The Fragile Human Body : Part 2

The old man and the village chief had a very close relationship, it wasn't much of a big deal. The two families got a long very well and even had a bit of alcohol.

As an outsider and Fan Lingli's boyfriend, Zheng Xuan naturally did his best to present himself. He was truly in love with Fan Lingli, they both loved each other; this Huang Ji was certain of!

Zheng Xuan was originally a very solitary person. It was only after meeting Fan Lingli that he became more outgoing by her influence.

Ignoring the legality of his real occupation, he was a pretty great person in all other regards. For the sake of Fan Lingli, Zheng Xuan had even gone out and got a translation job as a cover, translating English works for a publisher.

The village chief's family was very happy with him. Other than not having a very healthy looking body, everything about him was pretty good.

Especially the fact that he didn't have any bad habits. He did drink, but he wasn't an alcoholic, and he didn't smoke.

The village chief's family was happy with him, but Huang Ji was also pretty satisfied with him. He was satisfied with the fact that...Zheng Xuan knew a lot! Zheng Xuan was fluent in English and Japanese, and also knew a bit of Spanish and Russian.

His hacking skills were ranked #683 in the world while also being knowledgeable about electrical work and some mechanical repair work. Huang Ji could learn a lot of great things from him.

After finishing lunch, the old man and the village chief were in the yard, chatting over some tea. Huang Ji found an opportunity to be alone with Zheng Xuan. He was in the middle of repairing the Fan family's television.

"You're amazing sir. You can do everything." said Huang Ji, pretending to pay close attention.

Zheng Xuan had already taken apart the television, its parts littered across the floor.

This was a very old television, there was no point in repairing it; even the chief had said that it was unnecessary. Zheng Xuan did this purely to project himself. He also had the skill to back it up, rapidly finding the key problem and fixing the television.

"Not really. There really is no point in fixing this TV. What I did is just a temporary solution. It's simply reached the end of its lifespan." Zheng Xuan said with a wry chuckle. He then proceeded to reassemble the television.

"Let me help you." said Huang Ji.

Zheng Xuan smiled without saying a word. He knew that Huang Ji had a mild intellectual disability. He had sensed something off with Huang Ji's speech and had asked Fan Lingli in private. Consequently, he didn't take Huang Ji seriously when he offered his assistance.

The problem was, he had taken the television apart a bit too thoroughly, and it was a very old model. After working on it for a bit, he had to take out his phone and reassemble it following the pictures he'd taken earlier.

"Are you looking for this?" Huang Ji picked up the decoder.

Raising his head, Zheng Xuan saw the decoder and nodded his head, say, "Yeah!", before taking it and putting back in place. Upon finishing, he turned his head around to see that Huang Ji had already handed him the video amplifier.

He paused for a moment before taking it over and installing it. Huang Ji then immediately handed him the next component to be installed.

This process was repeated over and over again. Huang Ji acted as an exceptional helper, handing over every part in the correct order.

This allowed Zheng Xuan to save a huge amount of time, and the television was soon restored to its original state. Turning it on, the television program played as normal; it was fixed.

"You've...taken a TV apart before?" Zhen Xuan stood up and asked.

Huang Ji shook his head. Zheng Xuan asked again, "Then how did you know what I needed?"

"I watched you take it apart. Don't you just put it back together in the opposite order?" Huang Ji answered with a straightforward tone.

"I mean..." Zheng Xuan couldn't say anything. It's not like he was wrong, everybody knew that. The problem was, not everybody was capable of remembering the order they'd taken it apart, and then reassembling it back perfectly.

The more complex the machine, the harder it was to restore. Unless they were very familiar with the structure, the average person would have to organize the components by order of disassembly to facilitate reassembly.

Another method was to take before and after photos to use as references for reassembly.

The components on the ground were scattered about randomly, and Huang Ji didn't have the photos. He knew how to reassemble the television after only watching him take it apart once; this was talent.

"Is he really a retard?" thought Zheng Xuan. He scratched his head and then took out a piece of paper, drawing on it six geometric shapes.

After numbering them, he asked, "Based on the pattern of the first and second drawing, which of these four drawings do you think belong in the same category as them?"

This was a simple intelligence test pretty much anyone with an average IQ could answer.

However, Huang Ji simply blinked and asked, "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Zheng Xuan smiled awkwardly: Man, he didn't even understand the question.

He then explained the question in detail a few times, breaking it down and asking it two more times in a simpler format before Huang Ji gave an answer.

"You're correct! It's the last drawing." Zheng Xuan nodded his head. He understood now that Huang Ji may have had an intellectual disability, but he wasn't an idiot.

He'd forgotten how Fan Lingli had told him that Huang Ji only had a mild intellectual disability.

"That's right, having a mild intellectual disability just meant that he was a bit slow-witted. In fact, these kinds of people tend to show exceptional ability in a certain area; some have great musical sense, while others are very sensitive to numbers... Sometimes the talent they exhibit far surpasses the average person." Zhen Xuan thought to himself.

He was different from the villagers with prejudicial views who liked to treat a mild intellectual disability as severe retardation. He knew very well that some of them were simultaneously geniuses in certain areas.

Thinking for a moment, Zheng Xuan pulled out his laptop and quickly took it apart, laying the parts across the table. He then said with a smile, "Huang Ji, can you put it back together?"

"Why?" asked Huang Ji innocently.

"Um..." Zheng Xuan scratched his head. He thought to himself: Never mind, this is a bit too much for Huang Ji. This was just a sudden whim on his part to test Huang Ji.

Seeing that he was going giving up, Huang Ji then said, "Do you want my help?"

Zheng Xuan was surprised: He's a good kid. He's not treating this like some test, the only thing that crossed his mind was whether or not I needed help. It was the same with the TV...

"Yeah, I don't know how to put it back together anymore. Give me a hand." Zheng Xuan answered with a smile.

Huang Ji didn't say anything like, 'Why'd you take it apart if you don't know how to reassemble it', immediately getting to work and concentrating on reassembling the laptop. He moved quickly and steadily, perfectly reassembling the laptop whose parts were once scattered across the table.

Zheng Xuan was fascinated upon witnessing Huang Ji's exceptional affinity with machinery: Who said he was an idiot? While he was slow-witted in other areas, he just might be a genius when it came to machinery.