Chapter 3

Three Months Later :-

After that day I started looking for her always. From classrooms to cafeteria though she always liked to have her lunch on terrace being all alone but at least I could see her when she comes to brought her lunch from cafeteria. From corridors to play ground, from entrance to the backyard of the school, my eyes always searched for her always. I cannot forget the day when she first came to and said "Stop stalking me like a creep, I can feel your stares from a distance" well I'm not gonna obey her order, definitely this one.

In this past few days I have learnt few things about is that she doesn't likes to be friends or going on dates with anyone, half of the boys here are crazy for her which sometimes makes my blood boil and gives me the urge to beat the shit out of them but never mind. She is always silent and careless. The most important, never mess with her. Once the famous bully Mia came to bother her with her minions but Sapphire showed her action skills and shooed them away.

Right now me and Levi were just roaming around the campus as we didn't have any classes right now. Suddenly out of blue we heard a terrible lightning and soon it also started raining, all the students on the playground started running towards us for shelter "Something romantic is going to happen" Levi again started his never happening philosophy, I just glared at him and hit his lower abdomen with my elbow then started walking further leaving a groaning Levi behind. But then I spotted someone who was walking opposite to everyone, towards the rain, it was her, Sapphire. She stopped when she reached the center of the field and slightly lifted her hands in the air, her hair flew with those not so strong winds, her eyes were close as if she was enjoying this too much. But then I saw something precious, very precious 'Her smile', yes she actually smiled and I also smiled along with her, because it was the first time I saw her smiling. Again a lightning appeared, it was more horrible then before, everyone flinched including me but Sapphire didn't even moved nor any type of expression her face showed except the smile, it disappeared. Suddenly she opened her eyes and her arms which were floating in the air came down, I saw her eyes flattering and lips quivering. Was she crying? Now this was enough for me, I don't have any umbrella so took out the blazer from my body then kept it on my head and ran towards her, she wasn't that away from me so I quickly reached to her without getting much wet. When I finally reached her she startled by seeing me suddenly beside her looked at me with those confused expressions but right now I cared less. I held her with her shoulder and pulled her inside that not-so-long shelter (blazer) then without wasting any second I ran towards the school building with her in my arms. After few seconds we were in the building. Everyone in the corridors weirdly looked at us moreover few students even made weird noises like , it's not 'Woooo',it's not their fault though. I never ever properly looked at any other girl accept my mom but here I'm getting half wet in the rain for a girl, the more surprising thing is she didn't pushed me, well maybe that's a good side right? RIGHT? Sapphire glared at everyone there and surprisingly everyone stopped and minded their own business. Not gonna lie she looked scary. After all these she left from there without even looking at me or saying 'thank you'. Like wow.

"I told you something romantic is gonna happen" Levi came from behind while smiling cheekily (gosh) "There is nothing romantic" I replied being obvious "Come on dude don't hide from me at least" Levi whined "What I'm I hiding?" I'm confused now "Seriously? Do I need to tell you this?" he examined my expressions and understood that I'm not getting it "Wait, please don't tell me that you haven't figured it out yet" "What am supposed to figure out?" I kind of raised my voice because I got very impatient "That you like Sapphire, you pumpkin head" .What? I frowned "Did you called just me a pumpkin head". How dare he! In reply Levi heaved a sigh and face palmed himself "In my whole sentence you had to point this thing only?" He made a very done face "Yeah so?" I said "I said you like her" he sternly replied. WTF? "No bro I just care for her that's it" I stated but didn't knew why felt different, as if I'm lying "Yeah! Yeah! Always looking for, not making proper notes because you like staring at her instead of focusing in lectures and smile like an idiot in the class includes in taking caring" Levi firmly stated. "And out of nowhere you started caring for a girl? Leave that dude I never saw prioritising someone this much" Levi raised his voice this time. I looked down because he is right, I'm doing all these things that he has mentioned. Before I could even reply the bell rang "Listen, I'm only saying because I care for you. Figure it out quickly" with that he started leaving for the class.

I was sitting on my bench, thinking deeply about my conversation with Levi, though it was more like an argument. I thought, very deeply 'Do I really like her? I'm I really into her? If it is then I would marry her just after graduation, we will have four kids, tow boys and two girls. Won't it will look cutest? My sweet big finally About there names..... I'll discuss that with her. Oh wait, I need to learn cooking for that because I can't let her eat whatever she wants during her pregnancy-' "Aaachiii" my chain of dreams got broke when someone sneezed beside me. I glared at the person who dared to interrupt my future planning, surprisingly it turned out to be their queen, my Sapphire. But wait she looks pale, she is totally wet and her nose was fully red, maybe because getting wet in the rain. I was looking here and there thinking of the way I could help her, but someone gently squeezed my shoulder, I looked up just to find out it was Levi who shook his head telling me not to do something stupid, I thought that he was right so I sat quietly. Levi went to his seat after that.

The teacher entered, as usual we all greeted. During the whole lecture my concentration was fully on Sapphire who was sniffing, sneezing and shivering. After sometime the lecture ended, as this was the last one for today all the students started leaving. From the corner of my eye I saw Sapphire stood up and maybe after a second she looked at me, I was stunned 'Is she gonna slap me because I touched her without her permission?' this was the only thought that came in my mind. I didn't wanted to look that obvious so I took my stuffs and stood up from my seat "Ab.. Hey" I looked back to see Sapphire looking at me, the strange this was her gaze wasn't that threatening one, it felt genuine "Yes?" I tried to replied politely and not to stutter, she looked down and fiddled with her fingers "Thank you for today" with she spared me a last glance and left from there.