile grew on his face and he made his way back towards us. As quickly as he appeared Abby excused herself and so did Dan, leaving us alone. "Would you like to accompany me to the lounge, my lady?" he asked with a reassuring smile. I nod and gave him a smile in return: "I will love too." We walked side by side. I noticed how Jk gave me a thumbs up as we passed him and Dan along the way. "So how was your day?" He asked after a few quiet moments. Trying to break the uncomfortable silence. I took in a sharp breath convincing myself that I am free to answer. "It was just another tiring day. How are you hanging on, Professor Kim?" I asked formally. He tilted his head in my direction. "Please call me Namjoon. And to answer your question, I'm coming around." I smiled shyly at his response. "That's good to know, Professor K_ I mean Na- Namjoon." He laughed a little at my stuttering. I can't help as to wonder why he's finding it so amusing.

As we reached the entrance to the lounge he turned into a proper gentleman. I entered and he followed behind. We fetched ourselves something to drink and sat down at a round table at the back. I looked up from my cup of coffee, and lost myself in his deep chocolate brown eyes. I wanted to tell him that he's cousin gave me his number, but I turned against it. I fear to see his reaction. My heart is pumping out of control. He shifted his position slightly, but his legs touched mine. I stiffened at the sudden impact. "I'm sorry," he apologized sincerely. I don't know what I'm to say to lift this uncomfortable aura away from us. I finished my drink and stand up. "I'm sorry, Professor Kim, but I have to go. See you tomorrow," with that being said I left a confused man behind.