Carnahan's house. Day. Evelyn rolled on bed. She had a dream about Imhotep last night that he told her he will rise again. With that he took Dakota with him and left her suffering behind.

Her eyes widened. It was just a dream. She was sure Imhotep wouldn't return again. She makes him immortal, Ardeth kills him. They watch as Imhotep gently sinks into a fetid swamp, slowly dying in Hamunaptra. He wouldn't return.. not anymore.

Slowly she slid her hips up from bed, doing her weird stretching body in the middle of the room. Jumping a bit and exercising. She then grabbed the towel and went to the bathroom. Evy! She hears Jonathan calling her from downstairs.

Swung the door half open. "What?!"

"Food is ready!"

"Since when do you eat breakfast?" There was no response from him downstairs. Evelyn shrugs, resuming her shower.

Moments later, she came downstairs to the kitchen. Sniffing the aroma. "Smells good". She dragged the chair and sat. "Dakota? Breakfast!" she called.

Jonathan stared at her face. "You must be joking. Dakota is not here".

"Where did he go?"

"To Dr. Bey".

"Early this morning?" he rolled his eyes, pointing at the clock. She looked. "Oh my god. It's.."

"Noon. I know". he took a seat. "You've been sleeping all day long. Still thinking about Imhotep, aren't you dear sweet sister?" their eyes met. "Told so. What did he do in your dream, charm you with his super power love". he reaches for the spoon and begins to eat.

Evelyn did the same thing, eating like she never ate before, she wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"In my dream Imhotep told me he will arise again, the worst part is that he took Dakota from me".

"It's just a dream, Evy. If it is true Imhotep will rise again Ardeth will tell us. Look around you, did Ardeth warn us about Imhotep? No, he didn't so we are safe from Imhotep".

Gently Jonathan reaches her hand, smile.

"No matter what, we must protect Dakota from Imhotep". he wink.

Quickly finished his food, wiped his mouth with a napkin. Jonathan pushed the chair. "I have business to do with my client outside. I'll be back late evening".

"Oh Jonathan. Don't say it".

Museum of Antiquities. Day. Dakota spent his time there looking for the name of Imhotep. He is sure Imhotep is his father who lived in 13th Century B.C whom Evelyn, his mother, unbeknownst resurrected him before he was born.

Since he kept hearing Imhotep's name in his head, curiosity began to search for him. Dr. Bey stalks him from one of the shelves behind him.

He knows Dakota wants an answer about Imhotep but as his promise to Evelyn he couldn't betray the trust.

"I know you were there, Dr. Bey. Stop stalking me now". he looked over his shoulder. "Come sit with me".

Dr. Bey snickering out from the shadow, took a seat right in front of him. He was amusing Dakota because not he was just Dakota, it was because he was the son of Imhotep. Famous Imhotep, royal adviser of the Pharaoh Seti I.

The ancient son. Fall in love with Nefertiri and his mother are her reincarnated. Everything is connected between their love. Eternal love.

"I am sorry if my presence around you makes you comfortable. I was.. wondering what you are looking for. If you want I could help".

Dakota eyes on him. He smiled. "I want you to tell me about Imhotep".


"Because I keep hearing his name".

"Imhotep is just a myth, Dakota. He doesn't exists".

Smirking. "Really? If Imhotep doesn't exist, so will I". Dr. Bey blinks his eyes. Dakota spoke back. "I'm twelve Dr. Bey. Don't lie to me. I know Imhotep is my dad, she won't tell me anything, not even Uncle Jonathan. Why are all of you trying to keep me apart from him".

"Your mother wasn't trying to keep you apart. I can't tell you anything if I betrayed my own word to your mother". their eyes meet. "My child. There is a thing you won't understand if you must.. ask your mother. Persuade her to tell you".

"No she won't".

Dr. Bey reaches something inside his robes. A book. He wanted to change the topic, so he pushed the book to Dakota.

"This book is full of ancient curses. That is why you must learn the meaning of the symbols they craved on the wall, or anything source. If you read it wrong there is a curse upon you".

"You try to change the topic we're talking about".

Reach the book. Dr. Bey shakes his head.

"I wasn't. This is why your mother read it wrong". Dakota eyes on Dr. Bey again. "She told me you keep hearing whispers and what is that?"

"I don't know. It keeps calling me". he pushed the chair, book in his hand. "Thanks for the book, Dr. Bey". glance over the watch. "I should get going. It's noon already. I am hungry".

"Let me buy you lunch. There is a kebab you should try, the best kebab you ever taste in Cairo".

Later in the evening. Carnahan's house. Jonathan is not yet coming back home, he promises he will be back late evening for dinner. And he hadn't shown up since.

Evelyn's bored eyes studied Dakota's smile. "You didn't tell me you're going to the museum. What were you looking for?"

"Nothing". he lied. "You know I like spending my time there alone, reading. He gave me a book and asked me to learn about symbol words. So I wouldn't end up like you".

"What is that supposed to mean? End up like me".

"You read wrong. I don't think it was wrong. But you did.. you read one of the inscriptions and awoke someone from death. And the dead is my dad". he grit his teeth. "Aren't you, mum?"

Evelyn bit her lips, said. "Is that why you were there? He told you".

"He doesn't. Don't blame him. I keep hearing his name from your lips over and over. I am not a baby, mum. I just want to know who Imhotep is to you and me!"

"Dakota I don't want us arguing about this matter".

"See, you ran from the truth for not telling me!" he yelped. Evelyn spanked on her chair. "Who is Imhotep? and why can't you just admit. Imhotep wasn't a myth, Dr. Bey told me, Imhotep is real and exists. And Imhotep is my dad!"

Dakota leaned closer to her. Jonathan was right all the time when the truth came first she must tell Dakota who Imhotep is to him.

"Aren't he?"

She bit her lips again. Is it time he must know the truth? "Where should I begin first?"

Somewhere. Jonathan came racing around a corner away from the house. Something has been chasing him behind since he left the casino.

He tries to run again but a group is circling around him and then he sees Ardeth Bay coming between it.

"Ardeth!" Then something dawns on him and he grits his teeth in anger. "What are you trying to do? Don't tell me".

Ardeth Bay strides up. "Did you two really always not listen to me? Once for all.. Yes, once again someone has removed Imhotep from his grave".

Jonathan is incredulous. "I don't mean to point fingers, but isn't it your job to make sure that this doesn't happen. Why now?"

"He was well hidden under the ruins of Hamunaptra. But the woman who was with them knew exactly where to look".

Jonathan blinked. "Just like Evy knew exactly where to find that bracelet. She keeps telling me that".

"That bracelet is what they were after. That is why I came to seek you out like this away from Evelyn and Dakota. Away from the house. I don't want her to worry but if she finds out she will worry for the sake of her son".

He pulls out a photograph of the High Priest. "But wherever this man is, Imhotep will surely be".

Jonathan rips the photo away and stares at it. "I know this man. He's the assistant curator at the British museum".

"Are you certain?"

"Yeah. Why is he here? Trust me. Dakota spends more time in that museum than he does at home. I am absolutely certain he was the same curator Dakota told me".

Both men's eyes met again. "Which means that the curator knows who Dakota was.. oh my God. Evy!"

Ardeth calms Jonathan down as the other warriors step back. "My friend. Imhotep was dug up from his grave. There is an abandoned museum. I would like to show you what was inside it".

"And yes. Imhotep doesn't love me. I was the reincarnation of his lover Princess Nefertiri. He died because of the Pharaoh. I was wrong to bring him back and Ardeth will always be there for our family".

Evelyn reached his hand so that he didn't shove her hand away. She smiled. "Your birth wasn't an accident, Dakota. For you it is but for me no. You are my son and always be my son no matter what. Even Imhotep is..."

"I understand, mum. It wasn't your fault none of us are". he smiled. "None of us does".

Abandon Museum. Night. Deep in the bowels of the museum is a huge storage area.

In the midst of all the giant crates and boxes, ancient pillars and statuary, a sacred ceremony is being performed.

The High Priest, Lock-Nah and all their men are now painted gold and wearing priestly garb. Torches light as they chant in a circle around the horrific petrified rock.

Lightning flashes through a skylight down onto Jonathan and Ardeth Bay quietly creeping through the Museum's Egyptian Gallery. They can hear the distant chanting.

Imhotep's petrified corpse suddenly shudders as the High Priest reads from the black Book Of The Dead as he is enchanted by Egyptians.

Jonathan and Ardeth Bay creep alongside an ancient coffin. A rotted mummy suddenly rises up inside it. Accompanied by roaring thunder and a flash of lightning.

Both scream, back up against a glass case. Another mummy slaps its face up against the glass behind them. They quickly back away as all the mummies in the room squirm and writhe inside their cases, trying in vain to break out.

The chanting and reading of the Book reaches a crescendo. Lightning flashes across Imhotep's petrified corpse, which starts to come alive.

His petrified tissue begins to animate. His tattered flesh and rotted bones begin to move. The High Priest and Lock-Nah are thrilled.

imhotep's rotted corpse steps free of the rock. The priests stop chanting and prostrate themselves before him. Imhotep looks around with hideous empty eye sockets. Imhotep turned to the high priest.

"What years is this?" he asked in ancient Egypt.

"It is the year of the Scorpion". the high priest answered.



They suddenly fix onto something. It's Meela, striding down a corridor. Meela is standing in front of Imhotep's living corpse.

The High Priest looks at her. "Who are you?" Imhotep asked her. Meela stares at Imhotep, a stone cold ice queen.

"You shouldn't be afraid". the high priest comforted her.

"I am not afraid'.

Her eyes fix on Imhotep. She had been dreaming about Imhotep since she was a child.

Now here he was in corpse form, steps up to Imhotep. She got a vision again about Imhotep who looks more muscular and handsome than ever in her eyes.

The same Imhotep she saw in her dream. He looks into her luscious eyes then backs away a bit from her. This is not the Evelyn he had known before.

Up on a catwalk. Jonathan and Ardeth Bay stare down on this surreal tableau. Jonathan just shakes his head.

"Ya know, a few years ago I would've been a little wigged out by all of this. Tell me, Ardeth?" their eyes met. "What should I tell Evy about this? Dakota. That his dad will return, this is our worst nightmare".

Ardeth laid his hand on Jonathan's shoulder, slowly they both backed away from the view. Not wanting people down below seeing them up here.

He led Jonathan back to the corridor.

"You must. But do not worry my friend. Myself will look after your family while the warriors will look after them. Anything I will inform".

Jonathan breathtaking. He patted his chest. "Is begun isn't it?" Ardeth nods his head.

"May God bless us".