Chapter 28 Birth of 'Dakshgram'

At a time during our moot court exercises and Internship under the guidance of a senior advocate at Bar Mr. Nagar Lal Chaubey, we (first twelve rankers) met a case of a landlord in Bajrili (a neighbouring village of Dugdhu) who had sweet relations with traders of Banno (another neighbour of Dugdhu) but after the launch of nee agro-scheme under PM-HARIT Yojana that raised the prices of kharif crops, a dispute over contracts and sales arose in between them that led to repeated mysterious criminal events like theft, arson, loot, mobs and fights et al in both the villages. Over legal conditions, this matter reached to Mr. Nagar Lal and on the other side, the Utkarsha being the watchdog over Dugdhu Panchayat, had to deal with the collateral damages the village faced in between the tussle. The traders of Banno pleaded to the court and hence a public prosecutor was appointed on the case. Hitaishi Pandit, an advocate in the High Court of Rajasthan, was handed over the case while the landlord Padmakar appealed Mr. Nagar to defend his side.

The landlord Padmakar had drawn a contract with the traders association of Banno which stated that he would sell his Kharif crop produced that year to the traders association of Banno for the market price with regards to its quality parameters. The terms and conditions included a set standard lot size for order i.e. 100 tons per unit order (minimum) and violation of contract by one party would enable the other party to change on its terms on his will. On order sent by the traders below the standard quantity (after rise in prices), the landlord objected and didn't load his trucks for the said traders. Instead he had sent a letter where he mentioned about doubling the size of standard lot and redefine it. This caused a dispute between them amid which local traders in Dugdhu village (customers of Banno Traders Association) directly proposed the landlord Padmakar to buy his kharif crops at new price set by the government and he (Padmakar) was ready to sign the deal. These transactional conflicts became violent storms in all three villages and hence, knocked the doors of court to help settle them. Hitaishi Pandit argued that the standard lot size mentioned in the contract was only ten tons instead of hundred tons and Padmakar was obliged to send the ordered quantity but Mr. Nagar defended on his side.

Mr. Nagar had us to study the case and prepare a document for him. But his sarcastic attitude didn't let us (except me and Achyut who did not submit any document) to be affirm of winning the case.

One day when the Dugdhu Panchayat came to discuss with the Utkarsha over the disturbed economic affairs and rising offences, we had no specific answer but I could witness the agitation on the faces of all of them. The panchayat tried to solve the problems of the vendors and sometimes compensate their losses but it was not possible for long. This continued for more than twenty days. The court was adjourned for three days for the final hearing of both the parties. However, both of them behaved not to hear each other for lifetime. After returning from court, Mr. Nagar asked Achyut for what he took knowledge of during the case and how shall it proceed and end.

Achyut understood that loss disclaimers were more important to people than profits and earnings. He mentioned that if both of the sides agreed to go with the contract, it would be better but it didn't seem possible. Any other medium of winning the case may close the case at the court but the goal of maintaining cordial relations in between them couldn't be achieved. Achyut asked Mr. Nagar to advise Padmakar to leave being stubborn and stand on the original contract. Mr. Nagar defied this giving a sarcastic reply, ''Ask for a boon and the devil appears!''

I went to a restaurant at the evening. I ordered an espresso. Just when I was mixing the sugar in my coffee, Pratap appeared before me.

Pratap: Hello Agastya! How are you genius?

Me: Pratap! Fine, man! How are you?

Pratap: I am too fine. Let me order a coffee first! (calling Waiter)

Me: How come you here? What are you doing these days?

Pratap: I am working for the GCC countries in an organisation there. Actually I was here to procure kharif crops like bajra, dal, you know. Generally, we do it over phone but this time, I came here to make a deal.

Me: Oh! So, did you finalise a deal?

Pratap: No, man. Traders do not have the right quantity. Our requirement is five hundred tonnes but none of the traders can satisfy my need. They say the crops are procured but stuck in some kind of problem. Well, what are you doing here?

Me: Just trying to solve the problem. Thank you Pratap.

Pratap: Huh! I didn't understand.

Me: If you believe me, please come to the court the day after tomorrow.

Pratap: Court? But why?

Me: Don't panic, man. You will get your answers and crops there. Have faith on me.

Pratap: Where are you going now?

Me: Just to arrange your needs.

Pratap: Please, tell me in detail. If I am in any mess, I will have to leave my job.

Me: Pratap! Look at me. You won't be in any mess but you will clear the mess. I don't believe the person who dreaded everyone during the chess competition has so changed.

Pratap: It's all about time Agastya. Promise me that if I get into any mess, you will get me out of it. You have to declare that you dragged me for no cause.

Me: Save the traders location on your phone maps. I promise you that you will complete your task and return safe and sound to your job space. Don't forget to attend the court. You have my number now.

Pratap: Ok! Yeah, I will save it right now.

I drove straight to the Bajrili village and rushed into the house gate of the landlord where his security guards came to stop and put me in shackles for such behaviour. But they couldn't last long against me. The landlord, who was enjoying his hookah, rushed out of his house and saw the disaster.

When he saw me standing alone, he went furious but as a brave heart, he wished to hear the reason behind the fight.

Padmakar: You?

Me: Mind your tone! I wanted to enter but your guards stopped me and hence were beaten hard.

Padmakar: You should have manners!

Me: Today, I am not obedient. I am the ORDER!

Padmakar: HAHAHA! The only order in Bajrili is me. You have no idea what mistake have you done by your act. Tell me why have you come here?

Me: To help you out of the case!

Padmakar: Help me? Is this a helper's attitude? Tell me the truth!

Me: You have never talked a language other than fear. A friend behaves similar his friend does!

Padmakar: The one who fought with my guards and servers is not my friend!

Me: What can be a better introduction of your friend than taking control over your servers? If you accept, I am your friend and if not, the new Lord of Bajrili!

Padmakar: Just go away! I don't have time for a nonsense fight with you.

Me: PADMAKAR! Your stubborn nature is damaging all the crops at the store house. You have no right to wilfully ruin them.

Padmakar: I want to sell those crops. I do not want to rot them and hence, am waiting for the court's decision.

Me: You are a fool Padmakar. Banno Traders Association is wilfully taking court's time to rot down your crops. What if court gives its decision on their side? Will you accept to sell your crops to them? If you do so, you will lose your reputation in the village. So, start with me and practise being a failure.

Padmakar angrily hit me on the chest and pointed his gun on me. He didn't wait to shoot but missed the target and shot one of his servants right on his head who was standing behind me. As soon as he realised it, I took the knife lying on the ground and placed it on his neck. I took control on his right arm that held the gun.

Me: I asked you to accept me as your friend. No one can bear enmity with me.

Padmakar: I accept it now. But, what do you want? What's your purpose?

Me: Let's go inside.

Padmakar: Come, sit!

(He gestured to ask my purpose of arrival.)

Me: If you want to win the case, you will have to sell the crops to Banno Traders Assn. Don't worry, I will get your storehouse cleared at once.

Padmakar: At once! Do you know what quantity have I stored in my repository. It's over five hundred tonnes.

Me: I am well aware of it.

Padmakar: What should I do?

Me: You just have to agree to sell it to them. I assure you won't have to follow the contract fot long!

Padmakar: What can I do for you in return?

Me: Help me in building 'Dakshgram'. A place where individuals are skilled, skills get jobs, jobs have a considerable earning and earnings have right way of expenses.

Padmakar: How can I do that? Where are you going to build a 'Dakshgram'?

Me: Wherever I wish! You will know on time. But I want your pledge to help me in building it.

Padmakar: If that's Dakshgram what you defined just, I pledge to help you!

I thanked him for his pledge and returned back. The next day, I met Mr. Nagar in his office.

Me: Good morning sir.

Mr. Nagar: Good morning Agastya! Sorry, I am not taking any class today.

Me: I have come here to help you in the case, sir!

Mr. Nagar: Oh, really? Please, I don't have time for any nonsense.

Me: Sir, one of my friend wanted to purchase a 500 tonne quantity of kharif crops but the traders at Banno refused to make a deal.

Mr. Nagar: So, they mayn't have the quantity.

(I silently stood when after a moment, he realised he was missing something.)

Mr. Nagar: Banno Traders Assn refused to make a deal of kharif crops! This means they have a grudge against Padmakar. Who is your friend? Is he genuine? Will he give a testimony to the court?

Me: Yes, sir!

Mr. Nagar: But, we will have to produce his name to the court. Tell me who he is.

Me: Sorry, sir. I can't do that. I can't risk his life by telling his name. Sir, you know what I am saying. If you wish to win the case, you have no other choices. Padmakar has accepted to follow my instructions. The rest is on you. Thank you, sir!


The public prosecutor, Mrs. Hitaishi Pandit, gave her final arguments stating about Padmakar's fraud with the Banno Traders Assn. and the traders had right to purchase as per the order sent by them.

Justice Pragya asked Mr. Nagar if he had any questions or opinions before she drew any judgement.

Mr. Nagar wanted Mr. Laxmikant, the chairman of Banno Traders Assn and a widely known businessman, to appear on the witness box.

Mr. Nagar: Mr. Laxmikant! How is your business going on?

Laxmikant: The market is deflating and you know, we don't have appropriate stocks too.

Mr. Nagar: So, you need both, a good supply of crops and customers too.

Laxmikant: Obviously! And profit too, haha!

Mrs. Hitaishi objected on wasting the court's precious time on trivial talks. Mr. Nagar appealed the justice that he had a purpose. The objection was overruled.

Mr. Nagar: Thank you justice! So, Mr. Laxmikant, if a customer came to you to purchase an abundant quantity of kharif crops for the market price that you are well aware of, wouldn't you step back of the case and follow your profit motive?

Laxmikant: Obviously, all of the traders would do the same. But, only if a customer appeared before us!

Mr. Nagar: He did but you didn't do so.

Laxmikant: No, not a single customer required a heavy quantity.

Mr. Nagar: You are lying Mr. Laxmikant. You have a grudge against my client Mr. Padmakar and you want his crops to rot down.

Laxmikant: Completely nonsense.

Mrs. Hitaishi: Madam Justice, Mr. Nagar can't accuse my client unless he has any proof. He has no right to behave like this.

Mr. Nagar: I do.

Justice: Mr. Nagar, do you have any proof of whatever you said right now?

Mr. Nagar: I am fortunate to have one now. I had none before I entered the court premises. Please, let me call him to the witness box.

Mrs. Hitaishi: Objection, Justice! There's no notice about any such proof. As a public prosecutor, I have the right to cross check it before advancing to the court.

Mr. Nagar: Ma'am, please allow me to present it now. If Mrs. public prosecutor wishes, she may cross-check it later.

Justice: Objection overruled! Mr. Nagar, you may proceed.

Mr. Nagar: Thank you ma'am. I want to call Mr. Pratap Sindhi to the witness box.

(After Pratap ascended on the witness room)

Mr. Nagar: Please introduce yourself Mr. Pratap. And tell your purpose of visit to Banno and your appearance before Ma'am Justice.

Pratap: Ma'am, I am resident of Marwar. It has been two and half years when I secured a job in the organisation GCC-Food and Health Security. I was recently promoted to the post of executive director of Food Procurement and Supply division after which I made a official visit to Bharata for procurement of good quality selected Kharif grains.

(Pratap's ID, passport, official document of purpose of visit and list of crops to be purchased was presented to the Justice.)

Three days back, when I approached to traders at Banno, they rejected my order of 500 tonnes of kharif crops for not having specific quantity. I met one of my friends Mr. Agastya in a restaurant whom I discussed about this and hence, he brought me here.

Mr. Nagar: Thank you Pratap. So Mr. Laxmikant, do you accept that this person came to you and the other traders at Banno?

Laxmikant: No, I don't know him. Had a customer made such a big order, I would have accepted his order and accept to lose this case.

Mr. Nagar: Don't worry Mr. Laxmikant! You will definitely lose this case. Ma'am Justice, here's the details of the places where Mr. Pratap visited according to his phone's tracking system. Would a person officially on visit to purchase kharif crops from Bharata, on reaching a major market in Rajasthan, not forward a deal to the traders? Mr. Laxmikant is lying, my lord!

Justice: (to Laxmikant) It's obvious that Mr. Pratap is in no connection to this case. He is an official guest to Bharata. Why didn't you step back and answer your deal?

Mrs. Hitaishi: But ma'am, the contract...

Mr. Nagar: It's fake my fellow Mrs. public prosecutor. Here is the LMS report that says the contract presented by Banno Traders Assn. is fake and the contract produced by my client is original.

Justice Ma'am Pragya asked Mr. Laxmikant if he accepted the fault of Banno Traders Association for cheating Mr. Padmakar. Laxmikant was silent on his side. Justice gave the final judgement on conducting the contract on its original terms (with no changes in the meaning of standard quantity) and drew a penalty of Rs. 50000 on each member of the association. The court advised to repudiate the contract after one single transaction.

Mrs. Hitaishi congratulated Mr. Nagar on his win. As she moved out of the door, she paused for awhile to ask, ''Mr. Nagar! Is Agastya your student?'' On his assent, she smilingly replied, ''He is the reason behind your luck. God bless you!''

Mr. Nagar appreciated my efforts into the case.

He sent a letter to Gurudev through which I was informed that I had completed my internship under him and secured the full marks.

Padmakar loaded his trucks with the kharif crops stored in his repository and sent them to Banno. The Traders at Banno received Pratap's requirement order and managed to provide him the export bill to the said country.

One morning at Dakshit's home:

Me: Hello Dakshit! Good morning!

Dakshit: Good morning Agastya! Nice meeting you here.

Me: How are you doing man?

Dakshit: All good! Come, let's sit and talk.

(We sat at the tea table in his lawn outside his house. Uncle Sarvanand was reading a newspaper while Dikshita brought tea for us.)

Me: Hello uncle! Hi Dikshita!

Both: Hello Agastya!

Uncle Sarvanand: How come you here, genius? I mean it's so early today.

Me: I always go there where my path leads me to.

Dakshit: So, your path has led you here. Thank you to let us meet you now. I was thinking to call you in the day.

Me: May I know the reason?

Dakshit: Agastya! The Bank SBB has really really good offers for investment these days. I am not getting why have you restrained us to invest the money on any long term project?

Me: What does our statement say?

Dakshit: After investing on smaller projects and teaming with about fifty seven big and small companies, our shares prices have constantly grown in these last three months except for a single dip. We have a total of two thousand one hundred crores balance at banks.

Me: Nice. It's time to make a huge investment.

Dakshit: For what?


All three of them: Dakshgram?

Me: Yes, you heard it right. An ideal place of living!

Uncle Sarvanand: Where are we going to build such empire?

Me: We will have to take three villages namely Dugdhu, Banno and Bajrili on a 99 year lease.

Dakshit: Are you serious Agastya? I do not get you.

Me: Let me show you the map that the Orwell builders have drawn about Dakshgram on my consultations. See this!

Dikshita: A large skyscraper building with hundred and ten 2BHK and 3BHK flats in Dugdhu, a residential colony in Bajrili, a planned market area in Banno, agricultural fields, a pond in Dugdhu and a canal system flowing through the fields, a built-up two lane road infrastructure and a tram system, hotels and restaurants, fun and exercise parks in the west, a corridor for the Brihadeshwar temple at Dugdhu, orchards, resting houses for the elderly, a healthcare set-up near the Om temple. Nice! Agastya, but these are already present there. You have made only some modifications.

Me: This is a map and now I want to show you the walk-through video of this map. Do you have a projector here?

Dakshit: Yes, dad has one.

Me: Lets set it up. I am sorry you will have to postpone all your works and meetings at the factory office today.

Dakshit: That's fine Agastya. I believe you won't waste my time.

Me: Have a look at this Dakshit! Uncle! Dikshita, see this now!

(Hearing the Subtitles....)

This is a lotus fountain in the middle of pond as big and wide as a hectare land in the eastern most side of Dugdhu. A canal that carries water from this pond flows on the edges of the villages of Dugdhu, Banno and Bajrili and divides itself into multiple streams in the eighty one hectare agricultural fields in Bajrili that can be switched on and off to irrigate the land while the channels end up meeting into a deep hole approx. five to six metres below the land. This is a great maze-like cave built by humans where there are half-metre wide and three metres length curved walls and somewhere round pillars of approx. two metre wide diameter. This cave, with an average height of seven metres, is built under all three villages with a system of a lift for the pious sculpted idol of Shri Hari adorned with gold ornaments, who sleeps for four months after monsoon and before spring in his abode. It spans to all the regions except for the underground parking system of the great residential building in Dugdhu. A great five metres wide wall will divide it. The motor fixed below the fountain will pull up the water. The giant rocks pulled out after hammering down will be placed back across the cave for its base of around half metre high.

The giant multi storeyed skyscraper building with flats for all kind of families like 1BHK, 2BHK, 3BHK or more will provide space for people living in all three villages. Built on the western edges of the Dugdhu and Bajrili villages across a length of one kilometre and width of two hundred metres (around twenty hectares land), this residential building will provide shelter to all the families in the village with added facilities of instant support system of electricians, plumbers, cleaners, laundry, security, maternity ward and nurses, first-aid relief management system, fire extinguisher, carpenters, mechanics and automotive engineers and others as viewed necessary. A strong internet facility with its restricted area limit to the building, residential colony and market will also be set-up while for outside purposes, there are other network operators that provide internet facilities in the nation. Each flat will have a separate balcony for growing small plants and conserve the greenery in the area while there will be a lawn and a garden in the premises of the building. The pipelines will include separate pipes for rain water harvesting purpose. Rain water from the roof, lawn and the streets will be collected and sent for purification to the unit established near the Om temple where after the water will travel through a copper pipeline and be used for ablution of the Shiva Linga and once again travel to the lotus pond beneath the canopy trails and passages to the pond. Each flat has an in-built auto-filling drinking water tank of fifty litre capacity for 1BHK and 2BHK flats and hundred litre capacity for 3BHK and other flats. A water tank of forty thousand litres capacity is installed at the opposite face of the Shri Hari temple that supplies drinking water to all regions through its channels and similarly carries the multi-insulated electric cables with it. The kitchen has a better space with all furnitures and fittings that allows the user to fit things they want in their kitchen. The rooms have a space of 4*4*4 cubic metre and adjustable furnitures and fittings for bed, wardrobe, study table, library, showpieces, tea table and a monitor and all the rooms have attached bathroom and washroom. The septic tank pipes are connected to the tanks on the northwestern side of the building i.e. behind the building. No overhead electric poles are installed while the street light poles powered by solar energy will be set in place with an average distance of hundred metres.

To the eastern side of the pond is the training ground where people of all ages will be trained to work according to their qualifications as judged by the reverent gurus who carry on the gurukul system at the OM temple and the executive governor of Dakshgram.

In the southeast region of the Dakshgram i.e. the village of Banno, the market is transformed into modern marts for both retail and wholesale purposes. The marts function as tourist attraction centre too. The godowns will be of large sizes enough to unload two to three cargo trucks in each of them. Any kind of market activities will be conducted in this area only and no any region will have any shops and godowns in the Dakshgram. Here is a separate building for parking allotments.

The southern region of Dakshgram has the agricultural fields and a colony for the rich and influential people in the Dakshgram who become the vigilantes to the order of work and living of the residents.

In the southwestern region, this is a perfectly designed and constructed building for the various religious samskara like birth ceremony, vratabandh, marriage ceremony, death ceremony and others. It has halls and rooms in all of its seven storeys and two cottages and lawns to its westside appropriate for one-day programmes.

While there are no national highways and state highways, the Dakshgram has its own one mainway with two ten metres single lanes and other sub-ways made of cement bricks. The tram service running to all the regions makes a single ride in six hours as it goes left from the pond and ending at the station near to the Shri Hari temple. At the cross checks, the roads get barred when a signal is provided about the trams' crossing. It's implicit that tram shan't stop at any crossing.

There are resting houses and public toilet facilities on the streets at multiple places.

The executive governor shall reside and have his office to the north west side. A meeting hall is designed in the corridor of the temple where any important notice shall be provided from the governor's side to the residents. Any problem due to trees is avoided only by changing directions and there is no threat to birds and animals. The great walls of the largest building have appropriate spaces for the animals to rest. Tree houses are built with intricate designs for birds and any other rodents.


None of us could take our eyes over the video and hence, we had no idea what the time was. All of us were amazed to see that it was one p.m. by then.

Dikshita: Literally, it's a wow Agastya! If this is what you had us to cancel office programs, it's worth it.

Uncle Sarvanand: If we couldn't take our eyes off for more than four hours, it means the view is magical. You have done a great job.

Dakshit: Agastya! I too believe what dad and Dikshita said right now. But, this is a huge project. And why will government give the land of three villages on lease? Will the people accept?

Me: People may think that I build castles in air but the fact is way too different and unless they realise, it's too late Dakshit! Don't worry about taking land on lease and building this project. SBB wants us to make long-term investment, right? Let's do one more favour on it. Are you ready for this? Remember, this is actually your organisation.

Dakshit: But, what about the governance? This is democracy.

Me: This is what Ma'am Sumati said. But I will answer you the same I did to her. Ask this question to any poor guy that does s/he want me to make arrangements for his/her survival or s/he wishes to enjoy his/her so-called personal life? And then tell me what this Bharata is.

Dakshit!: (after a moment) But, freedom is precious.

Me: Dakshit! You never heard the people's mindsets working under you. Come with me and I will show you what your employees have in their mindsets. It's pitiful to see people living in conflicted society.

I took him to his office in disguise. Addressing him as a new employee before the existing ones, I let him to talk with the employees and ware him about the kind of freedom he thought was precious. The rest of the day before seven in the evening, Dakshit came back to me in my car.

Dakshit: (silent for awhile) I thought I took better care of my employees but I didn't. I never thought that my employees would be so unwilling to work and earn. I had built a better environment for having a casual experience among my teammates. But they had no interest. They have no satisfaction at all. What they have is just an identity of being a Rivaaze member and they are proud of it. But I can feel that proudy expression is nothing but a fake smile for they think they are restricted to make any other choice and hence have to live the life as it is going on. The fact is they have no problem to be addressed but still a conflicted mindset that's decreasing their efficiency. This is why the other firms keep on changing their employees for increased efficiency but I didn't. And yes, you were right. These people don't understand freedom and until and unless people learn their feats, they can't live freely. Dakshgram is a beautiful concept but I want to learn more Agastya. What kind of governance are you going to execute?

Me: Dakshit! We will definitely require the amount we have. Are you ready for it?

Dakshit: Agastya! If not me, you will find someone who will be ready for you. But, I am sure that you will bring back a great return than what you expend. No worries on my side.

Me: Still, you must have a discussion with your family and other members at the factory who work for you. It's going to be a life changing moment. Once we start, I am not going to stop for any reason you deem necessary.

Dakshit: If you insist, I will have a justifiable discussion with everyone.

Me: (Brake) You have a great night!

Dakshit: Please, come in.

Me: Let me prepare for the next day, Dakshit.

Dakshit: OK! Thank you!