
Let the interrogation begin.

Or so I said, and here we are now, barely understanding anything he says.

"Shub ub, ib nob goib tell you anything…"

In what language is this guy speaking?

I crouched down and took a hold of his jaw, "Speak properly now will ya?" I gripped his left index finger which soon followed with a cracking noise. A deafening screech was heard, even after some time he was still grunting and grimacing from the pain.

"So, will you talk now?" I asked once more.

"I will... I will so I beg of you, no more. My face is all destroyed now, I cannot use healing magic to regenerate it, my finger too… I have to wait over six weeks minimally to naturally heal… Kghaa!?"

"How arrogant of you, to think I would let you off with this much only?" I snapped his middle finger.

"Please!" The man began begging while crawling down to my shoes like a worm.

"Ah don't worry, don't worry, I am kind after all." I smiled generously.

Hmmm, I realized something. This guy can't use magic it seems.

Well then, "Let's begin, shall we?"

"First, state your name!"

"H-Hanson Nels." He said, his gaze downcast.

"That surname rings something. Oh, don't tell me you are from that cringe bandit organization called 'Nelsons the Feared'?" I smirked, not being able to contain my laugh.

His expression seemed to sadden as I made fun of him.

"What is your rank there?"

"V-vice captain." Damn, this guy is second in rank?!

"Damn, this guy is second in rank? Weak-ass." I did not take the cocky smirk off my face throughout the whole conversation so far.

"The captain… who was it again, Carl Nels, wasn't it? The typical mage who had a little affinity for magic and got drowned in his power."

He seemed dejected, how irritating.

"Listen here you failure, quit looking so sorrowful and all. It only annoys me, it doesn't make me feel any sympathy towards you."

"Now then, as per the main questions. How did you get here, and why do you have my teapot?" A scowl was written over my face.

"I… the crew of the Nels attacked the Ayla mansion…"

What?! Who could have such bravery to do so?

"Everyone was slaughtered, I could only steal that pot from your house and run with my tail between my legs, abandoning everyone…" Wait, is this guy really crying?

"Well it is obvious that happens when u attack the house of a dragon slayer, are you all idiots?" I shrugged.

"And, you didn't tell me how you came to earth."

"About that… I just fell through the ground, when I woke up, I found myself here."

"Hmm, I see… What about the language barrier?"

"What do you mean, don't we speak the same language?" He gave me a confused look while still clenching his fingers.

"Thanks for your information. Seren, can you call the guards here so they throw this guy in the prison?" I asked with a beautiful, shining smile.

"Eh… you really want to do him this dirty?" Seren asked as if she was disgusted by me.

"Well, this guy is scum… and if we let him roam freely, he may come back to get revenge?"

"I-I won't, I swear I will not do anything like that. You beat me singlehandedly even though I had a sword."

I looked at Seren, she basically had puppy eyes telling me to let him free, I sighed, "Hah… you don't seem to be lying. I'll let you go this time, though, there won't be a next if you even dare get in my sight."

"I thank you for your generosity." He bowed.

"Well, with that, let's get going guys, oh, and I'll be taking my pot, peace out!" I waved and we left the store.

"W-wait, what about the ropes?" he yelled.

We didn't untie him.


I served Sean and Seren, tea from my pot. As per its taste, we'll delve into that another time. I'll just tell you all they enjoyed it a lot.


It has been over one week of staying over, I've learned the alphabet, and I am now learning scientific subjects. Chemistry which explains a lot about substances seems useful since mana is quite similar in my opinion.

Advanced math is also interesting, I am very intrigued as to how they found so many different formulas and answers to the same result and even more difficult ones. Though I find it a little useless.


I've been training Sean and Seren physically lately, while I didn't get to teach Luke about it since he seems to be at this workplace most of the time.


It has been two weeks and today's morning was quite a particular one.


"Wake up, everyone!" Loud clangs of metal on metal were being heard throughout the whole house in the early morning.

"Five more hours," I said sluggishly.

"No!" she forcefully got me out of my bed.

Now standing face to face I asked her, "And, what is it today?"

"School." Seren grinned.


"School." Seren grined.

"Didn't we just repeat this?"

