The Mission: Part 2

Eric never expects, his four days of peaceful life would break at an unexpected time because of an uninvited guest.

When they reach home after school, Butler Itt was the one who welcomes them to the house as he was living there for ages. After giving a warm treatment to Eric by serving snacks and tea, he escorts (but feels like dragged) his young master towards the study room without informing much, Aiden also follow Eric as a tail.

"Master, young master Eric is here as per your order!" As a perfect butler, he has done his duty without any flaws while throwing fireballs into others' hearts.

The platinum blonde hair, golden eyes, and the similarities in their looks make it easy for Eric to identify the person sitting in front of him with a prideful face.

'Jonas... Jonas Al Martin...'

Eric's body which never trembled in fear in front of his enemies not even once, that day automatically shaken just by the presence of Jonas. Eric couldn't understand, why is it happening. Especially when he doesn't have any memories of the past.

"I have something to talk about, are you going to stand there?" Sitting on the chair while cleaning his gold-plated beretta 92fs (gun), Jonas calmly spoke in his rock-hard voice.

"H-huh…" Taking a deep breath, Eric sat on the opposite chair while facing Jonas. (But his looks are completely towards the gun while praying, it doesn't contain any bullets.)

Aiden was worriedly observing the situation until the door closed in front of him. He stands outside while imagining the worst scenario which can happen inside.

If his master (Jonas) came here to investigate about the murder case of his second wife and son, then this house is going to witness the second round where the father is going to kill his son.

However, this time, the dead bodies count is going to decreased from eight to two. Next to Eric's body, Aiden can see his own body lying on the floor.

'After death, we won't meet each other often right… I can't imagine how he going to live without me in hell…' Mentally preparing himself, Aiden stands there while thinking about his and his young master's afterlife.

"You are almost eighteen, right? Don't you think, it's time to prove your worth… Not as my son, but as a member of the black dragon…

Itt…" Taking a file from Itt and throwing it to the table, Jonas continued. "It's your first assignment. All you need is to catch a traitor A-L-I-V-E, just enough to answer my one question."


"It's somewhat like a test, so there are some conditions,

First, it's a top-secret mission, so your identity must be hidden. No matter what.

Second, you can at least pick two men from our association for this mission, not more or less.

Lastly, everything in this world had a cost. So, the cost of failure is your life... You must know, your father won't accept any losers from his association nor his family. Don't think of it as a warning… it's just a reminder.

And I forget to say the most important thing, you have two days to finish this assignment...if it's not enough took one more day... I won't be so harsh on your first assignment, try not to make it a final gift from your father.

You don't have any problem with the assignment, right…"

"T-that's…" Before lets him speak, Jonas interrupts.

"I know you won't, work hard… Don't make me disappointed." Throwing a huge responsibility on Eric's shoulders with a smile, Jonas went to take a good rest in the master bedroom.

Eric couldn't understand what kind of situation he ended up in. Cluelessly looking at Butler Itt, he turns his gaze toward the documents that are placed on the table. The content of the document is about the person he needs to track down at all costs to save his life. The document contained the detailed report about that person with photo.

"Albert Lore…" The name felt somewhat similar to Eric, thinking about it a little more, the bulb lightens up in his brain.

'Albert Lore… Isn't he the adoptive father of Cain Lore?'

The story of Cain wasn't much different from other villains, he was an orphan who got adopted by a childless couple. Holding many dreams with overflowing happiness, he went with them as their son without knowing what's waiting for him there was hell, not heaven.

Life with them wasn't something as he thought, his adoptive parents just wanted a puppet, not a child. Just by saying, everything for his sake, they controlled the child's life as they wished. As a tamed pet, he was raised in the house.

Not longing, the childless couple was blessed with a child but have a weak body. The sadness, frustration, helplessness…every single thing they passed through began to leave marks on that Cain's small body and heart. He became a tool for them to release their emotions through violence, abuse, and ignorance.

He endured everything while holding his fake hopes to heart by betraying himself. But as time passes, the hopes of being loved and cared from his family burn down into ashes.

The day, they sold him for money to the lustful beasts, all the lingering feeling that left behind his heart finally disappeared. He begins to see the world as dirt filled place, and humans touch makes him suffocated… to protect himself from all these, he moves towards destruction while destroying everything around him…

"Why are you in a daze? Do you know him, young master?" Butler Itt's voice interrupts the thoughts of Eric about Cain.

"No-Not at all…"

Without any idea of why his life which he wants to move smoothly getting continuously entangled with the villains', Eric sat on the chair while keeping sighing with every breathe he take.