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" ugh.. " with pain all over his body a certain boy struggled to stand up in a certain bedroom of a noble mansion.

Yes, this boy was Alex who just transmigrated into the body of a teen noble who just died.

"Ugh where is this, what happened, didn't I got hit by the truck, how come I am here."

Just like he asked the Goddess, Alex didn't remember about his meeting with the Goddess.

As soon as he said that he felt a little nauseous and soon his eyesight blurred and he began to lose consciousness, after dwandling for a few seconds'thump' he fell on the bed.

It was good that he fainted as he wouldn't have been able to withstand the sheer amount of pain he would have suffered from the merging of his soul with his new body and the pain from transferring the memories of the previous owner of the body to him.

After a little above a day of continuous sleeping, he finally woke up. During the sleep the memories of previous owner of the body was shown to him as a dream, so he already knew what happened.

After waking up he sat on the side of bed with dazed eyes, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he wanted to laugh because he really reincarnated in a fantasy world and now can live freely on his own terms but at the same time he wanted to cry because the body he reincarnated into belonged to a trash young master with maybe the worst body to ever cultivate Mana in.

From the memories he recived, he found out that he came to a planet called 'Arendelle'.

The world has 4 major continents out of which one belongs to the Elves, one to the Beastmen's and of course one belongs to humans. The last continent is also the biggest but is described as wilderness with no ruler because of high numbers of magical bests residing in the Continent.

But that doesn't mean that there are no Elves or Beastmen's in other continents. Although not common but also not rare , there are large numbers of other species on each continent.

Each continent is several times the Earth.

The name of the human continent is Mordor, it houses 2 Empires and 3 kingdoms. Right now, Alex is in the Thedas kindom, which is one of the 3 kingdoms on the Mordor Continent.

It is also the only kingdom which does not serve either of the Empires.

Co-incidentally his name in this life is also Alex and his family name is Caesar.

The original Alex was a skinny 14 year old boy with no common sense and responsibilities. His father had high hopes for him but all that he got was a failure of a son. His body was not obese but certainly more than fat.

He spent all his time on bars, brothels and used to harass the servants and knights of the family for the smallest reasons.

A typical spoiled brat example.

After thinking for a while Alex stood up, he knew that he couldn't do anything so he just wanted to forget about it for now and wanted to eat something since he has sleeping for a day, his body has been without food all the time.

Even after not coming out of room , none of the servants came in to check on him, not even his parents came as him not coming out of the room for a whole day under the influence of alcohol was a common occurrence.

As soon as he started walking towards the door he heard a sweet loli mechanical sound in his head and a blue screen appeared in front of his eyes.

[Ding! Congratulations Host for awakening the Appraisal system]

As soon as Alex heard this, he frowned because he knew exactly what was coming for him. In all the novel Alex used to read to pass time, he always hated systems with level up, quests and experience. The idea of a system controlling your life was also a reason but the main part was that the Main characters always gets techniques, skills , artefacts and treasures from the system by completing miscellaneous tasks annoyed him to no end.

For him the idea to simply become strong in just a few days by leveling up after killing a few monsters was nothing but hateful.

But it seemed like the system as heard his complains as he could not hide his large grin after hearing the next message.

[ Transferring all the knowledge and functions of the system to host's mind]

And soon all the functions , abilities and knowledge of the system came flooding into his soul like a tsunami, giving him no time to rest.

A sequel left his mouth as he was experiencing a bone-chilling, soul shattering pain.

He fell on the ground as he couldn't maintain his balance and held his head with his two hands with his palm above his ears and pressed it to so tight that blood started to flow out of his ear lobules. He couldn't move his body as his body has temporarily paralysed from the pain and shock and his skin began to pale.

After a few seconds the pain started to subside and Alex began to recover the his movements and blood rate started to return to normal, his pale skin was slowly but surely recovering his body colour.

After gasping for a few minutes, Alex stood up and fell on the bed, letting his body regain it's former condition.

After laying on the bed for a few more minutes, Alex stood up and started walking towards the bathroom. He walked up to the mirror and didn't even bother to look his face clearly or clean the blood.

He just stood up in front of the mirror, looked at his figure in the mirror and muttered a single word."Appraisal".

Just than, his ocean blue eyes started shining, although they didn't change colour but the difference was evident, these eyes would shine even in immense darkness and brings out a majestic blue colour.

Alex also saw that, but he wasn't interested in his eyes because for him the looks weren't important. What he was focusing on was a blue window that appeared in front of him as soon as muttered the word.

Alex Caesar, 14

*Traits :

Leadership : 78/93

Wisdom : 59/75

Politics : 85/97

Business : 55/65

*Aptitudes :

Infantry : F


Bow :F

Magic : F

Other talents : No other special talents.

Even After looking at his horrific aptitudes Alex couldn't help but grin because he knew that with the help of system he could easily improve them in the future.

The traits mention in the above status were his own traits which were etched in his soul, they were something he couldn't improve. Although he could improve his current traits but not their potentials.

For example - the above trait wisdom, it refers to the resourcefulness and the strategy making abilities of mind.

His current wisdom is 59/75, in this case it referred that his current wisdom is 59 while his maximum potential meaning the maximum his wisdom can reach is 75.

The potential and current traits are measured in numbers ranging from 0 to 100 with 100 being the highest for any trait.

His aptitude are something which were horrific. He had F rank potential in all his aptitude meaning that at most he will be able to reach Class 1 knight using infantry weapons or bow or at most he will be able to reach Class 1 mage because of his F rank potential.

( For those who didn't understood this paragraph just above may refer to auxiliary chapters since I have explained it there or may continue reading as I will slowly explain once again in the upcoming chapter's)

Other talents refer to other professions such as alchemist, blacksmith, architecture and other talent related professions.

Alex was overall happy with the system as this could be clearly seen on his face. With a joyous expression he quickly took a bath got ready and came out of the room.

As this was the time of breakfast in the morning, he started to walk towards the dining table in the hall to meet his new parents and to quickly stuff himself with food.

( To be continued ).