The Mission: Part 4

"How did I end up in this damn place?" Running away from Abram's gang, Aiden somehow ends up in an isolated area where a burn-down building is located.

Tracking down him, three boys from the gang also reached there. Without letting his guard down, Aiden hides inside the building while holding his life in his hands.

A few minutes earlier everything happened.

While returning home from school, Eric and Aiden met unexpected trouble because of Abram and Aisha. Their friends surrounded Eric and Aiden while planning to take revenge for what Eric did to them at the club and school.

Instead of acting recklessly and creating trouble for themselves in the public, the boys followed Eric and Aiden closely toward an isolated area to execute their plan. But unpredictable Eric's action creates a mess.

After leaving a kick on one of the boys from the gang, Eric runs away with Aiden at full speed and got separated after crossing the road.

Eric entered a narrow alley that connected with many short paths and Aiden took the straight road which is quite covered with people.

To capture both, the gang which had seven members split into two and followed them. First group containing four boys, they went to catch Eric and the three left over, went towards Aiden.

Eric who had a good knowledge about the connected roads of the alley, so he sets a neat trap for the ones that followed him. Without knowing that, the boys entered the alley while thinking of themselves as predators.

Instead of knocking them down all at once, Eric planned to make the game more interesting by hunting them down one by one.

"Where did he vanish to?" Leading them to a cross path, Eric disappeared without leaving a trace like a magic trick.

"Which way should we take? This or this…" Confusingly looking in both directions, the boys asked themselves.

"Ricky, Jay both of you took that direction. I and Zion will look over there… Zion? Where is he?" The one who stayed there with them suddenly disappeared without any notice. Anxiously looking around, a scream came out from the opposite direction.

"Isn't it Zion's voice?" Running towards that place, they saw Zion who is lying on the ground while screaming in pain.

"Zion… What happened?"

"Who did this to you?" Each one begins to be questioning the situation.

"My leg… Eric, h-he broke my leg…" Crying in pain, Zion explained.

"What!!! But how?"

"That bastard…What did he think of himself?"

"We must take him to the hospital… Jay helps me to lift him." When they intend to take Zion to hospital, Eric appeared in front of them.

"What a friendship! Are you all going to leave just like that…

There is no fun at all… Anyway, when you aren't interested to pick a fight with me how can I force some kiddos…

Quickly, pick that trash and leave…" Sarcastically, Eric spoke while looking down at them.

"You bastard… How dare you? I won't leave you alive…" With overflowing emotion filled with anger, Ricky went to hit Eric while leaving the others back.

Dodging the attack and leaving a hit on his stomach, Eric slowly takes his leave.

"Don't let him escape…" Hearing the voice from Ricky, the others followed Eric while leaving Zion behind.

Their anger and confidence slowly fade away by witnessing another victim from their team. Fear took the place of anger, instead of fighting they prefer to run away from that damn place.

At that moment, they felt the alley was also so strange. The people around here are mostly beggars, gangsters, and people from the slum. They don't care, even after hearing a scream or witnessing an act of crime as it's none of their business / they don't want to get involved.

It's such a perfect place to do any kind of crime.

Too bad, realizations always came late…

They run towards the exit but never expect, coming out from the alley isn't something they can decide. They can sense the danger coming towards them, and that day they realize a predator can also become prey if they chose the wrong prey to hunt.

"Please… p-please let me goo…" In a trembling voice, Ricky the last prey left in Eric's list begged while crawling on the ground with his broken leg.

His mobile was ringing again and again, but the situation is too tense that life is mattered than anything.

"Don't you want to pick up the call… then let me help you…" Taking the mobile from Ricky, Eric takes a look at it. 'James' but before he picked up the call cut off.

"Eric… Please…"

"Don't worry, I won't do anything…

So, let's stop everything with this, if not… then don't blame me in the future for being merciless." With a warning, he left them there to survive on their own and come out of the alley with a messed-up look. Went towards the path which Aiden took while truly hoping nothing bad happens.

However, two eyes were secretly following Eric without gaining or interrupting his attention or work.

Meanwhile at the burn-down building where Aiden hides.

"Why isn't Ricky picking up? Hey, try Zion or Jay…"

"Why are you being worried, let them enjoy…"

"Whatever send our location to Abram and Ricky."

"Where is that brat hiding?

Check every corner…"

Three predators begin to search for their weak prey, meanwhile, the prey waits for the opportunity to escape.

But unluckily, Aiden got caught by those guys and ended up getting beaten up more intensely. After hitting him with the stick they begin to use their legs for an entertainment.

They continued to torture him until Aiden is about to lose consciousness, his view begins to fade away but before it has completely gone, he saw a shadow that walks towards him.

"How can he be here?"


"He came alone?" Aiden heard the whispering voices, he tried to look up, but his condition is worse that he couldn't even lift a little finger.

"Aid... Aiden…" A familiar voice reaches his ears, a warm hand touched Aiden's face.

"Y-young master…" Without any doubt, Aiden spoke even though he couldn't see the face clearly. "You came…" Hardly put a smile on his face, Aiden lay on Eric's hand and slowly lose consciousness.

For a moment, the scene reminds a past memory to Eric. A man is lying on the floor which is covered in blood. His lips were hardly pronouncing the word 'Brother' with a smile which doesn't even last long.

"It looks like we have to handle these two idiots…" Saying, a black-haired boy from the group of three came to hit Eric with a stick.

"You shouldn't have touched him…" Eric stops the attack by grabbing the hockey stick before it touches his body and fiercely looking at them like a wild beast about to destroy everything.

At that correct moment, Abram also makes an entry. Oppositely taking the whole situation while observing the situation, he spoke.

"What a pity! I just came and you are already finishing this off…

Show me a second round…" With arrogance, he spoke without any idea what kind of danger is waiting for him.

"I will show you the second round more thrillingly…" Slowly and carefully putting Aiden down, Eric spoke in a cold voice.


The mercy he showed to the first group wasn't even seen a bit there. Instead of breaking their bones, he hunts down each one brutally to the point they are beaten to death except Abram. Instead of killing him, Eric left him alive while broking his limps and jaw. Throwing him to the corpse of his friend whose face wasn't in a shape to identify anymore. Eric leaves the building while carrying Aiden in his hands.