It's just a contract...

"How about being my boyfriend?" The words of Eric shook Abaddon for a moment.

'He can openly agree to my offer, why twist it in such a way? Disgusting…' Abaddon, who had lost faith and trust in everyone, misinterpret the words.

"How long will the time period be? Six months, a year…" Clenching his fist tightly, Abaddon agreed, even though it's something he doesn't want.

"S-Six months… I don't like long-term relationships.

However, I have some conditions that you need to… no, you must follow. Before agreeing bluntly, I want you to hear them first, so you don't dare to blame me in the future." Making his point clear, Eric spoke.

"What are they?"

"Don't make such a serious face, they are quite simple:

1. Until the contract period ends, I must be your topmost priority, expect in life and death situations.

2. You have to spend at least one hour with me every day and also keep this relationship somewhat private.

3. Don't try to betray me by don't sell my information.

4. Try to keep a bright smile on your face; it's quite cute.

5. The most important thing: never truly fall in love with me or make me your weakness..." With a serious tone, Eric ended the last sentence.

Even after hearing the conditions, Abaddon's answer remained same. Without hesitation, he openly agreed while thinking it's all a mere play he had to do for his revenge.

But he never thought the relationship that was about to build up for a short time would turn his life upside down. Aren't rules are meant to be broken…

"Then, who are those guys that you want to kill?"

"SAM, VIAN, LOID and…"

'Isn't it them?' The names reminded Eric of a plot connected with Abaddon in the novel.

Taking a bit more time, Abaddon called out the final name. "AISHA MIR."

"Wait…wait… Aisha... Isn't she your sister? You want to kill her too…" An unexpected, surprised reaction came out from Eric's side; however, he controlled his facial expression and continued. "Actually, I don't care… why you want to kill them? But I would like to hear an answer from you for one question.

Do you really think, by killing them, your problems would be solved?"

Abaddon was aware that nothing would solve; indeed, it would create more problems. There was even a chance he would lose his life. However, he didn't want to endure anything anymore. More than revenge, it's like justice he wants to give himself before everything ends.

Because of that, silence was the only answer that came out from Abaddon's side.

"Let me give you a piece of advice as an experie.... as a friend, in this world, there isn't a problem that can be solved by killing someone. Because when one problem ended, another arises as its aftereffects and that thing has the power to change your entire life, either in good or bad way. So bef..."

"Do you know what they have done to me?" This question stopped Eric for a second. "If you're afraid, I won't force you… just pretend nothing happened. But without knowing what I went through, never ask me to forgive them…" Abaddon's voice was shaking in anger.

"I'm not telling you to forgive them.

Without knowing what exactly you went through because of those guys, I don't have the right to say such things. It's all up to you.

But there are plenty of punishments left in this world other than death. If the crime is serious, don't you think they deserve something better than that? A few moments of pain and fear are enough to satisfy the wound they created in you. Don't you want them to suffer a bit more, like they regret what they have done for all their life?

We can't throw our food just because some flies roaming around it."

The sound of bell reached their ears, "Shouldn't we go back now? Let's continue the talk after school, I will wait for you at the gate." Eric ended the conversation, completely confusing Abaddon.

After that conversation took over, Abaddon couldn't focus on the class at all. Thinking about everything that Eric said made his decision unstable.

In the evening, Eric waited near the school gate for Abaddon, as he said. In the meantime, Abaddon slowly walked towards the gate while thinking of an idea of how to approach Eric in public. They had never interacted in front of others.

Seeing Eric from a distance, Abaddon's whole body stopped working. He stood there without even able to take a step forward. Looking around worriedly, his eyes finally made a contact with Eric's eyes.

Maybe understanding Abaddon's situation Eric didn't make a move; instead, he walked to his regular destination after school, the candy store, at a slow pace. So, Abaddon could catch up once he felt fine.

But unexpectedly meeting Cain and Helica on the way completely destroy the whole plan drastically.

"Is she your girlfriend???

Girl, you really have a bad taste in men..."