The Mission: Part 3

"Young master, did I ever offence you or do something that makes you upset?"

"NO, why?"

"Then why are you doing this to me again and again…

Just for the reason you saved my life, I followed you to this hell… out of my own stupidity. Shared... No suffered everything with you, especially when it comes to bullying and physical abuse. There are times, I have to face difficulties more than you in this house.

It's OK if you don't care… I used to live my life like this. But do you think, it's right to drag me into the fire pits that you are about to fall every time?"

"Why are you creating a scene out of nowhere? Is it that bad to be on my team?

You must learn from Butler Itt, at least he had some confidence in me…"

"That's because he knows Master Jonas won't kill him, if you fail or die."


After the conversation is over between Eric and Jonas, Eric thoughtfully chooses his teammates without looking much to other candidates. He chooses Butler Itt and Aiden, the two people he knows better than anyone else.

Itt's power and source that spread almost everywhere to gather information about any dangerous thing and Aiden's willingness to follow Eric in any danger, was the main reasons behind that decision.

After gathering information about Albert from Butler Itt and the documents, the assignment seemed a little tricky to Eric.

Jonas called him a traitor, but from the information about Albert was he living causally as always without any worries or concern. Not even hiding himself from Jonas either.

Resigning from his position as manager in Black dragon, he joined Vinson's group. (Vinson's group - A foreign information trading company that has tie-ups with both black and white dragons. Also, the company holds an immense power due to some untold reasons that make the two gangster groups powerless in front of them in some situations like this.)

And lastly, Albert Lore is going to attend a party held by white dragons as a representative of the Vinson group on Sunday, which is meant to be the last day to finish the assignment also.

Thinking about how they are going to face such a situation, a sleepless night passed through in Eric and Aiden's life.

The next day at school.

"We should have stayed at home and made some plans instead of wasting our time in school…" To Eric who somehow relaxing in the class after escaping from Jonas's den, Aiden spoke in a lower voice at the middle of teacher taking the class.

Hearing bore stuff from both sides, Eric lay on the desk to take a nap while avoiding Aiden. However, sleep also doesn't blesses the one whose mind is filled with tension. Restlessly when he looks around, Eric's eyes lie on Abaddon who surprisingly presents that day after taking four days leave.

Nothing much changed but the bruises on his face disappeared. Looking carefully, Abaddon somewhat seemed cute for some reason, and thinking back about that night gives a relaxation to Eric's mind. Without knowing, Eric just spends his time while just looking at Abaddon.

Sensing the strange stare from the backside for a long, Abaddon's gaze slowly reaches toward Eric.

"Hi…" Seeing an unexpected friendly behavior from Eric makes Abaddon startled and confused. Ignoring him, he continued to focus on class but from time to time he also peeked at Eric in curiosity to check was he still staring at him?

"Ahem… Hm… Isn't it a bit too much?" As a disturbance, Aiden's voice appears.


After the class, Eric takes the chance to speak with Abaddon but seeing his nervous face spoil the plan before execute. He can understand Abaddon's situation, so acting rashly just complicate everything. The rivals can't be friends even they are classmates.

Returning home from school, the candy store reminds them about Helica. She wasn't there to irritate Eric or steal his lollipop. Without buying anything, Aiden disappointedly stays there while Eric doesn't show his emotions but inner, he felt emptiness for some reason.

Without speaking to each other, Aiden and Eric slowly walk forward. One by one, a group of boys wearing the same uniform begin to follow them. Peeking at them, Aiden recognized the group, they were Abram and Aisha's friends, and also some of them holding hockey sticks in their hands.

They were following them so causally while not gaining much attention from the surroundings, but they kept their speed with Eric and Aiden.

'What do we do?'

'I don't know…'

'Young master…' With eye gestures, Eric and Aiden secretly pass their conversation.

However, when they ended up in a junction while waiting for the red light to ON. Eric created a love sign with both hands and cutely show it to Aiden. Then he breaks the heart and re-joined it in a playful way.

Seeing it Aiden wants to slap his young master for being playful at this situation however, he holds back his emotions and watch it while deeply sighing.

The moment, three seconds left for the red light to beam. Eric begins to count




Hearing Eric counting, Aiden was sure that his young master is up to something.

As he predicts, Eric suddenly kicked a boy from the gang at the end of the count and run as fast as he can while screaming, "Aiden, Runnnnn…"