Chapter 7

I was at the rooftop, sitting there all alone. For the first time me and Levi had fought like this and getting this type of behavior from him wasn't letting my mind to stay quiet. Suddenly I felt someone's hand holding mine, I moved my eyes and saw Sapphire on her knees, concern written all over her face, we made eye contact for few seconds, but I broke it quickly as I felt a tear rolled from my eyes. A hand came in contact with my cheeks and wiped the tear with the thumb, I knew who was it, it was Sapphire, but I didn't dare look into her eyes again because I knew looked pathetic "I know I look pathetic, you don't need to pity me" I said dryly "I'm not pitying you Hundson, I know how it feels when someone who is close to you hurts you this much" Sapphire replied, there was sincerity in her voice with a little bit of sadness. I looked up to look into her eyes, for the first time her face showed genuine expressions instead of coldness, I don't know why I thought that I'll be ok if I'll share my problems with her "You know, I know him for six years and in this span we never fought like this over a third person. I don't know what cause him to behave like to me, to Ina, but I know that maybe not fully, but he is at fault and what's hurting me the most is he is not even listening to me once who he called his 'bro buddy'" I let out my feelings, Sapphire didn't say anything, but suddenly I felt someone circling their arms around my neck and I knew it was Sapphire, I know her scent very well. "I know it's hard for you now, but it's Levi's test that will he return to you and Ina? Or he will let go both of you because of any other person. But he has to figure out quickly by his own" Sapphire said while caressing her palm on my hairs, while I slowly hugged her waist and we both stayed like.

*Meanwhile Levi's side*

Levi's Pov:

I was very upset because of Hundson's behavior. The way he shouted at me, and insulted Mia was not avoidable for me, I was walking without knowing where my legs were leading me, but I noticed that I've I reached the backyard of the school. Those past events played in mind, they were very disturbing, they kept playing like a video even when I didn't want to remember. I gripped my hair in my fists and closed my eyes, but my mind wasn't in a mood forget them, "AHHH" I screamed frustratedly, but nothing actually happened. Suddenly I felt someone a palm on my forearm, I looked up to see Aron "Levi, what are you doing?" Aron asked, there concern in his voice. I felt something liquid on my cheeks and I knew it was tears "Aron.... You k-know?" I asked him in my broken voice "Yes, I know everything, but only me, the whole campus knows. Levi, right now I would just suggest you calm down and talk it out everything with Hundson. But, for now calm down, okay?" Aron said. My tears weren't stopping, so I hugged Aron and he hugged me back, I needed myself to calm down. After some time, I calmed and broke the hug. "Hm! But right now I need to clear out with Mia she was hurt-" "Levi please" Aron cut me in the middle, His expressions got totally changed after hearing Mia's name "Aron, you're taking it in wrong way-" "Levi. Please" He again cut me off, at first his face was full of concern, but now it just showed how annoyed he got, but I care less, if he is not interested in Mia's feelings then I don't think that I should force him to do that "Fine" I said frustratedly and left.

I was searching for Mia, but she was nowhere to be found. Honestly, I was feeling very bad for her because she has nothing to do with all these mess, but still she was dragged in it.

Just yesterday I saw Ina was shouting at Mia, so I went to stop them, but when I asked them about the matter, Ina just left without answering to my question. I was confused, so I went to her in off timings, but she still ignored me and ghosted my questions. So, at a time I was wondering that what have I done that she is ignoring me this much. Just then Mia came to me, I've never liked this girl before as I have saw people getting toxic because of her manipulative nature, but when she requested me to listen to her once, so I gave in Then she told me that she has noticed me roaming around Ina all the time, not only today but before also, but she never actually cared for me. So, Mia came to me, of course I again ghosted her, but when she requested, so I thought to give her a chance. Then she told me about the argument between her and Ina. It was just Mia accidently pushed Ina which caused her to drop her books, Mia apologized, but Ina was in a mood to burst out that caused a simple argument into something. At first, I didn't trust her, but when one of the girls who said that she has herself witnessed the incident in the lockerand said that whatever Mia said was true, so I gave it a thought, also once Ina told me that she has anger issues, sometimes even a single incident can trigger her. After that Mia also told me that I shouldn't go around someone who doesn't want me, but I refused to her. I kept trying to talk to Ina, but she didn't care. So, at last I understood that whatever Mia said was right, I shouldn't prioritize someone this much, so they'll start to treat me as a trash. And about Hundson? Does he even have time for anything else except Sapphire?

I was still searching for Mia, soon my steps halted when I heard her voice from an empty classroom, the door was closed as I was about to open it, but my activities halted when I heard "You know, he is not even trusting his so-called best friend" It was Mia's voice, she giggled after saying this. I wasn't understanding anything, so I peeked through the window "But Mia, how did you managed to keep Levi and Ina distant?" I heard Mia's friend saying "Come on! I have my ways you know. That day it was me who threatened Ina to stay away from my Levi, but you know what that bitch replied? 'StOp InTeRfArInG iN OtHeRs LiFe AnD FoCuSe On YoUr OwN' how dare she?" My mind turned one-eighty degree after listening the things Mia spat, I wanted to shout at her very badly, but decided to listen more "And what about the girl, Mia. Who took your side in front of Levi?" "Oh her? She used to be my prey. So, I gave her a last chance to herself from m" "Oh! You're such a player, Mia. Now no one can come between you and Levi" "I know right!" both of giggled and I stood like a dumb statue. I had enough, I went to classroom gate and opened it with a loud thud. Both of them flinched because the sound and looked at me, my anger was on its peak, only I knew how I stopped myself from beating the shit out of her just because she was a girl. Mia was looking at me with shocked expressions, maybe she understood the situation now, her friend to whom she was bitching looked at me and then Mia, then she left from there without uttering anything "O-Oh Levi, w-when you c-came?" she was still holding the audacity to play along "Drop the act" I said in a calm tone "W-What are you s-saying, L-Levi I'm not under-" "I SAID DROP THIS ACT" I screamed on her face, she flinched very badly "N-No-" "You still have audacity to lie huh! How shameless can you be Mia?" I asked her while she just looked down and bite her lips "Why? Why, Mia? What have I ever done to you?" the last words came out as a whisper from my mouth as couldn't control on my tears anymore and they finally made their way out of my eyes. I wasn't crying because Mia betrayed me, I was crying because of the way I treated my friends "At least have some shame and ANSWER MY DAMN QUESTIONS-" I shouted but she cut me "BECAUSE I LIKED YOU" I got shut when she spoke, now her eyes also glistened with fresh tears "Because I liked you, Levi. Whenever- Whenever I tried to come to you someone always interrupted. At first it was Hundson, but when he started going around Sapphire, I thought that now-now at least I can have you, but no. No, that Ina had to destroy everything" Mia finished and broke down in tears while I just stared at her with hatred, "But this still doesn't give you the right to do these filthy things. About Hundson? I never liked you and Hundson just helped me to stay away from you." I replied and Mia looked at me in total shock "Yes Mia, I never liked you" "What did you said?" she frowned and asked, "The things you heard" I replied blankly "L-Levi, are you sure? Half of the boys in the school are mad for me, but here I'm dying for you. Don't you think that you're going to lose something precious?" Mia said, honestly, I wanted to puke at her face on her face after listening to this "Listed Mia, you yourself know that those guys just like for your body and I'm sorry to tell you that I want a girl who will care for me not a sex partner, am I clear?" I spat. She was about to come to me "L-Levi-" she said but I showed her my palm, telling her not to take further steps "Mia please, I'm done for today and now on, I don't know you and you're no one to me" I said and marched to the outside of the classroom, while leaving I was able to hear Mia's scream, her callings, but I really don't care now.

I was sobbing very badly right now, I heading to the basketball court as I knew there won't be anyone because mostly after lunch all the important classes goes on. Ina and Hundson were the people about whom I was thinking, how badly I hurt them. The harsh words that I have spoken were still echoing in my ears. I wasn't able to figure about how should I make it up to them. How stupid I felt for ignoring my close ones because of a mere outsider.

I reached the basketball court as it was afternoon, the sun growling, and the rays were too strong, but cared less. I was about to take a seat but felt a shadow, I looked up to the rooftop where a scene blessed my eyes, Sapphire was hugging Hundson and she was caressing his hairs ever so gently and softly while his face was snuggled into her crook and hands were around her waist, I was able to recognize those two figures because they were sideways to me. Without knowing I smiled looking at them, some part of said that though she gives him cold shoulder, still she cares. I looked down, then sudden thought of Ina came in my mind and my eyes again got filled with tears, I wanted to go the past and change everything, but at last I knew that I couldn't. I again looked up and now Sapphire was whipping Hundson's cheeks with her paws while his hands where still on her waist, I again felt guilty because of the acts. "You're blessed Hundson" I mumbled and left from there....