This novel revolves around a youngster, namely Agastya, who is a young desirable guy and an enlightened visionary, and the perceptions of people living with and around him, especially his dad Mr. Divyansh. Mr. Divyansh is a businessman by profession however his etiquettes describe him alike a professor or a goverment employee. Agastya's mom, Mohini, a housewife, is sweet, straightforward and elaborate. His other family members are his three elder brothers, Rudra, Bhargava and Hemanta. The novel is written in way the youngest guy in the family, Agastya narrates all about. The perceptions about him play an important role in his vision on which he upholds his future affirm. There are a lot of questions, dogmas, doubts all hilled upon him which he unloads through his emotional intelligence. There are a lot of people characterised here who portray different thoughts and emotions for or against Agastya. Agastya has always emphasized on the views over people and events and thus, he discovers organisational inertia in people that becomes the greatest obstacle to tackle with.
The journey through this novel will make you realise and visualise where and how you are lagging behind in your life.The novel asks you to take a pause in your life, be a part of it and end up answering yourself where should you head up to. Agastya welcomes you and wishes you 'All the best'!