I'm so sorry

Before Mary could come back to her senses, the experiment raised its paw again, ready to strike. Even so, Mary couldn't move, her legs have given up the moment her eyes landed on this experiment.

She was accepting death until a strong force hit her abdomen which sent her flying to the mysterious portal object. As she sank into the sparkling lights, she saw Lucius looking at her with a smile of pain. She felt a sudden grief inside of her, her heart was about to burst from guilt.

Was Lucius trying to defend me from that experiment? She thought as her heart sank. Did he hurt me because of the unbearable pain?No...No?It can't be!

"Lucius! I'm sorry for what I did!Please!Please!Stand up and come here!"Mary yelled as her whole body slowly sank into the light like she was being sucked in by quicksand.

But something about it wasn't similar to quicksand as her body sank in. She felt her whole body was losing strength, her hands were lowered down from her lack of strength. She was trying her best to keep her eyes wide open but it was hard.

Before her eyes shut down, she saw Lucius. He was trying to stand up and when he managed to, the experiment instantly pushed him back down. It lowered its face at the defenseless Lucius and opened its mouth, revealing its large, sharp deadly teeth. It bit down on Lucius's hand and tore it away from his body. Blood splashed all over the ground around them as Lucius hissed in pain.

Mary could hear his scream but her sleepiness didn't allow her to react to the heartbreaking scenario in front of her. It swallowed his hand as if it was food. Mary couldn't do anything. She summoned up all her last strength to mutter out a word.


She said as she fell into a deep slumber. While her last sight of Lucius was an innocent smile on his face.


Mary woke up and found herself in her room. Her mind was blurry until she remembered Lucius. She sat up from her bed.

"Lucius!"She yelled as cold sweat covered her body.

She looked around the place and noticed she was in her room, it wasn't the burnt house but the village house.

Was it all just a dream? She began to doubt all the experiences that she had been through. Was Lucius a made character too?

As she thought that, her abdomen began to ache. She clenched tightly onto it and then noticed it was all real. Tears began to flow down her cheeks as she stuffed her face into her knees.

"I'm so sorry, Lucius..."She began to sob."I'm so sorry! Why do I always think you were bad even when you did nothing to hurt me? Not even once! Why? Why was I always treating you like one of them?! Those experiments! You were not like them! Not at all, you were different! You only treat me with kindness and that's how I treated you! I...I should have never met you in the first place...You should hate me for what I did! For hurting you to the point of sacrificing your life! I don't deserve you..."

She cried and blamed herself for everything she did while Lucius's last smile kept appearing in her thoughts. She cried and grieved until she noticed it was too late to change anything. Even if she cried now it will never bring him back from the dead.

She removed her head away from her knees and looked at the door while a couple of drops slid down her cheeks.

I can't let his sacrifice be a waste! She thought as she slid down from her bed. I can't sit here and soak in my tears, I need to make his sacrifice worth.

She stood on her feet as the pain in her abdomen shot up. The pain made her feet weak as she fell to the floor but before her knees knocked on the floor she managed to hold onto the bedside. She pushed herself up and walked to the wall. She leaned on the wall to support herself to the door.

She pushed open the door and walked down the lightly dim staircase while holding onto the handrails. As she almost reached the bottom of the stairs, she heard a sound, she couldn't identify but it was definitely not something good.

She looked left and right to find something to defend herself but there was nothing. (she already expected it since it was the staircase)

She stepped on the last step and was now at the bottom of the staircase, her heart thumping loudly in her chest as she prepared herself for the worse.

She looked to the right where the sound was coming from, sneakily. There was a silhouette, the size of a child, she was dumbfounded for some time before slowly approaching it. As she walked up to it, the silhouette became clearer from the lights shining into the windows.

She saw Jack, her dearest brother standing in front of her. Even without him facing her, she could tell it was him. She reached out her hands and gave him a tight hug as tears rolled down her cheeks. She sank her face into his back as she cried.

"Thank god, you're alive!"She cried while her tears soaked her brother's back."I'm so sorry for leaving you here all alone! I'm glad you're still alive!... Brother? It's everything...Alright?"

She felt something was wrong with his brother. He wasn't this quiet before not until now. He always replied to Mary no matter what, like the good brother he is. But something about him right now was odd.

Suddenly, his brother turned around and then she noticed he was not the brother, she used to know. Feathers spouted out on both his arms. His looks were the same but the only difference was that he was drooling like a hungry wolf that saw its prey. It reminded Mary of those experiments when they saw her.

Mary was frozen in place, she couldn't believe the person in front of her was her brother, her sweet, pure, innocent little brother. Her brother opened his mouth wide open, revealing his sharp teeth. His mouth was the size of her head and the only thing Mary could do was sit there in regret.

I guess I'm too late...Mary thought as her brother shut his mouth on Mary's neck.
