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Meeting the Goddess

In the middle of an endless blanket of darkness, surrounded by countless small; shining lights spread throughout the darkness was a woman.

If one looked carefully they would be able to see that small and shining lights were in fact galaxies with billions of planets inside them.

The woman was actually so big that galaxies looked nothing more than marbles in front of her.

This woman was the goddess who created the universe.

The goddess had no definite form, some may see her as a loli big breast girls while others may see her as a woman in late fifties with a majestic appearance. Her facial features and body all depended on how someone wanted her to look in their eyes.

Even her gender and race was not fixed.

Right now in front of that same goddess was a stray soul who has been drifting in the universe for quite some years at least that's what it felt like to the soul but for the goddess who lived through eternity those few years were nothing more than a blink of eye.

The soul was of a man who looked in his early twenties, the name of the man was Alex who died on Earth and was stopped by the Goddess herself before entering the cycle of Reincarnation.

The Goddess looked like a woman in her late thirties with large golden eyes, majestic golden-blond hair that goes down till her hips with pale ivory skin and the with the perfect assets in chest and hips which are neither too big nor too small; at least that's what she looked like in the man's eyes.

The man whose soul which was drifting in the universe without any destination has been brought in front of the Goddess and had just been awoke went in shock after seeing the Goddess in front of her.

The Goddess gently smiled and said " Alex, you have been chosen by me to Reincarnate in a new world after your sad death on Earth. Tell me which type of world do you wish to Reincarnate into and what abilities do you wish to have in your new life. Whatever it is, I shall give you."

Lie! A lie, the Goddess was in truth simply lying, she had no intention of reincarnating Alex, without any conditions . Whether he Reincarnates by his own choice or simply thrown in the cycle of Reincarnation like other infinite souls depended on his answer.

The only reason the Goddess had started this game of Reincarnation was because she was bored. The goddess had nothing to do, absolutely nothing, the universe she created was capable of working on its own without any help from the Goddess. Even the multiverses created by her during eternity to pass time was also starting to bore her.

Then she one day decided to let a creature Reincarnate in his own world once again but with it's memories of past life present.

She became more and more excited seeing the creature follow entirely different path than it's peers because of it's memories.

From than on started this game of Reincarnation which lasted until now. In this time the Goddess had tried everything like Reincarnating a person of a intergalactic world into a parallel world of magic and sword and vice versa. Reincarnating a non-human in a human world with human body while a human in non-human world but all to no avail.

The Reincarnated people could not satisfy the boredom of the Goddess as most of them decided to live a peaceful life without any ambition even when given heaven defying cheats to conquer the world. There were some that were exiting but they too just focused on getting stronger through their cheats and later on had nothing to do after becoming the strongest and thus secluded themselves from the world.

If Alex asked for simple world or a cheat to let him live peacefully the Goddess would just throw her in the normal cycle of Reincarnation along with other infinite souls.

The Goddess wanted someone interesting to watch so she was patiently waiting for Alex to select a world of his choice and a ability of his liking.

Meanwhile, Alex thought for a long time since there were countless options in front of him, from an intergalactic world where you can travel galaxies and can get a superhuman serum to advance civilizations that are centuries ahead of earth.

But he couldn't come to choose them as he knew that in such worlds there are bound to be too many rules.

Alex was a manager who managed to get recommended for the CEO of his company at the age of only 25. His favourite past time was to read novels of fantasies. His greatest wish- to form an Empire of his own, Alex was an anti-hero or he was more on the side of a villain.

He had obtained a high position in his company through snitching on his superiors to their superiors and through various other underhanded means.

Alex wasn't a goody shoes, he was a person who returned the favour he got from others two fold but whether the favour was good or bad depended on the other party.

Alex knew he couldn't build his own Empire and punish those who are obstacles in his path in such advanced human civilizations where there are bound to be laws.

So without hesitation he selected two worlds, one of them was a cultivation world while the other was a magical world.

After thinking for a while Alex felt that he wasn't interested in immortality and cultivating dao for thousands of years in seclusion. He was a person who wanted to live a long but limited life that's full of action and drama.

So in the end he selected to Reincarnate in the magical world of magic and swords.

The goddess looked at his choice and said " are you sure, you won't be able to change your choice later on. There is no trial run once you are reborn that's that."

"Yes, I have made my choice, this is the planet which suits the most to me. So about that cheat ability you talked about."

"Oh yes, of course I will give you something, I won't leave you hanging in your new world without anything. So tell me what is your dream or what do you want your cheat to help you achieve in your new life."

"I wish to become the strongest Monarch who rules the whole world, I have no intention of living a peaceful life on a farm or earning some quick money to spend the rest of my life in the Countryside or becoming a low rank noble.

But I also don't want a system as my cheat with levels, quests and experience that can make me strong without any effort. "

"So what does you want actually?" The Goddess asked amusingly as this was the first time someone has presented such a request.

" Before that , can I first get all the basic knowledge about this world like the power system and the methods to use magic and become stronger. You know, a whole indroduction to the world?"

" Well ok, if that's what you want." The Goddess was getting a little more excited, she didn't get her hopes too high but she was certain that this child will certainly amuse her more than any normal Reincarnations.

As soon as she said that Alex started feeling new memories and information sweeping inside his brain. The process wasn't painful maybe because the Goddess was controlling it.

After waiting for a few minutes and arranging and analysing this new memories thoroughly he said. " What i want is opportunities that are based on luck since it's something I cannot control. I want my future and success to depend on my own efforts, brain and hardwork and not because of luck.

For example-

Firstly subordinates, I saw that all the past heroes and emperors were commoner's, even at present the most trusted and strongest subordinates of kings and Emperor's are people who were once commoners or even slaves. For a person like me who is trying to become and Emperor and spent his previous life in a peaceful world, I don't have a discerning eye for talents and nor do I have enough time to test every slave and commoner for talents.

The second reason is that I saw how people of this world usually use mana to cultivate, no matter whether it's a knight it mage they use mana to cultivate and store it inside their Mana heart located in their chest jast adjacent to the heart. The knights than circulate that Mana through their Meridians into their whole body while constantly strengthening the body while at same time mages use the Mana using a organ called mage's eye or mageroot located inside our head to form spells.

But in both the cases the knights or mages expand their Mana heart to let it store more Mana. The bigger it is the better.

But to expand the Mana heart and store Mana inside the heart , a suitable Mana technique is needed. It's clear that the higher the quality the Mana technique the easier it is to expand the Mana heart

But all those high quality Mana techniques are only obtainable if you are lucky enough to be a descendant of a strong ancient family or luck enough to stumble upon the grave of a dead expert and obtain his legacy.

Thirdly, there are many heaven defying Elixirs and fruits and treasures that are naturally formed through countless years, even people with high natural talent can be or may be weaker than a person with low talent who was lucky enough to obtain such a treasure.

There are also various other incidents such as these, so I want a ability to help me with these things so that I can improve my future through efforts and hard work and not luck."

" I want a ability which can help me finds talents but making them my subordinates and making them pledge their allegiance to me will be my efforts.

I want to know the location of legacies of ancient experts and treasures but obtaining them or defeating the magical beast protecting those treasures will be my efforts. "

After hearing this even the Goddess was amused as she could actually feel the words sensible after listening him the Goddess replied " Very well you shall obtain what you desire and I shall create a new ability for you, just like how you desire.

Now it's time for you to go so tell me how would you like your new Reincarnation; do you wish to be born as a child or in the body of a teen kid who has just recently died. "

" In the body of a teen with age 10 to 18 who is a single child of his parents, a noble family and had studied the basic knowledge of this world and also whose memories I can inherit after taking over his body. Also he should be a human ." Alex said.

The Goddess was once again perplexed with a little sarcastic tone she rebutted " that's odly specific ".

"Very well do you have any final thing to say before you start your new journey in this world. " The Goddess nonchalantly asked, believing that he would ask for nothing more and just leave but

" Can you erase my memories of this meeting with you, make it so that the last thing I remember is how I died back in Earth and than suddenly opened my eyes in the new world".

"Huh... I mean why?" The Goddess asked as she couldn't understand the reason behind this strange request.

" Actually it's simple, I know that you will be watching me constantly as I live through my new life since the only possible reason why you would have Reincarnated me was to watch over a new entertainment like a movie. I don't like to be constantly watched, even though I wouldn't be able to see you just thinking that you are watching me all the time give me creeps.

Second is because if in future I fail and am on the verge of falling apart , I don't want to remember this conversation and think that maybe I should have asked for a better ability or shyhave chosen another world to be reborn into except this one or anything like that , since at that time it will only give me a kick down the depression road. "

The Goddess was once again amused at his future planning and with a wave of her hand sent Alex into the world to be reborn. The last thing Alex heard before his consciousness fainted was " All Your Wishes Shall be Granted. "