
Mary walked along the corridor, hoping to find a medical room. She tried opening some doors but most of them were locked.

She went to a door far from the room that Lucius was in. The door has a massive cut across it as if something scratched it.

She stepped closer to it and touched the scratch mark.

It must be an experiment. She thought. Does that mean the door is open?

She gave the door a gentle push and it slowly creaked open. She felt a chill up her spine as it opened. She swiftly moved in and switched on the light.

She saw a medical bed in the middle of the room, the same as the one downstairs. She sighed, relieved that she didn't encounter any experiments on the way.

Then, she hastily searched around the cabinets, hoping to find a first aid kit. After a while, she found it. She took it out of the cabinet and rushed out of the door.

As she was running along the corridor, she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Look what we got here."The voice said with an angry tone."We meet again. Greedy little human."

Mary remembered that voice really clearly. It was the man with bear-like ears and tail and bat wings behind his back. He saved her yet almost killed her.

She still standing there on her spot, trembling.

Why did we have to encounter each other so fast? She thought, standing still. What should I do!? He's definitely going to kill me this time!

"Hey!~" He continued, still with a furious tone. "Aren't you going to greet me? I saved you once, remember? And aren't you going to apologize for stabbing me with that glass sharp? Last time!"He spoke, using a more furious and deeper tone.

Mary flinched hearing his last words. She could feel her whole body sweating. She couldn't think of what to do, her mind went blank.

For some reason, Mary slowly turned her body to face him. She was now, staring at the man. The man looked at her and smiled sinisterly. Then, he gradually walked toward her.

Mary didn't run, her feet were stuck to the floor. She was too afraid to move. He approached Mary and stopped, leaving a gap between them.

Mary still didn't have a plan in mind but her hand moved into her pocket and clenched onto the knife, tightly.

The man suddenly stretched out his hand at Mary. He showed an expression like he was craving something. Mary could tell he was craving for her flesh.

When his hand nearly touched her face, her instinct told her to pull her knife. She swung the knife out of her pocket. He managed to dodge it but it cut him on the wrist a little.

He glared at her and his smile vanished.

"You!" He shouted."After you attack me, I've been finding you for a long time. But this is how you treat me? Even when I found you I didn't attack you. So why don't you take the chance, when I am still gentle, to apologize to me? Maybe I will let you go. Stop resisting!"

He took a step closer to her. Mary used both hands to clench on the knife and pointed it at him, taking a step backward.

"Now, now..put the knife down. You know is dangerous, right? You don't want to hurt your saver, right?" the man said.

Mary opened her trembling mouth and said in a shaky voice. "You're not my saver. You're just an experiment who wants to eat me!"

Mary turned her whole body, running away from him. She ran with all her might, wanting to go back to Lucius's side as soon as possible.

But the thought of Lucius still injured made her want to stop.

If I brought the experiment to him, wouldn't it be bad? She thought. He's already injured but if I stop now, I will die!

She dashed along the corridor, the experiment still chasing behind her. Then, she saw the familiar door that she and Lucius entered.

The man stretched out his hands to grab Mary. Mary flung open the door just in time to dodge his hands. She zoomed into the room and closed the door behind her.

She used her body to lean on the door, blocking him from entering. Then, she heard a hiss. Lucius was still sitting on his tail. His hands were holding a notebook that Mary gave him.

She saw words on it. What took you so long? He wrote.

Mary said. "Nothing! Just met a little trouble along the way!"

His eyes widened and wrote. Did you get injured? And...why are you leaning over there?

"No, I'm not injured! And I'm just leaning here because I want to!"

Mary felt a huge force hit the door but she didn't move away. She used her strength to keep the door shut as much as possible.

Lucius tilted his head, confused. He stood up and slithered to her, suspecting what she was hiding. Mary pushed him away, gently when he was in front of her.

Instead of falling back like last time, he was standing straight, not budging. He pushed Mary aside and the door flung open. It revealed the man, who was chasing Mary.

Lucius stood there, glaring deadly down at the man. His pupils were sharp and merciless. At that moment, Mary noticed how tall he was. He was twice the size of the man.

The man looked up at him, sweating. Mary could hear him mumble. "Shit!"

He gradually stepped backward. Suddenly, Lucius hit the door frame with his fist and hissed at him. There was no mercy in his eyes.

Mary and the man flinched. The man bowed down and said "I'm sorry to disturb-"

Before he could finish, Lucius swung his injured tail at him. The man was thrown down the stairs by Lucius's strike. Lucius slammed the door shut with a bang and Mary flinched again.

Then, he turned his face to Mary and wore a smile on his face.