It's a deal with devil-V

Abaddon doesn't expect Eric at his door in the late hour. With a sweet smile, Eric is standing outside the room while carrying a pillow and bedsheet that he often uses.

"Why are you here???"

"Shh… Keep your voice low…" Looking around carefully like a thief, Eric came inside without Abaddon's permission. Freely throwing the objects in his hands, Eric sat on the bed in a relaxed way.

"In the nighttime when everyone is sleeping, why are you here? What's with this pillow and bedsheet?" Being a little surprised over Eric's actions, Abaddon curiously asks.

"At this late hour, when a handsome guy came to your room without making a noise... Can't you understand what my intention is? Or are you that naïve, not to know such a thing?" In a teasing way, Eric spoke.

"W-What?" R-18 runs through Abaddon's mind.

"I'm worried about you…" Blocking the content, Eric came into the picture. "You don't look quite well at the dinner either, so I came to check.

Adjusting to a new place is somewhat tough, so I thought having a familiar person next might be relaxing. Also, you hate to be alone the most."


"So Abaddon... can I stay here tonight?" Acting cutely Eric asks for permission.

"Are you really serious? You want to spend a night with me…"

"Why are you making it feel like something weird? I'm just here to keep you company."

Abaddon still couldn't believe how he ends up lying next to Eric. Even though there is a bit distance between them, Abaddon felt a bit awkward but more, Eric's presence makes him relax.

Living in a house filled with numerous enemies and no one to lean on, there are times Abaddon wished for someone's presence next to him but never expects the person should turn out to be Eric Jonas, the guy from a rival family.

'Bound to hate each other but why are we getting entangled with each other? Am I pulling him to the pit with me?'

"Abaddon, are you sleeping?" Breaking the silence of the night, Eric interrupts Abaddon's thoughts.

"Ahh… No…"

"Can I ask you something?"


"Today, how did you end up in the building with them? Is there something that you are hiding from me?" Abaddon already expects such a question from Eric, but he isn't ready to talk about the incident yet. More than that, he feared how Eric gonna react after hearing the truth.

Without giving an answer, Abaddon sat on the bed while keeping his head down. He doesn't have the guts to look at Eric or convey his problems.

"Is it hard for you, there is no need to force yourself. I won't ask either… But don't make this cute face look so sad, it hurt my heart." Make Abaddon look at him, Eric continued. "You know Abaddon, in this world there isn't a problem that doesn't have a solution. However, no one ever reaches the solution if he/she does not look for it either." Seeing the confused look at Abaddon, Eric directly comes to point rather lengthening the topic.

"What I'm trying to say is, sometimes seeking help from another person is also considered a solution when you can't handle it alone.

If you ever have a problem that you can't handle alone, come to me anytime I will solve it for you." Concernedly, Eric concludes his words. Seeing Abaddon keep silent after that, he decides not to force him anymore.

Unexpectedly Abaddon reacts to the words at the last moment of withdrawal. "I need help…"


"I don't know how you feel after hearing it, but please don't hate me…" Abaddon finally releases all the burden from his shoulders, even though he isn't sure about how Eric will react. He tells him everything, that he went through these days.

Abaddon tried to avoid making eye contact with Eric, he was afraid of seeing the expression Eric might have that time. What if Eric feels disgusted by being near him, or he looks at him pitifully…. Or what if he also looks at him lustfully as the others have done?

"You must have endured a lot alone…" Surprise Abaddon, Eric holds him in his arms. "Sorry to let you suffer this long. It's my fault, I should have understood your situation. Now there is no need for you to carry such a burden alone, I'm here and I will take care of the rest. Thank you for trusting me."

"Aren't you disgusted by me?" Abaddon couldn't hold back the anxiety that he had all these times.

"Abaddon, I might have felt disgusted, if you again choose to be a weak guy after what happened. But now, I really feel proud of you instead of breaking down, you decide to fight for yourself. So never ever say such a stupid thing?"

"T-thank you for understanding me… I am so afraid that you would hate me… I'm so scared before… I'm scared that no one would believe me…" Abaddon couldn't control himself and let his emotions flow freely while leaning on Eric.