Chapter 5

I was seating on my bench thinking of suitable things like when to suspect her or how to suspect, well I know I sound creepy right now, but I can't help you know. Soon the teacher entered in the class, but Sapphire didn't, I got tensed. Won't she come today? Maybe she is seek? Should I go her house? Well, I don't know her address but I can get that from the register secretly. Hehe. I physically slapped myself for getting these types of creepy thoughts like what the actual fuck is wrong with me today. "HUNDSON STAND UP RIGHT NOW" someone shouted "AAH! MAN SHUT UP, YOU CAN SAY THIS POLITELY" I shouted back and regretted a milli second later because the one who shouted first was no one other than out teacher, Mrs.Morris. Everyone in the class including the teacher also was looking at me with mouth hung open, Levi did a killing emote to me and mouthed 'You are dead today' and me gave an evil smile, trust me only if I wasn't bounded right now, I would've killed him for sure without even caring that he is my best friend, but right now I need to handle something else. "How dare you MR. AGOSTINHO? You were never like this. What made you TO ACT LIKE BRAT. Five times- Five times I've called your name for attendance, you didn't even bother yourself to reply once. I'm noticing you from past months Mr. Agostinho and I must say that I have to talk to your father for sure" she practically roared "Mrs. Morris- Mrs. Morris I-I'm really sorry, it won't happen again. I-I-I God promise" I held a piece of my skin of my neck between my thumb and index finger "JUST SHUT AND GET OUT OF MY CLASS" "Mam-" "No and I've marked you absent today" I knew that there isn't any point of begging, so I left the class without further argument.

The bell rang indicating that' that ogress- I mean Mrs.Morris's class has ended. But from a distant I spotted someone and that someone was Sapphire. Well, I'm not shocked because in this school she is the boss everywhere, no one, not a single soul interrupts her including the principal. Mrs.Morris came out of the class holding her paper stuffs, but stopped and looked at me with disappointment, anger and what not, so I just kept my head hung low expecting that she will forgive me "Hope this was first and last time" my eyes lit after hearing what Mrs.Morris said "Thank you, thank you so much I won't repeat it again" I replied, but Mrs. Morris wasn't in a good mood maybe, so she just rolled her eyes and eyed Sapphire who was just about to enter in the class "This is the third time in this week" Mrs. Morris said "As if I care" Sapphire marched quietly towards the class without even looking at Mrs. Morris or making eye contact, sometimes I really wonder that made her have this much power.

It was the most horrible class for now, the 'Physics' class. However, I'm not going to attend this as you know my mission, right? So, Sapphire and I were roaming on a random corridor, of course I was from the back. After roaming few more areas, she stopped in front of the music room. Out of blue she turned around and I quickly hide behind a pillar saving my ass, maybe she was just checking if there was someone or not. After being satisfied that there was no one so she took out a dragger from her waist. WTF. She inserted the dragger inside the keyhole of the lock which was hanging the door of the music room and it got unlock. Wow. She again looked here and there then went inside. I took steady steps and peeked through the main door then saw that she went inside the storeroom, I frown to myself because there's nothing special. But this wasn't the right time, so I went inside without making any noise and continuing my steady steps, I hide behind the piano which was kept quite far from every instrument. Sapphire came with a diary in her hands then sat on the chair which was kept in front of the piano, she flipped some pages then kept the diary in front her. Is she going to play it? NO way! She kept her fingers on the piano then inhaled and exhaled a deep breath.

"Baby I love you, but I can't change my fate... I don't want you to love me, but I also can't tolerate you hate".

Her voice became sweeter than the honey and softer than a rose. The words held a lot of pain which were invisible to everyone till now.

"I want to you to love me. Baby I want to know what love is...I searched everywhere but couldn't found where it is..."

My heart wasn't in its normal condition, it ached very badly after listening to her words. I had an urge to hug her, keep her safe in my arms from all the negative things and never let her go, but I controlled myself as I know my place.

"Why? Why you threw me out of your life? Why before you made me feel high? Baby, for you I was ready to fight with the world. Yes, I was that brave ... But love, what I didn't know was it was you dug my grave..."

Her voice cracked in the end and few tears made their ways out of her eyes as well as mine too.

"Baby I'm still in that coffin, trying to breath under the surface while waiting for you, I know you won't come, but my heart is craving, what can I do?"

"Baby I want to feel you, in my dreams I search for you.... Baby I know that you're gone, but it was your embrace where I once found my home"

"I love you baby, but I can't change my fate... I don't want you to love me, but I also can't tolerate your hate".

With that she stopped playing the piano and closed her eyes tightly while her palms turned fists, she was controlling herself from breaking down. I was shocked after witnessing this side of her. I don't know what happened made her to suffer like this

But my clumsy luck wasn't with me and out of nowhere I heard loud thud from just behind me, I realized that I was sitting beside a drum set which was broken and it fell because my because my back came in contact of that so called fragile drum set. 'So, they haven't changed it yet'. I stood up and got scared because Sapphire was standing just in front of me and was looking at me with rage and anger, she was about to say, but before that I hugged her too tightly "It's fine, I'm here" I mumbled near her ear, I knew these words were meant nothing her, but that time I couldn't thought of something else. Sapphire didn't hug me back nor she protested, but stayed in that position with me, so I took it as a positive response. After a good two or more minutes I broke the hug "Don't you dare to tell this to somebody else" she warned me, after that she took her diary and marched towards the exit. I was looking at her leaving figure still processing how to stop her. Hundson think! Think! Think! And then an evil idea came in my mind "Hey, Sapphire" I called her name, she stopped and turned around "What" "I have a deal" "What deal?" she looked at me confusingly "If you don't want me to turn your secret into a breaking news then...." "THEN WHAT" I flinched this time and my all confidence said 'bye', maybe I tested her patient "Th-Then just be my friend" I still tried to look tough. I must say that if you could kill someone just by looking at them furiously then I might've died by now because of her sharp glares, she gritted her teethes and said "Fine", with that she left.

YES! YES! YES! This is what I wanted. I jumped and started dancing. "Maybe this is how everything is going to start" I mumbled to myself and left from there after locking the door.