Detective Eric & Aiden

"I don't think it's a good idea, wearing a female outfit… Anyone can easily recognize me as a boy." To escape from the house while concealing Abaddon's identity, Eric comes up with a fabulous idea of dressing up Abaddon as a girl. Even though Eric was ready to lend his collections, but Abaddon hesitated to agree.

"If you don't want to, I won't pressure you. We can come up with another plan. However, after last night's incident, security has tightened, and it's too risky for you to get out of here. On the top of that, if you were caught by my father's men… I'm not sure what they would do to you, especially knowing that you are from Mir family.

Taking you out as my lover is the only plan that came to my mind, but I never expected it to make you uncomfortable." [I don't understand if he is pressuring him or not at this point.]


"You don't have to worry; we can think about some other escape plan." Comforting him, Eric spoke.

"Do you have any female outfits?" Before Abaddon could finish his sentence, a load of female clothes appeared in front of him. However, they were mostly short and sexy party wear.

"Choose whatever you like, or would you like to try them on first?" Eric suggested.

"Aren't they a bit small?" Taking one from them, and observing its length Abaddon hesitated a bit, but he gave in when he saw Eric's innocent face [Abaddon's view]. "Let me try it first."

One after another, he tries every dress, but not a single one makes him comfortable. Maybe it was because he wasn't used to wearing such dresses. Meanwhile, Eric has enjoyed the show wholeheartedly.

"I think, you aren't that comfortable with any dress. How about this one, it's pretty long." After seeing Abaddon in each dress, Eric gave him a medium-length white floral-designed frock, which suited his taste more than those dresses.

With Eric's makeup skill, he totally transformed Abaddon to a pretty girl. Even Abaddon couldn't believe his eyes after seeing his reflection in the mirror.

"Where did you learn such a skill?" With an amazed face, Abaddon asked.

"Ahh… You are just impressed by this small thing… Anyone can do this…" Eric couldn't give a clear answer to his question, especially when it was something related to his past. For a moment, it reminded Keith about Kiara (his sister), and Evan, the two fools who had been with him in his all-crazy acts as well as up and downs. "Wear this wig too…" Eric quickly changed the topic.

Silently, like two thieves, Eric tried to sneak Abaddon out of the house, but they got caught by Jonas before they could step outside.

"Eric, who is this?" Jonas inquired with a cold tone from behind, freezing their movements.

"Turn around." Hearing Jonas's words, Abaddon slowly turned around to face him, but the reaction of Jonas after that surprised him. "Is she your girlfriend?"

"Y-yeah. she is," Eric replied nervously.

Jonas greeted the disguised Abaddon with unexpected warmth, "Nice to meet you. I'm Jonas, his father. And you are?"

"Aliya," "Mira" Abaddon and Eric replied simultaneously, but pronounce different names.

"Hahaha… I often call her Mira, so it naturally came out from my mouth." Abaddon laughed along with Eric as support.

"I hope yesterday's incident didn't disturb your stay here. Let's meet each other again sometimes… Ah, it will be good if you wore neck-covered clothes for a few days…" However, Jonas figured out the situation well but was unaware of the fact that the girl next to his son was a boy.

After Abaddon safely left the house, Jonas bombarded Eric with questions about her background and their relationship.

"Which family is she from? How did you two meet? Is she studying in your school?"

"Don't pry too much; we are not going to have a long relationship." Cutting it off completely, Eric replied.

"Why? She isn't your type."

"She is… but we can't be together."

The next day at school.

"Don't you want to sit next to Abaddon today?" Seeing Aiden change his seat next to Nithane, Eric curiously asks.

"Not interested." The night after witnessing Abaddon's dangerous side, Aiden completely changed his mind to avoid meddling in the affair between Eric and Abaddon anymore. To be precisely, he was finally ready to accept any future at this point because he was completely surrounded by psychopath killers: Eric, Abaddon and their families.

"Are you sure?"


"Love you, darling… Sit comfortably, Nithane take care of him for me, Ok." Getting a positive reply from Aiden, Eric happily went to sit next to Abaddon.

Class start, and when everyone was attentive to the lecture Aiden witnessed an unexpected scene. The top student in the class, Nithane, dozed off during the lecture. At first, he treated it as an influence of being with Eric, but when it continued to happen every day, it raised suspicions in Aiden. Even Nithane was seen to be a little weird lately.

The one who always came first at school now became a latecomer. Also, he looked so tired compared to usual from the beginning of the day. At the end of school time, he took leave without a second delay.

"It wasn't a complete day since your bandages were taken off. Why do you want to end up in trouble again?" For the first time, Eric spoke Aiden's dialogue. He was against investigating Nithane's personal life just because of Aiden's suspicions.

"Are you coming or not?"

"I'm planning to take Abaddon on a date. So…"

"Yesterday, Master Jonas asked me about a girl named Aliya. I was about to say the truth when your innocent face came to my mind, so I suppressed my loyalty. But now it seems like a burden to my heart…."

"What's the plan?" Eric quickly changed his attitude.

After class ended, they followed Nithane and ended up in front of a gym. Going inside, they saw Nithane doing workouts so sincerely. When Aiden was feeling relaxed by knowing the truth, Eric's eyes were watching a girl who was giving guidance to Nithane.

"Aiden, do you know that girl?" Pointing at her, Eric curiously asked. She was the same girl he met that day.

"Who doesn't know her? It's Ardat, Ardat Lily."