
Seren notified me earlier that she signed me up for school, I don't know how though since I don't have any means of identification.

I now have a phone from which I've gotten a lot of knowledge, I think I am at the level of high school students from this world.

After all, I crammed information two weeks straight, and on the second day I learned the alphabet in around thirty-four minutes.


I wore the best clothes I currently have, a white extra-large shirt with a minimalistic picture on my back, while for my lower body, I wore some black pants. I got both when we went to the mall.

"Where are Sean and Luke?" I asked Seren about our other companions.

She looked at me, "Ah, they'll come a little later, so it is just us, on a school date." She grinned.

"Hmm…" I raised my brow unamused.

"W-What's with that anticlimactic reaction?" She said stuttering, embarrassed because of her own words.

"No, nothing really. Let's enjoy this school date to the fullest, shall we not? I grinned and turned the tables around, managing to get a cute reaction from her face as red as a tomato now.

We were at the door, getting ready to depart when I noticed Seren take a hold of something, a bag.

"Bag?" I said thoughtlessly.

"Ah…" Breath left Seren's lungs as she noticed I missed something essential for school, "Now this is some trouble, if you go to school without a bag on your first day, you'll immediately be classified as a delinquent by the whole class…"

"Let's see, the clock is seven-thirty-six right now and classes start at eight. Shit, I'll go by the mall and buy one." I hurried my legs and slammed through the door which Seren promptly followed after.

"No wait, it's too far, you can't make it!" She yelled, and the only thing left I did was turn back and tell her when and when to wait for me.

"In front of the school gates, at seven-fifty-five wait for me!" With that, I waved and vigorously ran.

Further from the house, I activated one of the transcendental spells I use the most, 'Super-Augmentation'.

I envision the multicolored mana particles moving up to my brain, becoming a colorless grey, now it moves back to my legs, arms, and muscles and it receives a tinge of green.

Super Augmentation!

I said the spell's name in my mind from which green ripples of lighting started to shower my body. Instantly my thighs and calves buffed visibly through my pants, the strength they could utilize also shot through the sky,


Steps interrupted other steps, pit-patting noises where heard through the roads filled with people and cars.

"Whoa!" people who noticed me barely managed to get out of the way.

I've been running for about two minutes now, and finally, here I am in front of the mall which normally takes fourteen minutes to get to by walking.

It is seven-forty now.

I can take some time to calm down and catch my breath.

"Phew…" I deactivated my Super Augmentation and held myself on a metal bar so I wouldn't tumble from my slack body.

I walked calmly into the mall and approached the closest shop that seemed to sell school bags.

Well, I don't really care what type it is.



Which brand should I go with? A head or tails would do its job.


Its tails. A bag from Nykei it seems.

I chose a dark color with lines of white, a basic one. Checked it out with the leftover money I had gotten from working one hour here and another hour there.

Ehhh, that's hella expensive! I thought to myself.

After that, I took a taxi back to the school because if I activated my Transcendent Spell again, I would probably tear my flesh and muscles and I don't want that, I hate pain.


It is now seven-fifty-four. I can already see Seren in front of the gate, her eyes darting left and right, waiting for me.

The car stopped in front of Seren, I left the machine exactly at seven-fifty-five. She took notice of me and sighed a breath of relief.

"Ta-dah." I widened my arms as if I did something oh-so-great that I arrived at the exact time I appointed earlier.

"Ey-" She karate chopped the top of my head with her outstretched hand. It didn't hurt.

"You wanker, I thought you would be late!"

"Ah... Well, I'm not so let us get on with the entrance ceremony, it should be starting now, right?" I smiled trying to change the conversation.

I began walking and soon after I let out a puff realizing I started to fall, "Ah... Pomf!"

"Uh... hahaha!" I fell down face-first and Seren started laughing her head off.

"Why didn't u catch me?!" I yelled annoyingly at her.

"Ah sorry, sorry, it was just funny and interesting seeing the all-perfect Elias fall down on his face." She wiped off the tears on her eyes and pulled me up, lending me her shoulder so I could hold onto her.

"Is this alright?" I asked while noticing the gazes on me throughout the whole schoolyard.

"What is?" She backfired a question herself.

Trying to pull out the words, I finally said it, "You know... People might get the wrong idea about us..." I trailed off.

"Now that you mention it... That's true, isn't it? Well, people may think whatever they want, kids our age like to gossip all the time about the smallest details too." She finished with her tone low, probably irritated just by thinking of memories.


We attended the entrance ceremony and it was boring as hell, that's probably why Sean and Luke didn't even bother to get here.


At the board swarmed by other kids my age, I tried checking where my class is. "Hmm, ten-three... Number six: Elias Ayla." I see. My class is the third one from this year, and I'm number six...


I finally found my new class, it was already noisy from the student's chatter, laughs, yells…

I opened the door and quietness overtook the class.

Everyone's gazes were directed toward me… I looked at the seating order, it was at the last, sixth desk by the window.

I sat down. Since then, no one spoke.

The teacher came in, introduced herself, and she didn't particularly explain anything besides telling us that she teaches Physical Education.


I thought I would be a loner for the rest of my school years… Until I was swarmed with girls all around me through the five-minute break.

They were asking about my name, where I'm from, where did I study before… So tiring, I couldn't take the frown off my face.

Oops, I seem to have made an enemy of every boy in the class.

Ah… What is that cutie pie doing there at the door? I noticed Seren's gaze across the classroom.

Oof, she's glaring at the girls so intensely.

"Well then you girls, I will be a bit busy." I smiled gently and approached Seren. Spent the break with her, and laughed together about silly things all over again.