It's a deal with devil- VI

Eric's morning began with a loud knock on the door. However, next to him, Abaddon was sleeping peacefully like a log while using Eric's body as his hugging pillow.

Without waking him up, Eric quietly opened the door and met Cain outside.

"Boss, how come you are here? Wasn't it the guest room?" Observing the dark circles around Eric's eyes, his unbuttoned messy shirt, and a slight scratch on the face near his lips, (caused by the slap); Cain asked the question while having a mischievous look, aware that something was amiss.

He learned from Helica that his boss likes cute boys. Also yesterday, at dinner time, Cain met the precious guest that butler Itt mentioned, and it turn out to be Abaddon, the boy who often showed up with his boss recently. Combining all the detail together, he felt something fishy here?

"Well boss, someone named… Nithane from your school came to meet you. He is waiting downstairs." Understanding the question was unnecessary by Eric's piercing looks, Cain came to the actual point of why he is there.


'Isn't it the name of one of the protagonists?'

Nathan is one of the protagonists who is destined to erase the villain. Not as the other four, he is a mystery character that came to the scene for a short while because of the broke of an epidemic caused by Ardat Lily. The role he had to play was a genius scientist who found the cure for the epidemic in a short time.

But what makes his character a mystery is, he has been working on finding a cure for this virus even before it was noticed by the government and media. Not only that, at the end of his story, Nithane willingly dies with Ardat but not as a hero who sacrifices himself to protect the world, it's more feels like a confession of a lover as he be with her in life and death.

Holding back his excitement, Eric quietly closed the door without creating any disturbance to Abaddon and went downstairs while grabbing Cain with him.

In the living room, he saw a familiar face. 'Isn't he the boy I met that day?'

[Nithane turns out to be the name of the fat boy he met on the ground the day; Abaddon tried to commit suicide.]

'He is Nithane… There is no chance this cute chubby teddy bear be the protagonist. The author even describes him as a cold, dashing, hot-looking guy with a six-pack.

Instead of six packs, he only had a family pack. Then is that some sort of joke?

Maybe he had a similar name, what a disappointment…' Comparing the Nithane from the novel and the one in front of him, Eric came to greet the guest.

"Hi, Eric…" Seeing Eric, Nithane stood from his seat, and he greets him first.

"Hi… What's brought you here?" Curiously Eric spoke to the first normal person who came to meet him in this house. The common visitors are his psycho dad and butler Itt.

"Ahh… I came to give you, your bag; you left it at school." Giving Eric's school bag, Nithane continues. "How can you forget your bag this carelessly? It's your luck that I noticed unless your bag going to stay there for whole two days.

Anyway, your single notebook for all subjects helped me to find its owner."

'This little… is he mocking me?'

'How come my boss is this poor? Did his ex-boyfriend (Aiden) leave him because of this cause? How cruel…' Misunderstanding the situation totally, Cain went inside his room.


"There is no need for a thank you between friends."


"Aren't we?"

"Ahh, yeah…" To change the awkward conversation, Eric picks a new topic after seeing the heavy school bag near Nithane. "Isn't it Abaddon's bag?"

"Yeah, he also left his bag at school."

"You can leave it here; I will give it to him."

"It's Ok, I don't want to trouble you…"

"Don't worry, it's not a trouble. I eventually have a personal reason to go there... You know we are family friends…" Hiding the personal reason inside the room, Eric made an excuse.

"Oh, then, please… Now, I'm leaving… I have some work to finish at the shop where I'm working part time, so… Bye." Hearing a reasonable answer from Eric, Nithane suddenly agreed and leave in a hurry as he waited for it.

"Boss… is your friend gone?" Out of nowhere, Cain appeared and ask the question making Eric startled.


Where is he gone again?" After hearing the answer, he wanted. Cain to disappeared without a trace in seconds and reappeared with a few notebooks from his room.

"These are all mine; you can have it all boss." Misinterpreting the laziness of Eric as his boss went broke, Cain donate his books and the small savings.

Eric couldn't help rather than smile over such kindness that Cain provide. He realized the decision he had taken that day to save Cain isn't wrong but also felt guilty over how he is about to use him as his weapon when the time comes.

Isn't there a say that, 'There is no pure goodwill exists in this world.'

Abaddon went back to his house and at night, he was forced to accompany Aisha to the Saturday club. As always, he had been cornered while she enjoying her time there but unexpectedly Abaddon saw a familiar face dancing in the crowd.

To confirm the doubt, he slowly approached the woman who is wearing a back-opened black sequin short dress. His heart was beating so fast in nervousness, and it suddenly skip a beat the moment he saw her face.


Abaddon couldn't take off his eyes from Eric, who appear at the club in disguise. His heart is still beating fast, but the reason isn't the same anymore.

"Is there anything on my face, baby?"

"Aah… No…" Coming out from the mesmerizing state, Abaddon replied.

"Why are you so boring? Never flirt with anyone before… In this kind of situation, you should have told me something romantic as 'Baby, you are just too stunning that I can't take off my eyes from you.'

You completely ruin my fun." In a disappointed way, Eric complained.

"Ahh, sorry… I promise I will do better next time.

Wait, what am I even talking about? Why are you here?" Coming back to the sense, Abaddon anxiously asks.

"Just to hunt some stupid animals..."