It's a deal with devil-VII

"Hunt??? Who? What do you mean?"

"Did you forget about our deal? There are two lefts on your list, I'm here to hunt them down to hell as a devil b***h…" In an extremely thrilling way, Eric exposes his desire to Abaddon while dancing with him.

"Here… but how?" Nervously looking around, he anxiously asks.

"Don't worry about my business, I will take care of it perfectly without leaving a clue. But you have to do something for me…" Secretly handing over a packet to his hand, Eric continued. "It's a gift for your lovely sister, carefully put it on her drinks and come back quickly. I will be waiting for you…"

After saying Eric pushes him away and continues to dance in his high heels. Abaddon slowly looks at the packet which Eric gives him and found out it is some sort of drug.

Abaddon isn't aware of what Eric is planning by drugging Aisha, but still, he willingly co-operates with the plan just by trusting the person who is no one to him. [If only speaking logically]

However, Eric is also the only person who comes to save and support him in difficult times. It's a mystery, how or why he appears there, but that person's presence gives him peace of mind and comfort as he isn't alone, there is also someone for him, to lean on in this world.

Abaddon does as Eric said, without gaining suspicions he put the drug on Aisha's favorite drink, daiquiri, and takes it along with the others drink. Standing next to her side as a servant, Abaddon looks around for Eric and found him intimate around Sam.

'Why is he so close with that bastard? Where is he touching him? Eric, why he allowing him do these? Is it also a part of his plan? But why he seems like enjoying it?' For some reason, Abaddon couldn't able to digest the thing, he saw right in front of him.

Sam is a little touchy-touchy with Eric who disguised as a hot chick. His hands were on Eric's back and slowly moving downwards to the bum. Anyway, Eric doesn't show any discomfort towards the touch, more like he is trying to seduce him with the beauty.

"I think he got a new chick…"

"In flirting, no one can win against him."

"I hope, he be willing to share her with me too…"

"I'm getting jealous over him, what a hot chick, spicy and juicy… If I am in his place, I might kiss her feet."

Hearing those comments from Aisha and her friends, a strange feeling sprouts out from Abaddon's heart, a discomfort as something that belongs to him was taken away. He wants to break those hands that touching Eric lustfully, and an desire to teardown Sam raises in his mind. Trying to hold back, Abaddon stay there but seeing them moving out from the room totally loses his control.

Standing in the dimly lighted corridor, Sam approached to kiss Eric but unexpectedly a kick makes him fall to the floor. Meanwhile, Abaddon makes a cool entry as a hero who came to save the heroine in danger. [Actually, it's not the case here.]

Luring out Sam from his friends, beating him to a pulp, and creating a scene is the initial planning that Eric made but the sudden commotion startled him a bit.

"What have I done?" Hearing a low voice of self-talk from Abaddon's side makes Eric speechless.

"You bastard, how dare you to lay a finger on me? Now die…" Punching on Abaddon's stomach, Sam furiously spoke and continue to beat him ruthlessly.

The plan was ruined, he wants to create a scene but doesn't want to involve Abaddon at all. So Eric tries to get involved in the fight to save him. "Hey, please stop. Don't make a fuss, let him go…"

"You bitch, are you trying to protect him." Push Eric to the wall while grabbing his neck tightly Sam got out of control.

"Leave me, leave me…" Seeing her in a pathetic situation, a cruel smile appeared on his face but soon it turned into a confused expression while seeing her (Eric) making the same smile as he. "Don't your mother teach you, never to touch a girl carelessly?"

Eric took hold of his finger and pull it very hard in the opposite direction. Because of the pain, Sam's grip loosen and Eric escaped, the next moment Abaddon again hit him with a dust bin placed there.

"We should run away…" Abaddon holds Eric's hand and intended to run but he doesn't move a bit.

"How long are you going to run away from him? Today or tomorrow, he will come for us, then what will you do? Beg for forgiveness from such scum…

Once my mom said, if you haven't the strength to protect yourself and those things you cherish, then you haven't the right to hold such thing. And you know what I cherish most in this world, it's myself. How can I face myself after today, if I run away like a coward?

So, baby, I won't force you to stand by my side but don't try to stop me either. I want his right hand that grab my neck."

Abaddon takes off his hands from Eric and fights alongside him instead of running away alone. However, the day Sam realized what it feels like to play with fire. His right hand and two precious eggs broke brutally and pathetically at the hands of two villains.