Nothing can be hidden from Aiden

As their words drifted, Eric noticed an unusual glint in Abaddon's eyes. His lover's voice took on a slightly sinister tone as he uttered words that sent a shiver down Eric's spine. 'I also went crazy, that I even thought about erasing his existence to be with you forever.'

"What? What did you say?" The words struck Eric like a bolt of lightning and suspicions began to brew in his mind.

"I missed you."

"After that… you said as if you want to erase someone."

"Did I?" Abaddon's reply clearly made Eric speechless. He is dumbfounded in asking such a question to Abaddon, who often changes his attitude and words as he pleases. "Isn't it the first time, we were talking like this… instead of doing anything?" With a straight face, Abaddon changed the topic and curiously asks.

"Cough, cough…"

"Do we ever have a conversation, when we were this close to each other?

We didn't even have a date properly. Why did you never consider asking me out?

Why is it always I have to take the first step? You are so lame…"

"What? I didn't… Huh… Don't regret after provoking me…"

Their conversation ebbed and flowed between moments of innocent laughter and moments of intense passion. The atmosphere between them became electric, and their bodies drew closer, yearning for a connection beyond words. As they surrendered to their desires, the bedroom felt like a cocoon of love and warmth, wrapping them in an intimate embrace.

The night progressed, and the world outside the bedroom seemed to vanish. In each other's arms, they found solace, forgetting the challenges that life had thrown at them. Hours passed, and exhaustion gave way to slumber.

The next day.

Eric tiptoed through the hallways of his family mansion. The soft morning light filtering in through the large windows.

He was determined to keep his secret safe, his heart racing with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

How much he likes to be with Abaddon, the reality won't change just because Eric sees it differently. Whatever their relation is, Abaddon is always an enemy in others view. If he caught up with Abaddon in the current situation, it would only bring up new troubles for both of them, especially after yesterday's incident.

Eric carefully went to the kitchen without gaining much attention from the servants that appear overnight because of Jonas and began to gather an assortment of delicious treats, creating a breakfast fit to show his sincerity. Just as he was about to leave, a voice behind him startled him.

"Good morning, young master Eric," Aiden said, his voice calm and collected. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Eric's heart pounded, and he turned around to find Aiden standing there, his eyes looking directly into Eric's as if trying to read his thoughts.

"Oh, uh, good morning, Aiden," Eric stammered, trying to act nonchalant. "I just thought I'd get some breakfast for myself. You know how I... like to eat... early in the morning."

"Ahaa…" Aiden nodded, seemingly accepting Eric's explanation, but Eric couldn't shake the feeling that Aiden saw through him. "You should take more, it's too less to fill two stomachs."


"Enjoy your breakfast. I'll make sure no one disturbs you." Adding a bit more to the plate, he handover the tray to Eric with a killer smile which shows that he is aware of everything.

"T-Thank you." Without making Aiden's mood worse, he left the kitchen with the carefully prepared tray of food in his hands. He made his way back to his bedroom, excitement building with every step. When he entered the room, he found Abaddon sitting on the bed, looking slightly disoriented.

"Good morning," Eric said softly, setting the tray down on the bedside table. "I brought you breakfast."

"Eric…" In a disbelieving way, he looks at Eric.

'What is he doing here? Is this, his room? But how did I end up here?'

[The morning, Abaddon awoke with a jolt, his mind a foggy haze. He blinked, trying to make sense of his surroundings. Confusion washed over him as he found himself lying naked on the bed, his body aching in unfamiliar places. Panic threatened to consume him as he couldn't recall the events of the previous night.]

However, seeing a familiar face subsided the anxiety a little that arise in Abaddon's mind. He wanted to clear his thoughts, to ask Eric about the night before and how he ends up here, but he held back for some reason.

Eric sat on the bed beside Abaddon, a soft smile on his lips. "You were amazing last night," he said, his voice gentle and reassuring.

Abaddon felt a little embarrassed by hearing such cheeky words, a blush crept onto Abaddon's cheeks just by imagining how everything might had went through. "I... I don't remember much," he admitted sheepishly.

" It's alright," Eric said, brushing a hand through Abaddon's hair. "We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

Abaddon felt a mix of relief and guilt, grateful that Eric wasn't pressing him for answers, yet troubled by the gaps in his memory.

"You should quickly clean up first, the breakfast is getting cold." Seeing him making a sad face, Eric changed the topic quickly.

"Ahh… I'm going…" Abaddon intend to step out from the bed, but his legs were worn out from the long night exercise. Without any support, it makes hard for Abaddon to walk.

Before he falls, Eric carries him in his arms and takes him to the bathroom.

"Put me down, I can walk…"

"I don't want to…"


"Can't you hear, I don't want to…"