The End?

Mary's headless body fell on the floor in front of Jack, who was still half conscious. After swallowing his older sister's head, his consciousness was back. He looked around, confused while something watery was on his hands.

He looked down and saw a puddle of blood, leaking out of a woman's headless neck. He screamed while crawling away from it. His back hit a wall and he stared at the body. He then looked at his trembling hands, they were covered in blood.

He switched his gaze back to the lifeless body. He stared at it, wondering who the body was and when it died in front of him until a voice appeared.

"Oh?"A mysterious, cunning voice came from the darkness." Did she die?Already?I really like her... What a pity~I didn't even see how she died."

The person in the darkness walked out with a sigh as his face was now revealed. It was a man wearing a long white lab coat with black hair and brown eyes, wearing a pair of spectacles, Dr. Anthony.

Jack flinched while trying to push himself back in terror but his back was already stuck to the wall causing him to stay in place while his hands dug into the floor.

He stared at the doctor while his whole body was trembling in fear. Dr. Anthony noticed and let out a sinister chuckle.

"Oh? Are you scared of me?"He said with an evil smile carved on his face.

Jack's eyes began to tear as he dug his nails deeper into the floor.

"Sister!Sister!Please help me! Sister!"He yelled as he kicked the floor with his legs, trying to back away.

"Shut your yapping!"Anthony yelled at him, aggressively while Jack instantly shut his mouth, only his silent sobbing could be heard. The doctor's face switched back into a smile and said."That's much better...Now what was I going to say again? Oh, right..."

He gave Jack a devilish smug, giving Jack a shiver up his spine. The doctor then turned his gaze to the lifeless body.

"Do you know who's that?"He asked as Jack stared at him with no reply."Answer me!"

Jack shook his head, trembling from head to toe nonstop. As he replied, he heard Anthony chuckle and it was definitely not a good one.

"Do you want me to tell you?"He didn't stop this time to let him reply."It's your most beloved person, your dearest older sister~"

As Jack heard him utter the last few words, he felt his heart sink while he gave the doctor a disbelieving look in his eyes.

"Hmm? What are you waiting for? Aren't you going to cry in front of her like a baby? Or do you not trust me? Well...if you don't, sniff that body yourself. Your scent detection is much higher than us humans now."

Jack looked at him, confused but then he noticed the smell of his sister, tears were beginning to flow down his face from both fear and worry. He glanced left and right to find the scent, he faced the place with the strongest scent and his eyes landed on the headless body. He then noticed what the doctor said was all true.

"Sister!Sister! No!"He shouted as he launched himself onto his sister. "Please don't die! Don't leave me! No..."

He pushed her body onto her front and leaned in, to listen for any heartbeat. It was obvious that she was already dead but her brother couldn't think straight at that time, he kept tricking himself, there was still hope.

Suddenly, Anthony squatted down in front of him, his face was still craved wide with a smug.

"So? How did your sister taste?Good?"He asked in a joyful tone.

At that time, Jack's heart felt like it was stabbed with a knife. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Did I kill my own sister? He thought, his tears were leaking out of his eyes, rapidly. But...but how? I didn't even see her. I didn't see her the moment I was captured and now...I killed her...My own sister...My only family.

"I'm sorry!Sister!I'm sorry!"He cried while hugging his sister's soulless body."I didn't mean to! I don't even know how...."

Crying sounds filled the room while Dr.Anthony talked to his assistant, Peeves.

"Go clean up the mess."He ordered with a satisfied smile stuck on his face ."It's time to invite our new 'guests'."

"Yes...Master."Peeves replied in a calm tone while bowing his head like a gentleman before switching his gaze to Jack.

He then approached Jack and pulled him away from Mary by his back collar.

"No!No! Sister! Don't leave me!"He yelled as Peeves dragged him further and further away from her."I'm scared...Please don't go-"

Before he could finish, he was cut off by a shut door. His sight of her sister was gone and covered in darkness. Peeves dragged him down the stairs, he was still crying and grieving about his sister's death.

As they reached the floor, Jack turned back and saw shiny, sparkling lights swimming around while a thin rod surrounded it. It amazed him so much that it made him forget about what just happened and why he was crying. It made him, flabbergasted that he couldn't think anymore.

That eye-catching galaxy-looking portal took all his attention away but the more he stared at it, he felt his body shivering while an uneasy feeling crept up on him. But he didn't know what was making him react like this, he just felt something was off and by that extremely off.

As his uneasiness raised, he turned his head away from it facing the opposite side which was the stairs. He scratched on the wooden floor like his life depends on it while Peeves continued to drag him closer to the portal.

Unexpectedly, Peeves stopped, Jack's claws didn't loosen from the floor but a slight relief was starting to rise within him. As his heart calmed down a little, he felt a sudden pull from his back. Before he knew it, he was thrown into the portal-like thing.

Jack's whole body was wrapped by the glimmering lights, He was trying to fight it but he felt his body was weak as his eyelids were heavy as if something was pursuing him to sleep. His eyes slowly closed down and before his unconsciousness drifted away he saw Peeves and Dr. Anthony talking to each other.