Moving on, IV

Luke Crimson POV:

Time seemed to slow down as I got absorbed in my thoughts. Numb from the pain, blind from the injuries, and deaf from the ringing of my ears.

Ah… I'm dying, aren't I? I thought.

Sigh… I wonder what I did to deserve this.

I don't think I did something particularly rude to someone, I always tried to be the cheerful kid, since the orphanage days.

Sean, Layla… I'm sorry, yeah.

The older brother has got to go now.

Fuck… I don't want to die.

I want to see their faces at least once more, once more…

Ah… God, please tell me, what did I do to deserve this?

I managed to get sight of the rats with the only bloodied eye in tact I had, the other one already had gotten eaten and devoured.

They were already washed in my blood.

I may have been screaming, but I don't know, here in this slowed space of time, I'm not…

Sigh… what a disappointment.

Nine years.

Over nine fucking years.