Chapter 4

It took me exact fifteen second to understand that what the hell actually happened. Huh! Did she just...? AHHH! I can't believe it. She actually said something positive to me. YAY! I jumped out of excitement. I was literally dancing, jumping like a kid who got his favorite toy after waiting for weeks "Maybe this is how everything is gonna start" I heard a sound from behind, to see who it was I turned around and there stood Levi, his hands in his trousers pocket and leaning on the classroom's door with a bright smile on his face. I smiled more widely after spotting him and ran to and took him in a bone crashing hug "Bro you heard? She actually thanked me and accepted my help, maybe she appreciated also, right?" I held Levi's forearm and started twirling along with him then continued "Bro I figured it out, I love her bro, I love her, I can't imagine anything else except her." till now I was doing smiling liked an idiot. But Levi stopped and his smile disappeared "But bro I don't think the outcome will be positive, because it's not hidden that how she ghosts everyone" I stopped my actions when Levi said this, I thought for a second and he was right she might have said those words only for formality "B-But I can't help a-and take this all in a.....positive way." the last two words came out whispers from my mouth and I looked down. Levi left my forearm and leaned back on one of the benches "But if we look deeply then maybe this is a good sign" Levi said, maybe just to cheer up my mood "You don't need to give me fake hopes" I replied while fidgeting with my fingers "Come on dude. See whatever it was, good or bad, it will clear itself. For now let's go we have a mathematics class test this Saturday" "What we have test?" I'm doomed "You don't know? Oh, yeah! How will you know? You are always busy looking at sister-in-law" Levi said while smiling cheekily, I didn't have words right now so I gave him a are-you-serious look "Come on lover boy don't be this inattentive in class" Levi stated, I was confused that how this duffer got this notice but not me, but suddenly it clicked me and I smirked "Hmm... I guess Ina is playing a good role for your career" Levi's all confidence and those cheeky expressions vanished in a second "W-What are you talking about?" he stuttered while scratching his nape, this time my smirked got wider "Oh boy! Did you really thought that I won't understood huh?" I asked teasingly "I-It's not l-like t-that" there was a pink tint on his cheeks "Oh really? Then why are you blushing? And if it's not like that then how actually it is?" I asked "W-We are just friends" he replied "I didn't meant what relation you both share, I meant what she means to you?" I wanted to clear everything right now. Levi just looked down, that stupid smiled by just looking at the ground "She means a lot. I don't know when, where and how she became this close to me. Maybe when I first saw her or maybe when she explains me the topics in which I ask her to clear out my doubts" I can't believe this is the same Levi I knew since eight standard "Boy you are head over heals for her" I said "But what if she doesn't feels the same?" he looked at me with hurtful expressions "As you said we should not assume things right now" I exclaimed "Yeah you're right. let's go or we'll have to stay here till tomorrow" Levi said and we laughed while marching towards the exit.

I was in my room, preparing for test after having dinner. Honestly I was having a hard time as I haven't studied properly from last two months and now I'm facing the consequences. Integration really sucks, I tried more and awfully wasted another half an hour "I can't, I think I have to call dad" I checked the time to see if my dad could be home or not as he usually goes for night walks and luckily it showed 9 pm which means he is surely at home. I got up from my study table and made my ways towards the exit of my room, I opened the door and stepped out, I reached till the upper hall and heard giggles from downstairs, I peeks through the railing only to witness the most beautiful scene. My mom was running around the sofa set in drawing and my dad was chasing her "Honey, please let me watch this last news" my dad pleaded "No no no. Since then I'm asking for some quality time but here you are only care about that damn news" my mom declined, If you're wondering yes my mom is CEO in home. If you're wondering then let me tell you, my mom and dad are high school lovers and they still are, my dad is very cold towards his staffs and employs but a total opposite person to my mom, honestly their teenage love never died and they still play around like this. I was on my way towards downstairs and saw my dad back hugging my mom, like the hell now I'm jealous "Dad this is not fair she is my mom" "And before that she is my wife" he replied and kissed her cheeks "Mooomm" I whined "Come on honey he is just a kid" my mom said and tried free herself from his grip "What are you trying to do huh? I'm not letting you go this easily" dad said to mom "Hey what are you saying our son is here" mom argued but dad wasn't in a mood to let her go easily "Remember he is here only because of me" dad smirked while mom's eyes widened she hit him with her elbow while dad just groaned. Till now I was done watching their romance, I have a test and I'm not understanding anything. So, for my betterment I decided to keep my jealous ass aside "If you are done then dad, I need your help in studies" I said and marched towards my room. You know, I won't ever freak out if they give me a sibling news.

Me and my dad were in my room, he was explaining me the equations. After one and a half hour we were done "Hey champ what's wrong? You seem off" dad asked sensing my tensed self "Dad you always said that mom was a silent girl in her school days. So...How'd you approached her?" I asked him but he just stretched his arms and leaned back to the chair and soon crossed his arms to his chest and hummed "Honestly champ it was never easy back then but this all started with a 'Hi'" my dad replied "Just a 'Hi'?" I asked "Yeah, just a 'Hi'" he replied "How exactly?" "Well! She always liked reading, so I asked her for a library date I mean not directly but it was like 'Hey, there's not many nice books in the library, most of them are only related to studies. And...I know a good library and it's not so far from here, so would you like to go there with me?' I remember how badly I had stopped myself from stuttering" he shook his and laughed remembering those days, honestly I was stunned to see how clearly he remember each and everything, but my question was something else "She agreed? I mean this easily?" I asked with my mouth slightly open and eyes widen "Of course she did champ. The thing is not about when she agrees, it's all about your efforts and your efforts shows how much you want her, how much you love her" he looked up with his under his head while saying this, he looked deep in thoughts of his beloved wife. I thought for a second that should I ask him something more or not but before that he called me "Champ" "Yeah dad" "I know there's something in your head and someone in your heart, don't worry if you both are meant to be together then no one come between you two" he just caressed my head and the stood from his seat then marched towards the door "D-Dad" I turned around hearing my call "Thanks" I softly smiled, dad just chuckled "You should sleep now it's already half past ten" with that he left. I got and went inside the bathroom to do my night business. Aren't I have the coolest dad?

I came back and stood in front the mirror, then picked the tube of moisturizer, I opened the cap and gave the tube a light squeeze and the liquid dropped on my palm then I applied it on my arms and neck. I checked the wall clock of my room and it showed eleven. I quickly switched off the lights and climbed on the bed before turning on the AC and covered myself with the duvet, as I have important plans so I don't want to be late tomorrow. But before drifting to my dreamland I remembered her face and events that happened today, I smiled widely while thing about her "Ms.Pathrose, just wait for tomorrow" I smiled and mumbled....