As The days are passing by so is everything coming and going as well" "things changes every day"

I had gone there to work genuinely and save up money to reregister my waec exams the next year which was 2015 because I would never give up on my education no matter what, I had good and solid plans for myself and my future all I needed was just the opportunity.

Few days in that compound I had noticed the relationships between my boss and his tenants, how he relates with everyone individually As a smart boy it was none of my business I only had to apply my own measures on how to be responding to everyone there individually too.

More days past and we didn't get any complain about our duties we were quite good workers just that the Calabar guy was quite dull in action and I was very smart but I never complained over helping him after completing my duties.

It was a big poultry farm in three different rooms very wide rooms with about 4000 layer birds, we gather about 40 crates of egg every day, we pick in the morning time from 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM we will wash the drinkers and disperse feeds on their feeder then we will pick second round in the mid afternoon around 2:30 PM then the last picking around 5:00 - 5:30 PM then we'll close for the day, But I wish it was really closed for the day indeed.

Our agreed duty was just to tend to those birds and the poultry itself nothing else but it was really above that with time, it was indeed a big journey.

My boss is a knight man and his wife,they go to church very early in the morning as early as 5:30 AM almost every day, so it was likely possible that we will be waking up to go and Open the gate for them to drive out during that early hours, and it was so.

Every day very early in the morning the wife will just come and be banging our door as if someone is pursuing her, me since the day I left my fathers one room apartment to go and be crashing outside I stopped sleeping over time, I wake up very early every day even now.

So before she comes I had already heard her footsteps but how she will just bounce on the door is what I couldn't see her reasons for acting like that, she kept on repeating that act until I personally devised a means for her, what I did was every time I hear her footsteps approaching our room I will just go and Open the door before she gets closer, I started doing it every day until one day we were having chats while we were cooking together

I will be cutting onions and the other boy will be cutting vegetables, after I will pound either pepper or something else for cooking, she called me Ndubisi because that's another name for Ndukwe in our language, she jokingly asked me Ndubisi who taught you that altitude you're exhibiting every morning?

I was astonished by the question I had already known what she's talking about, so I blushed a little and then I answered her and said, mummy no body taught me, I just don't want you to be stressing yourself that much every morning coming to knock hard on the door, jokingly I asked her, mummy hand no de pain you sometimes ?? in pigin English.

She laughed and said this boy you're brilliant indeed, It sounded so heavily in my heart, I said to myself Another credit, I began thanking God in my mind that for few days that I started working here it's not even up to a 2 weeks just a week and half and I've gotten about 2 powerful credit from my boss and his wife, I was so happy and overwhelmed with gush, but I couldn't allow of it to show in my face, so I reserved some and maintained my self.

After the cooking she will dish some and preserve them in the freezer and then cut our shares for us then we will go inside our room and eat either together or separately, the first day the food was quite doable, the second day same, the third same, it was same for straight one week we fed fine even though we were working over time too it didn't really matter to someone like me, all I knew then was as long as you're willing to give me food to my satisfaction or pay me accordingly I will definitely work fine for you, I don't care, "I rather work for it than beg for it"

The next upper week was a big turn of event, She rescheduled her feeding pattern for us, As at then we were only 4 persons in the house none of their children had returned from London, so it was just me and my colleague and the man with his wife

The initial agreement for our feeding was two square meal every day, in the afternoon and in at night alone, what we eat in the morning is none of their concern, wether you have food to eat or not, until afternoon no one eats anything meanwhile she and her husband must have finished taking quaker oaths in the morning time while we will be in the farm working

Our agreed duties was to feed the birds, pick the eggs, wash the drinkers and then clean the feeders and disperse new feeds after picking the eggs then set back the drinkers and refill it with water, but it wasn't just that from the first day.

Every morning when we are done with everything about the farm the next thing is to fetch water from downstairs to upstairs every day, we would go about 10 times each with 25litre..