Chapter 6

I reached my classroom and looked for Sapphire who was writing something in her diary, I smiled widely then went to her and sat while continuing staring at her "Are you done?" it was Sapphire, I just smiled and looked down knowing she won't understand even if I'll show or give hints "I can't help you know" I replied "What?" she asked, I looked at her and said "Staring at you" "And why so?" "Because you're so beautiful to resist" I replied. Our eyes got locked, lips got steal, only if she could read what eyes displayed "You're so cheesy" she said and broke the eye contact, I chuckled at her response "If stating facts is known as cheesy then yes, I am cheesy" Sapphire just huffed annoyingly and continued her journal writing.

It was now lunch time and I thought to ask Sapphire for lunch "Hey" I called her, but she just ghosted me and stood up to leave. Now I'm annoyed "HEYYYYY!" I ran and stood up in front of her "Now what?" She asked and clearly sounded annoyed "Let's eat our lunch together, my treat for our new friendship" I replied being all excited "Forced" she said "What?" I asked, "It's a forced friendship" she said and crossed her hands in front of her chest "Whatever it is, but we are friends, and you can't resist that" I said proudly "Fine" she sighed, and we both headed towards the cafeteria.

I was having trouble in matching her pace while walking because she is too fast even in walking, though she is shorter than me but still. That's it, I had enough, I held her arm from behind and turned her around "What?" she asked angrily "Can't you walk slowly?" I asked back, "What?" she asked not understanding my point "Can't. You. Walk. Slowly?" I emphasized every word of my sentence to make her understand, she once again looked at me with those fierce eyes and crossed her hands over her chest. I hate this posture of her you know, it scares my soul, "It's not my problem" she replied. What does she mean by that. "What?" I asked "It's. Not. My. Problem" she emphasized every word just like I did before and came kept coming close to me with each word, but I didn't move an inch and played tough. But honestly, deep down my soul was about to leave my body because of the approximate between us, but I stood still. "So, you mean my problem isn't yours?" I asked while pointing my index finder to me and with a surprised face, she just shook her head as 'no'. "Come on, we are friends, so your problems are my problems and my problems are yours" I smiled and held her hands then again started walking "Hey, but-" "No buts just let's go". Everyone was eyeing us now, I internally laughed watching their faces, especially boys, I mean you know how famous my brand-new friend is.

We reached the cafeteria and as expected everyone there cheered, guys for her and girls for me. But soon all of their screams turned from "Wahoo" to shocked faces and whispers. I ignored them and went towards the counter "What would you like to order?" l asked to Sapphire "Two chicken sandwich and one donut with some Choco milkshake" "Okay! You go and get a table" "Okay" with that we parted.

We were having our lunch in silence, I guess this is what she likes 'silence'. Suddenly "Hey! Can I sit here?" both of us looked up to see it was Ina "Please" she again pleaded "Ok" I simply said, she joined us. I was thinking that why she wasn't with Levi today. So, I thought why not to ask her, right? "Umm... Ina can I ask you something? If you don't mind?" "Yeah! And yes, you don't have to be formal with me" she said and smiled to me, I also smiled back and directly came to the point "Why today Levi isn't with you?" as soon Levi's name came out of my mouth Ina's smile faded, this time Sapphire also noticed and looked at me "I don't know. Go ask him" Ina dryly replied. I can smell that there is something fishy, so I thought not to continue this topic and focused on my food. After some time, I spotted Levi entering with Mia being all giggly. WTF. Soon their voice caught Ina's attention and her movements stopped for a second, but again she started having her lunch, me and Sapphire looked at each other understanding the tension, so I stood up and went to him.

"Levi" as I caught Levi's attention, that Mia's expressions changed to a bored one, but right now I care less about her "Yes dude?" Levi asked me "I want to talk to you.... personally" I replied, "But you can say that here as well" "Levi, if it was ok to share in public, I wouldn't have asked you in the first place" I don't know why he is behaving like this, but I know Mia is the one behind it, "If he told you to tell him her then what's the problem?" Mia interrupted us, I wanted to shout at her face, but controlled "Mia I don't remember asking for your opinion, so you better shut up" I was barely able to control my anger, but this Mia had to test it "Hundson what's wrong with you? How can you talk like this to someone?" Levi defended her and this caused me to poke my inner cheek as I was controlling myself doing an outburst "Levi are you coming or not?" I slightly raised my voice, I was controlling myself just for the sake of our friendship because I know what people like Mia wants, Levi sighed and turned to Mia "I'll join you in the class, for now go" Levi said to Mia "Okay but come quickly" with that Mia left us.

As soon as she left, I dragged him in the corner of the cafeteria "What's wrong with you?" Levi asked as he freed himself me "What's wrong with YOU, Levi?" I asked back "What do you mean?" "Why're you roaming with that Mia despite of knowing how toxic and manipulative she is?" "Listen Hundson, she is not like that and stop assuming about the people you barely know" he replied very casually as he never made disgusting faces whenever she tried to come near him. "Oh really? Okay so tell me why you aren't talking to Ina? What has she done to you?" I asked straightly "Oh! About that so listen. I don't like chasing a girl who doesn't even care about me got it?" "But Levi, you're hurting her" "Listen Hundson, I'm not like you, I'm sorry I can't go around a girl day and night like a lost puppy like you do and especially when that chick acts like a bitch" "LEVI, MIND YOUR LANGUAGE" "AND YOU MIND YOUR BUSINESS HUNDSON. I DON'T LIKE TO WASTE MY TIME ON A CHICK WHO IS SO HIGH OF HERSELF AND DON'T GIVE A FUCK TO ME" "LEVI-" "L-Levi" both of us turned around realized that we were loud enough for everyone to hear us as all of them were looking at us including Mia also, but what broke my heart was Sapphire was shocked and Ina had tears in her eyes, that last breaking voice was Ina's "Listen Ina-" Levi tried to speak but Ina interrupted "Thank you for showing me my place in your life. I'm sorry for b-bothering you" Ina looked at Mia and then continued "Hope you'll be happy with your n-new f-friends" with that Ina ran out of the cafeteria. Levi looked here and there then he also left, as expected Mia ran behind him. I felt tears brimmed in my eyes, I didn't want others to looked at me like this, so I share my last glance with Sapphire who was already looking at me with concerned eyes, then I also left leaving the crowd behind me.