Moving on, III

Luke Crimson POV:

"The normal covers the abnormal."

Hmm… is this like a puzzle or something? If it is so, then I have no desire to partake in this game, though, I have no choice.

"The normal covers the abnormal… normal… covers… covers, not hides?" I tried piecing everything together.

"Ah!?" A light bulb should've shown on top of my head if I were inside a cartoon.

I know already, I know!

A smirk managed to show itself on my face because of the excitement. Or so I would wish, it was about time I found the exit to this shithole. I wasted one portion of my life here.

I approached the desk again.

Pulled the drawer, and again, it was empty.

I touched the wooden surface of the box's insides.

The bottom part, a normal.

Press down the edge, which is covering the abnormal.

The cover or wooden plate is removed and the abnormal reveals itself to me.

What awaited me… was but an envelope.
