Another world

Mary opened her eyes and found herself on the ground. She sat up, rubbing the back of her neck.

It hurts, she thought. Where am I? Where is this place?

She was in an unknown place like a whole different dimension. There was an enormous mansion in front of her and there were stone fences surrounding the mansion and her.

She looked behind and saw a steel gate connected to the fences. She moved her head up and saw the sky was yellow.

Something was floating in the air, she narrowed her eyes to see clearer but she was disturbed by a sudden growl behind her.

She looked behind her and saw a big dog, half her size. She slowly stood up and the dog growled loudly. She slowly and gently stepped back.

She stepped back three steps and made a run for it. She ran as fast as could towards the mansion but something caught her ankle. She fell to the ground.

She was sure that she left a gap between her and the dog. She glanced back and saw something that made her shiver.

The dog has tentacles behind its back.

She thought. What the hell is that?!

The tentacles were pulling her ankle with huge force. She used her other leg to try and kicked it away but it was useless.

The dog summoned another tentacle from its back and held her other ankle. She tried to struggle but it was pointless, the force was too strong.

She scratched the ground trying to slow down its grip. Her fingers were bleeding as she tried to hold on.

She turned around and saw something enormous swoop down. It looked like an angler fish but it was as big as the mansion. Not only that, it has wings. The thing she saw just now, soaring through the sky was it.

It bit the dog and swallowed it with one gulp. The tentacles wrapped around Mary's ankle loosened. Without hesitation, she flung herself into the mansion and closed the door.

She clenched onto her chest, panting breathlessly. She lay on the door and slowly slid down onto the wooden floor, trembling from head to toe. The scene of the two creatures kept appearing in her mind and the scene of the dog being eaten by it. The blood of the remaining tentacles.

She vomited on the floor and put her knee to her chest, curling up at the door.

After a while, Mary calmed down and started looking around. The mansion didn't have fancy decorations like all the movies shown.

Two staircases were leading to the second floor. But she didn't want to go up after what had happened. So, she walked into the corridor between the stairs.