Chapter 2 Consultations and Consent

Preparations were lightly on the track. I used to go to the public library where I had the opportunity to go through the pages of laws and cases, Constitution, evolution of judiciary in the nation and the world, basic reasoning and aptitude volumes and arithmetics. These are all required to clear the CLAT examination and achieve a seat in the desired college. Dad, in consultation with my brothers, made the other arrangements.

Apart from these, I engaged myself in learning the history, culture, language, some acrobatic moves and a mouth organ. I believe the more one has uncovered the possibilities, the more s/he is away from compulsions and adept to make choices in life. It's not as easily done as said, thus, I approached to some courses that provide a better orientation on respective subjects. Knowing the fact they require subscriptions, when I consulted it with Dad, he refused stating that I could do that later.

One Sunday, I asked my grandma if I could visit sister Vinita. I have always been fond of her and her children. They are all very charming and amicable to me. With her permission, I went to meet them. She welcomed me with love and affection. I entered her room where the children were enjoying their tasks. Soumya, 15, is the eldest of her four children.

Soumya: How are you doing mamu?

Me: I am keenly directed on my vision. Others go on and on. So, are you taking commerce or science in your high school?

Soumya: (confused) No mamu, science is quite difficult. I think I should pursue commerce!

Me: So, because it's tough to pursue science, you have chosen commerce. That implies it's not your choice rather it's your own compulsion. Then, why don't you think about arts, education or any vocational training course? Perhaps, it will duel with your so-called self-respect, no? See Soumya, although you know the fact behind your first choice, learn some new reasons regarding the benefits of your choice. They will motivate you to take pace and enjoy the pros. If you put forward the compulsions, you will never be happy or satisfied with what you do in your life. So, take your time and think where are you heading to. If you desire of the best, let the best come forward and hug you in public. May be I said much..

Soumya: (smiling) No mamu, you are actually right. I will think about it.

Vinita jiji: When are your entrance exams then, Agastya?"

(She served me fruits.)

Me: It's in July. But I shall move to Jaigarh in June.

Vinita jiji: Good. It's a tough time for your mom and dad. Keep up the good work and make all of us proud Agastya. When all four of you have settled in life, I wish it would probably be a sweet time to enjoy life for your parents.

Vinita jiji made a tacit note about the fact that has de-cultured and corrupted the mindsets of people. I could understand her fear of the probability that the corrupted culture may shadow our mindsets or the newcomers destined to us become a danger over our happiness.

Me: (smiling) Some choose their path or goal and some are chosen by time to fulfill it's goal. I can't assure you on the wishes sister. I have pledged to work for the betterment of people and the society. And no one knows how high it may cost, however, I will have to pay.

(The room suddenly became as quiet as grave. Everyone made a peculiar gaze at me as if I expressed to be overbearing of my capacity.

I looked down and remained at rest. Little boy Pramod, 8, started jiggling a song at the moment. Everyone smiled at him.)

Me: Jiji, Never ever confine your happiness to people and means. Let it come from anywhere and everywhere!

Okay, it's time to take leave. Allow me dear!

She granted me to leave.

Parineeti (third child of Vinita): Mamu, Wish you be a good lawyer! Jolly LLb..haha!

Me: (while leaving) Thank you child!

Back to home and I engaged in chanting holy hymns and verses. The weather was lovely in the evening. Grandma asked me to sing 'Shri Hari Stotram' as she was fond of my voice.

Aunt Savitri prepared food for all of us. I helped her somehow.

Grandpa was tired, so he slept early.

Aunt Savitri: (worried) How is business going on there Agastya?

Me: As per the market conditions, the business is fine. I am worried about the future aunt. Everyone consents with Dad but his plans and efforts do not. Those who have high aims in life have tough beginnings. I can't believe I will have an easy start. Brother Hemanta has recently started his bachelor studies...

Grandma: What do you think is set to happen?

Me: Grandma, take care. Let's sleep now.

We went to bed.