Can you...forgive me?

"Did you hit your head or something? Are you serious, right now?" Hearing the weirdest and crazy plan from Eric, Jonas disappointedly spoke. If his health isn't the problem here, he would have smacked the head of Eric already.

"Oh, so you don't like it. Ok, please enlighten me with your plan then." Sarcastically, Eric continued. "If you hesitate to reply like this, our head will blow before executing your brilliant plan.

There isn't any, right? Then shall we proceed with my plan?"

"But that… it's risky."

"If we sit here or fight back, the outcome is not going to be changed anyway. So why do you hesitate to risk your life one more time [he already did it once. ]

Let's hunt them down together, it's going to be fun at least." Jonas looks at him with unbelievable eyes, what he said is correct. Taking a risk is much better than waiting to get killed.

Getting a positive reply from Jonas, Eric took some necessary weapons that might come in handy in the fight from the kitchen such as red chili and pepper powder, knives…

"Do you want some?" Seeing the confused look on Jonas as to what he even doing, Eric cluelessly asks.

"…" That was an utterly speechless situation for Jonas for some reason.

Eric looked at his watch and counted to three, suddenly the lights were turned off again. It's the work of Aiden who is playing behind the scenes under Eric's command.

Both of them come out from the hiding place and begin to hunt down their prey in darkness. The glowing powder that Eric throws at the intruders while saving Jonas makes it easy to locate them.

However, Jonas couldn't help much because of his condition, before he became a burden to Eric, he stepped back and found a safe position. Meanwhile, Eric continued to fight using every weapon he carried.

More than killing, he being enjoying torturing his opponent physically. After leaving a cut on the opponents' bodies, he threw chili powder onto them. Anyway, in a moment of carelessness, he almost got attacked by an intruder from behind but before that happens, the intruder's throat was cut by someone else.

Hearing the sound, Eric turns around while wielding the axe. But seeing the person behind, make him slightly startled. Luckily, he was able to stop the axe at the correct time before it touches the neck area.


"Want some help, darling!" With a wicked smile, Abaddon spoke while moving the axe a bit away from his neck.

Eric couldn't understand what he meant, but seeing the fearless face and the blood-dropping knife make him feel a bit uneasy.

"Then please." Giving the same crazy vibe, Eric accepts the offer.

"You look exhausted, leave it to me then." Whispering in Eric's ears, Abaddon entered the field. He show off his extraordinary skill at killing which is beyond Eric's expectation.

His moves are like an assassin, without making any noise he simply reaches his opponents. His actions were smooth and easy, even the opponents don't realize their veins were cut off by someone.

Without wasting much time, everything ends in few minutes after Abaddon's entry. Anyway, Eric tries to hide Abaddon's presence from Jonas by making him leave the room before the lights turn on. [Actually, let him stay in his room for the time period.]

Once everything was over, Eric took Jonas to the nearby room and do first aid while their doctor came to treat him.

After Jonas gets treated by the doctor, Eric went inside to see him one more time.

"Have a seat." Seeing Eric, Jonas asked him to sit next to his bed and continued. "I should be thankful to you if it weren't for you…I might have…"

"Why did you put your life in danger for me?" Cutting the conversation in the middle, Eric nonchalantly continued. "All these years, not even once have you ever cared about me. Why are you acting so weird now? Did I pick your interest or something?"

"How can a father not be concerned about his child? I also did, but somehow it all went wrong. Because of my ignorance, you have suffered too much. If could, can you... forgive me for once."

"Did the doctor give you any weird medicine? Why are you acting like this?" Keith doesn't feel like he is the one to forgive him for his mistakes, so he doesn't answer the question straightly. "We can talk later, take a good rest now."

Escaping from such an awkward situation, he directly went to his room where Abaddon is waiting. He was planning to interrogate him about his unexpected arrival at the wrong time.

Opening the door, seeing Abaddon who came after taking a shower and being half naked in the room erases the initial plan from his brain in a second. Water was dripping from his hair and body, which made Eric a route finder for a moment.

To get a hold of himself, Eric slap himself and directly went to the bathroom, locked himself inside it.

A few minutes later, Eric come out freshly with peace of mind while controlling his naughty thoughts, but all to what just to explode his heart more violently. In his bed, Abaddon waiting for him sexily while only wearing a white shirt.

Eric couldn't understand where to look, more than his face, the body is tempting. 'Control Keith… control…'

With a forefinger, Abaddon calls him in a seductive way. Eric come closer to him, grabbing the hand Abaddon pull him towards and locked him up inside his hands.

"It's been days, how have you been? Do you miss me?" Keeping a very close distance, Abaddon speaks. His breath is touching Eric's neck.

"I missed you a lot more than you expect. I almost gone crazy. What about you?"

"Me too, I also went crazy that I even thought about erasing his existence to be with you forever."