The Fragile Human Body : Part 1

Huang Ji had learned a few secrets about the human body. The reason he was able to defeat Wang Zhen and Hu Feng was precisely because he could spot their weak points.

Humans were still too fragile. Even a person who appeared very fit still had a variety of deficiencies and weak points all over their body.

While saving Dr. Liang on the mountain, Huang Ji had learned to search for weak points.

He could clearly sense the resultant effects that would be created from hitting certain parts of the body, what part of the body would cause a sudden loss of breath upon impact, or what part would cause a muscle cramp.

It was like pressure points, he could easily find vital striking points!

A lot of vital points were not very well known and disregarded. People were all familiar with vital points like the brain, heart, and throat, but Huang Ji able to find hundreds of other bizarre vital points on the human body... One of such points was a true death touch point and there was more than just one!

Huang Ji didn't want to kill anyone, but if he'd really wanted to, all he had to do at the time was give a heavy strike to a certain point on Wang Zhen and Hu Feng's bodies.

As long as the angle of his strike was accurate enough, they most likely would have died from a stroke!

Even if they didn't die, they would have been paralyzed for life... In more extreme scenarios, people with frail bodies even had terrifying vital points that would result in instant death upon contact!

Lu Zongmin, for one, had two such fatal vital points on the surface of his body. One point was always present, while the other would appear and vanish at times; both of which would result in instant death upon contact!

Some of the locations of these death points were very obscure and varied from person to person; they weren't always in the same spot for every person.

As a matter of fact, even the time of day and the position of the body would result in a shift of the location of this 'death point'. Sometimes, they would even temporarily vanish, or the chance of death would be reduced, resulting in only injury or paralysis.

This was why is was impossible to compile the vital points into some 'secret manual'. All Huang Ji could do was react on the spot, finding and using them on the fly.

"If there are vital points, or maybe I should call them negative junctions, then the human body must also possess positive junctions. There are a few dozen of these beneficial junctions on the surface of the body, but if you include the ones located within the body, there are hundreds of them! It's just, their precise effects are still very vague. I need to systematically study medicine to learn them."

These thoughts ran through his mind as he swiftly opened the safe. Taking out ten thousand RMB, he then dragged the safe to a different area and buried it into the ground again.

It was simply too heavy. There was three million in the safe. The money alone weighed 91 pounds! Not to mention the additional weight of the safe.

Huang Ji could only drag it around behind him. Considering it was impossible to take home all this money, he was just here to move the cash to a different location...and grab a bit to use while he was at it.

"I need my own private residence, but with my current situation, I can't use any of this money. Even if I won the lottery, grandpa would put away the money that I'd won. I need to think of a way to gain independence first."

Huang Ji took care of the scene and then went back home to hide the ten thousand RMB.

He knew that the most pressing matter right now was to gain independence; but as an intellectually disabled teen, how could he convince his grandfather?

His grandfather was an extremely stubborn man, but also loved him deeply. It would be very difficult to sway his mind.

As for pretending that his intelligence had improved and his brain had slowly gotten better; this would have been fine originally, but due to getting involved with the kidnapping case, it wasn't a good idea for him to suddenly recover any time soon.

The biggest reason he was able to walk away from the kidnapping case without any trouble was because of his identity as an intellectually challenged individual.

If he was suddenly a normal person again, it might create complications. Therefore, he had no choice for now but to continue playing the role of a slow-witted child with an IQ below eighty and a mild intellectual disability...

"School! I didn't participate in the High School Entrance Exam. I won't amount to anything in the future and will be fully dependent on Grandpa. He's always been worried about this. There's no one left in the family. Grandpa is worried that I'll have no one to rely on once he's gone... I need to think of a way for Grandpa to agree to let me go to school in the city."

The school Huang Ji was thinking of attending was honestly just any school in the city. A lot of vocational schools didn't even require a National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) score.

With a junior secondary school academic record, the only other thing they needed was tuition. Worst case scenario, even some place like the New East Cuisine School or Blueshit Institute of Technology was fine!

"In the first place, Grandpa's hope for me is to learn something that'll allow to to make money and take care of my in the future. The key is making Grandpa feel safe about letting me go to the city by myself and stay at the school dorm..."

First of all, Huang Ji could eliminate the possibility of him taking the train by himself and attending school in an unfamiliar city.

There was no way that was happening. He needed at least one person from his village to take him there, and they would have to be able to watch out for him at school or in the city. This was essential for him to persuade his grandfather.

"But who..." Huang Ji found that it was impossible for him to think of anyone by sitting around. He needed to go do a bit of observation.

The next morning, Huang Ji could be seen strolling around the village, looking around everywhere and occasionally blanking out on the spot.

Everybody was already used to it. How many years had they lived around him, who didn't know his circumstance? He was always like this, so they just greeted him with smiles.

The occasional person would even invite him in for a cup of water or some snacks. Despite this, even after a few days, Huang Ji was still unable to find a suitable candidate; that is, until the 15th of May, when the village chief's youngest daughter brought her boyfriend back home.

The village chief's youngest daughter was named Fan Lingli. She had good looks and an outgoing personality. She had studied in Shanghai, and then found a job in the same city. At the moment, she was the manager of a Home clothing store in some mall.

She was already 28 years old. The reason for this trip home was because she'd found a boyfriend. They'd been going out for two years already and the chief had always wanted to meet him. So, Fan Lingli came home together with her boyfriend.

"Huang Ji? Come on in. Have a seat." Fan Lingli had brought with her a lot of snacks and small gifts. She was surround by a group of children. Upon seeing Huang Ji spacing out at the entrance, she dragged him into the house.

Huang Ji realized that she was probability the best candidate, and so he pretended to talk to her in a slightly slow-witted manner. Fan Lingli didn't show any annoyance, listening to him patiently and even occasionally asking him about how things had been in the village.

Huang Ji answered all of her questions in an orderly manner, though his vocabulary was a bit rough and his tone of voice was blunt. He also mentioned how his strange illness had gotten better and that he wasn't always fainting now.

In the later conversation, he expressed his nostalgia of his school days.

"What, you're not in school anymore?" Fan Lingli gave Huang Ji a pat on the shoulder. Huang Ji stopped there and didn't continue with the topic.

Her boyfriend walked over at this moment. Seeing an older child like Huang Ji, he said with a smile, "Who's this, Lingli? Introduce us!"

"Oh, he's a child from my village. Huang Ji, say hi to Uncle Zheng." Fan Lingli introduced with a smile.

The man was having none of it, "Am I that old?"

But Huang Ji still called him in a well-mannered fashion, "Uncle Zheng." In reality, this wasn't wrong either. Fan Linli was a generation older than him, she just preferred if Huang Ji didn't call her Aunt.

"My name's Zheng Xuan. Call me Xuan." Zheng Xuan said, lowering himself down a generation.

Huang Ji looked him over, already gaining a general understanding of him.

"Well well well...a hacker." Huang Ji knew crystal clear about Zheng Xuan's true occupation. He was a hacker, and a very good one at that. The kind who could easily blackmail an elite stock brokerage firm from Wall Street.

"The dark web? What's that?" Huang Ji could also see that Zheng Xuan had a dark web account containing seventy thousand bitcoins, along with a JP Morgan bank account with one million US dollars.

This was his first time seeing someone with a dark web account. Huang Ji started searching through his memories, hoping to understand what was the dark web.

If he had enough time, he also wanted to gain some knowledge related to computer skills. Unfortunately, his memory reading speed was still too slow. He could only read one second of memories per second.

It was possible to learn knowledge like this, but it really wasn't very efficient. Key knowledge could be acquired through this method, but when it came to more fundamental knowledge, it was faster for him to flip through books.

Building a strong foundation by studying normally first, and then observing experts to learn more high-end, critical knowledge, allowing him to 'breakthrough bottlenecks'; this was the most efficient method Huang Ji could think of.

"Huang Ji, are you...sticking around for lunch? Look at how hungry you are!" laughed Fan Lingli. Huang Ji had spaced out for too long.

The neighbors had all left already, leaving him as the only outsider. Fan Lingli and the others thought that he wanted to stick around to eat. After all, the family had prepared an entire table of food for her return.

Huang Ji realized that he'd caused a misunderstanding. Collecting his thoughts together, he wiped his drool and shook his head, "I'll go home to eat."

"Hey now, go tell you grandfather...Actually, call your grandfather over too. We'll all eat together here." said the village chief.

Huang Ji pretended to decline while following the village chief back home, and then went back with his grandfather for a free meal.