Is he a playboy?

'Why is he taking so much time? Let's buy some chocolates for Cain before Abaddon arrives… He must be very happy.'

Eric went inside the honey store, pick some chocolates and lollipops which suited his taste. In the meantime, Abaddon entered the store while searching for Eric, who vanished from his eyesight a moment ago.

"You are here…" Seeing him, Abaddon felt as though he was reunited with his lost child.

"You took a while to come here... Which one do you prefer, grapes or watermelon?" Holding two lollipops of different flavors, Eric curiously asks.

"Mmm... w-watermelon!"

"Ok, here you go." Unwrapping the cover, Eric put the lollipop inside Abaddon's mouth and continued. "Do you want something else?"


"But we want...

Pay the bill for these too..." Suddenly Helica's voice came out from behind, and she had already placed the chocolates on the desk with the bill. Eric couldn't understand her motive, but she continues. "Your stare won't work on me; I'm not begging; it's just my payment."

"Payment?" Cluelessly, Eric asked.

"I personally dropped off this boss's lover at his destination. So doesn't my delivery service save your time and money, Mr. Loan shark?" Confidently she spoke without batting an eye.

"I never asked for this service, so why should I pay?" Separating his items from hers, Eric spoke.

"You... "

"I might think about paying these if you ask nicely like 'Please brother, Heli loves it. Can you please buy it for me.'"

"That suc..."

"Heli…" Cain suddenly stopped her from saying something outrageous. "If you don't want to say what boss said, just leave it. Why get into trouble? We can buy it later..."

"Are you supporting me or him?"

"You" Without a second thought, Cain replied.

"Huh… P-please brother. Heli…" For her candies, she let down her self-esteem a bit. However, before she complete her words, Eric stopped her.

"Please, brother… Your sounds reflect like you want to eat me alive. Act a little more cutely, just like the time our first meeting. Try one more time… You can do it…" Teasing her, Eric had her repeat it once more.

"Please brother, Heli loves it. Can you please buy it for me…" As he wanted, she performed. "Now pay the bill."

"I don't want to…" With a smiling face, he stepped on her sacrifice. Her face turned red with many emotions including anger, embarrassment, and sadness.

"You said, you will…"

"When did I say such a thing? All I said was, I might think about paying the bill… But I don't have any interest in paying the bill."

"Why are you teasing a child?" Witnessing everything, Abaddon came to the middle as a peacemaker. "I will settle the account, please give me the bill."

"Is she your girlfriend???" Misunderstanding the situation by thinking Abaddon had an upper hand over Eric, Helica continued. "Girl, you really had a bad taste in men... He doesn't suit you at all..."

Abaddon froze for a moment upon hearing the word 'girl' from Helica. Eric tries to hold back his laughter, as he deserves it, and Cain really doubts his friend's IQ, EQ and eyesight.

"Heli… He is a boy." Whispering in Helica's ears, Cain continued. "Can't you see his uniform? He even has short hair…"

"It's not possible… How can a boy be so cute like a fairy? Look at the face, the eyes, the lips…" Without understanding, if it was praise or insult, Abaddon stood there, thinking why he even got entangled with such kids in the first (blame himself).

"I think we should go now; let's meet tomorrow." Covering Helica's mouth before she exaggerates her wild imagination, Eric left with the two little devils.

Because of Cain and Helica, Eric didn't get a chance to ask about Abaddon's decision. However, thinking back about Helica's comment about Abaddon make him remind the day, when he dressed Abaddon as a girl and escaped from the club (the other incidents that took part completely removed from his imagination).

The next day, at a café.

"So do you decide what you exactly want?" While eating the pastry, Eric got to the main task.

"I-I don't want to kill them…"


"But I want them to feel the pain, fear, helplessness at least for once." Holding the spoon tightly, Abaddon shared his thoughts.

"Then what kind of cooperation do you expect from me…" Seeing the clueless expression on Abaddon's face, Eric continues. "What I mean is, you want to take your revenge yourself, right? So, what kind of role should I perform? Something like your sword, supporter/helper, protector, strategist… anything"


"Don't worry; if you can't decide I can play all these roles. After all, aren't I your boyfriend…

Say ah…" Placing a spoon full of cake near Abaddon's mouth in the middle of serious talk, Eric acted like a boyfriend.

"Why are they so lovey-dovey all of a sudden? Isn't he a boy?" Sitting at the next table, Helica and Cain started making comments.

"Don't you understand yet, your boss loves good-looking boys. First brother Aiden, now him… Is he a playboy?

Luckily, I don't have to worry about you..."


"You aren't good looking at all."