Story telling

Lucius pushed himself away from Mary's shoulder while rubbing his bloodshot eyes. As he was rubbing, he saw Mary chuckle at him. He hissed at her while pouting his cheek, which made Mary chuckle into a laugh.

"I know it is normal to cry but..."Mary said while containing her laughter."It's really rare to see a big boy crying so much. It just makes me think you're a crybaby."

Lucius stared at Mary while still pouting, then he looked away, avoiding Mary's gaze.

"Come on. Are you mad? I'm just speaking the truth."

Lucius continued to ignore her.

"It seems like someone's mad."Mary sighed."I guess I have to continue my journey on my own."

Lucius gazed at Mary again when she spoke out those lines. She stood up and he hugged her tightly on one of her legs. She flinched, she didn't expect her trick would be this effective to him.

"Hey, Lucius. You can let go now. I'm not going anywhere, all right? How can you fall for a trick so easily?"

Lucius heard her words, he noticed he fell into her pranks. He hastily looked away from her, his tail slamming on the floor, angrily. (but lightly.)

Mary chuckled.

"So? Do you want to continue our journey? You know the paper."

Lucius stared back at her with a childish excited look on his face. He quickly zoomed to the door and opened it for her. As Mary walked towards him, she looked back and saw the girls' leftover body parts laying next to each other, making Mary feel a sense of pity and sorrow toward them.

She soon walked out of the room and Lucius shut the door behind them. They walked down the corridor until Mary remembered something.

"Lucius."She called him as he looked back at her."Why were you with that experiment?"

Lucius tilted his head and craved something on the floor. Bear? He wrote.

Mary nodded and Lucius wrote everything about his story without her.


Lucius slithered close to the walls to find a door connected to, where Mary disappeared. When he found it, he pushed it open immediately, he didn't bother to check what was inside, he was afraid it would be too late.

The door flung open by Lucius's strength and it knocked on the wall with a loud bang. The room was dark but Lucius was fine as he had night vision. He observed the room and saw a man with round, fluffy bear ears.

His eyes were on Lucius's but Lucius didn't care much. The most worrying feeling for him was that the room was filled with blood. He hastily looked around the room but couldn't see anything other than that bear.

He turned to him and noticed he was sitting on the floor with something in his hands. It was like a lump of meat, Lucius felt his whole body flare up with rage. He dashed toward the experiment and grabbed him by the collar.

"Let me go! I didn't do anything!"He shouted as his legs were dangling off the floor.

Lucius hissed at him, angrily.

"I have nothing to do with her!"He answered as he was able to understand his inhuman language.

He raised his hands in a surrendered way while the lump of meat landed on the floor. But Lucius didn't let him go.


He pointed at something next to them. Lucius looked to his side and saw a lifeless body which triggered him even more. He raised his hand up and clenched it into a fist. He was ready to bash the man's head until the man yelled.

"Wait! Wait! Don't hit! Look...Look closer! It's not her! I promise!"

Lucius hissed at him with his merciless gaze at the man. He then squinted his eyes to look at it. Its abdomen was ripped out while its blood was oozing out of its body causing Lucius to feel disguised. After looking at it for a few seconds, he noticed it was a man.

He threw him down onto the floor and hissed, aggressively.

'Then?! Where is she?!'

"I told you I don't know."The bear experiment said while pushing himself up from the floor.

'Then, you might as well just die. You will be troublesome to us anyway.'He hissed.

"Wait! Wait! I think I might know where she went! I saw two young girls pulling something away and I heard a living being shouted 'Lucius!' before the sound dies."

'Where did they go?!'

"I'll tell you, where they went but in return, you have to spare me!"

Lucius stared at him, pissed but then he gave a forceful nod. The man smiled and said while pointing down the hallway.

"They went down that way."

Lucius looked back at him and hissed.

'You're coming with me.'


He then grabbed the man by the shirt and threw the man in front of him.

'Lead the way or else!'

"Ah...Yes!Yes!Right this way..."

The man guided Lucius to where Mary was at. He was afraid that Lucius would suddenly kill him the moment he found Mary. He was thinking of escaping but how is he going to escape under the supervision of Lucius?

He soon gave up and just accepted defeat when he noticed Lucius was never going to leave him alone. As they were walking along the corridor, there was a yell.


Then, the sound disappeared.

Lucius pushed the experiment to the side and saw a hand sliding away into the door while leaving a knife behind. He then dashed into the room immediately.


"So...he was there to help you?"Mary asked, doubtfully.

Lucius nodded.

"I see but the most unexpected thing was that he was able to understand you.

Lucius nodded then he wrote on the walls.'I was shocked too, now that you mention it.'

"To be honest, I never thought he was willing to help you."

He tilted his head, confused by Mary's reply.

Mary sighed.

"Since you just say the part of your story...I might as well say mine. It all started when I first came to this mansion..."

Mary told him about the story when she first encountered that experiment. Lucius was fine with the story at first until she reached the point where he injured her. He was pissed while staring at the hallway with the eye of ' I should have killed him when I have the chance!'

"Don't be so mad, he did help you find me, didn't he?"

Lucius looked at Mary still with an angry face. Mary placed her hand on Lucius's head and patted him. His angry face soon switched into a joyful look. He swung his tail, happily while smiling, innocently at her.