Disaster? Fatal Danger!

As the countdown ended, all the survivors switched the interface to the announcement panel.

The words displayed on it made them fall into collective silence and shock.

"Snowstorm? No way."

Lin Yue realized that his mouth was cursed.

The snowstorm that he had thought might happen really happened.

He opened the group chat and saw that everyone was in a frenzy.

"F*ck, there's water now. Those water traffickers can go die!"

"Haha, Lin, I'm talking about you. Cunning guy, let's see how you raise the price this time!"

"That's right, he wanted to buy my bread with 100 milliliters of water, but I scolded him back."

"I've already traded with him once. What a loss. The profiteers will die a horrible death. I think I can survive four days by drinking urine. It's not unacceptable to be familiar with the smell of urine."

"Come, come, come. I will teach everyone a filter method that can eliminate the smell of urine to the greatest extent. First, pinch your nose…"

"Snowstorm? The people near the equator are overjoyed. Is snow edible?"

"Unfortunately, the shelters are too far away. Otherwise, we could have a snowball fight.

"As expected, this is a game. How can it snow on such a hot day?"

Lin Yue silently read the chat and closed the interface.


He did not expect this game to play such a big move.

He felt the heat in the air. It was difficult to imagine that such a weather that was at least 30 degrees Celsius would welcome a snowstorm in four days.

Lin Yue did not care much about the people making personal attacks on him in the group.

'Sooner or later, you will cry and beg me.'

He was actually puzzled by these people's blind optimism.

They were all cheering as if they had won a lottery. Some even wanted to eat snow or even have a snowball fight.

Didn't they consider the other adverse factors of the snowstorm?

The extreme cold brought by the snowstorm was the most terrifying thing.

Lin Yue remembered that when he was eight years old, he was beaten up by the director of the orphanage for talking back. He felt wronged and decided that he could not stay in the orphanage any longer, so he escaped at night.

That night, it happened to be snowing heavily. He walked on the streets for a few hours. In the end, he was so cold that he could not continue. He thought of the igloo of the Eskimos and dug a hole to hide in it. If not for the adults who passed by, he would have almost frozen to death.

Actually, thinking about it, he would be fine if he had just gone to KFC or McDonalds.

However, the greatest impact that night on Lin Yue was that he understood how terrifying snow was.

That bone-chilling cold and the long period of low temperature were enough to be fatal!

Lin Yue got up and touched the wall.

Even in such a high temperature, it could still maintain a cold touch.

What if there was a snowstorm outside?

If he did not do anything, he felt that there would definitely be a frozen corpse in this shelter in four days.

While thinking of various ways to block the cold, Lin Yue fell asleep.

However, the rest of the world did not fall silent as he entered the sweet dream.

Countless people scattered in the wasteland, desert, grassland, mine, basin, river, and forest could not close their eyes.

Some people were still tortured by the thirst, and their bodies were extremely weak. They could not sleep at all.

Some people could not endure the hunger and even ate the meat of mutated creatures.

Some people set traps and used weapons to continue fighting the mutated creatures, hoping that a treasure chest that was helpful for survival would drop.

Some cut trees and mined, gathering resources crazily as if they did not know fatigue…

This night was definitely torturous for almost everyone.

However, they were also optimistic about the upcoming disaster. At least, they did not have to worry about drinking water.

The premise was that they could live until the seventh day!

The night passed.

Lin Yue rubbed his eyes and stretched.

After three days, he slowly adapted to this place.

There was no electronic equipment, and there was almost nothing related to technology. Without an alarm, Lin Yue woke up naturally.

After opening the stone door, fresh air entered the room. Lin Yue, who was holding a round wooden shield and an iron spear, checked the surroundings carefully before leaving the room.

In an environment filled with mutated creatures, who knew what dangers he would encounter?

It was not impossible for there to be monsters outside of the hut.

A familiar stench entered his nostrils. Lin Yue looked around and finally stopped behind the hut.

There was another large pile of feces, identical to the previous one.

Moreover, there were even more of them.

Lin Yue frowned.

Something was wrong.

Didn't he kill the mutated sheep? Why was there feces again?

Could there be more sheep?

Lin Yue remembered the faint black dots when he looked into the distance.

He instantly tensed up and looked around warily.

The wind was stronger than yesterday.

But in the wind, Lin Yue heard some noises mixed in. Moreover, these sounds were intermittent. They were definitely not the sounds that originally existed in the wasteland.

He gulped and walked toward the door of the shelter.

For some reason, he felt danger.

This was an instinctive reaction trained from dozens of battles with mutated creatures.

After taking out the ladder and climbing up to the roof, Lin Yue quickly saw what was making the sound.

Seven mutated sheep were hiding in the tall grass dozens of meters away, eyeing this direction!

Lin Yue gasped.

If he had not checked carefully and started cooking like yesterday, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Another surprising thing was these mutated sheep actually appeared in a group and were even hiding in the grass. They were not simple mutated creatures.

These mutated creatures seemed to have some intelligence. If he was not standing on a high ground, Lin Yue would not have been able to discover them.

'What should I do now?

Should I hide in the shelter and wait for them to leave, or…'

However, at this moment, as a mutated sheep stood up and looked up at his location, the other mutated sheep also stood up.

They looked up at Lin Yue and approached the shelter step by step.

Lin Yue began to regret not getting a bow, but…

He seemed to have another thing that could attack from afar?