You Have Tactics? Screw Off!

On the morning of the fourth day, Lin Yue encountered the greatest crisis till now.

The seven mutated sheep with fangs were no longer hiding in the grass. Instead, they surrounded the shelter from all directions.

Their vertical pupils reflected the figure of this human standing on the roof.

Lin Yue tightened his grip on the iron spear.

The wind became stronger.

For some reason, Lin Yue felt that the wind seemed to have lowered the temperature.

On the wasteland, the loess was blown up from time to time, and the weeds were swaying wildly.

Lin Yue was thinking of a way to resolve the situation.

The hut was over two meters tall. There was no need to worry about being knocked down from the roof by these slightly larger sheep.

At most, he would be surrounded by them.

There should not be a danger to his life… probably.

Lin Yue looked at the mutated creatures that looked like sheep but had opened their bloody mouths and let out terrifying 'gooaahhh' sounds. He wondered if the sheep and wolves in this world had developed some taboo feelings that resulted in these things.

Holding the iron spear, he put down his shield and picked up the iron ax from his inventory.

The iron ax was actually quite sharp. The previous mutated sheep's head had been decapitated by the iron ax.

However, at that time, he had already incapacitated the sheep by piercing the iron spear through its neck.

Lin Yue waited.

As long as these sheep approached the shelter, he would attack them with the iron spear or throw the ax at them. Even if he could not kill them, he would severely injure them.

However, ten minutes passed, then twenty.

More and more sweat appeared on Lin Yue's forehead, but these sheep kept a distance of ten meters from him and were standing like statues.

Holy cow, they even knew tactics?

He felt that these sheep had exceeded his understanding. He wondered if the mutated creatures that others encountered that could produce copper treasure chests were also like this.

If they did not get close, he could only attack from afar, but he did not have a suitable weapon for that.

Should he throw the ax?

The iron ax only cost one wood and one iron, and Lin Yue had a lot of these two resources.

Why don't I give it a try?

He clicked create and ten iron axes appeared in his inventory.

It seemed like now was a good time to train his ax throwing skills.

He aimed an iron ax at the closest one and threw it!

When the sheep saw Lin Yue throw the ax, it jumped to the side and easily dodged it.

Then, Lin Yue threw another ax, and the sheep quickly jumped to the other side.

When Lin Yue threw the third ax, all the sheep turned their gazes.

This was the opportunity that Lin Yue wanted!

After familiarizing himself with the jumping movement of the mutated sheep, he threw the fourth ax, but this time, his target was another sheep!

That sheep along with the rest were watching the show. It did not expect the target to be changed to itself. The ax cut off its front legs before it could even react.

Just as its scream sounded, another iron ax flew over!


The target was changed again. The ax flew and cut off half of the sheep's head.

[You have obtained a copper treasure chest.]

Damn, this was really ridiculous.

Lin Yue continued to throw the remaining six iron axes. Even though he had hit one accurately this time, the rest of the axes failed to hit any of them.


After suffering casualties, the mutated sheep were no longer as ferocious as before and were in a panic. Under the influence of the injured sheep's roars and screams, the remaining five gradually retreated.

Lin Yue continued to observe from the roof.

He could continue to create iron axes or even throw iron spears, but the five mutated sheep were already some distance away. Instead of wasting so much effort, it was better to continue the stalemate.

'Let's see who can hold on to the end'

Lin Yue also calculated. If he went down the ladder and pushed open the stone door before closing it, perhaps two or three of the sheep would be able to follow. However, he only needed to feint and throw a few more axes. It would not be a problem to enter the shelter and not be caught by the sheep.

After moving his sore right arm, Lin Yue put down the iron spear and wooden shield and took out water from his inventory to drink.

Even in a stalemate, there was no need for him to be as nervous as the other party.

He opened the game interface.

It felt quite nice to sit on the roof and watch the group chat while drinking water.

"Wooden bows need wood and fibers, but there are no fibers on sale. Slingshots need wood and leather… well, the leather is not on sale either."

Lin Yue really wanted to complain about this manufacturing system. Why did the things that could be made in the early stages require materials that could not be easily found?

However, it did not matter.

Lin Yue opened the trading center and searched for anything new.

He quickly realized something.

The purchasing power of water had decreased.

When he searched for the keyword 'water', he realized that there were more than a hundred posts, when clearly there were only few others who sold water besides him previously!

What were these people doing before?

Not only that, these people were no longer selling 15 to 30 milliliters like before. Instead, they were selling 100 to 200 milliliters like him.

Although this was the case, no one was buying them. There were even people in the group chat who were tabulating the names of the sellers and spam cursing them. Many people also joined in the fun.

Getting angry at other people for having something they did not have?

There were still about four days left.

How many days could they last just by drinking urine?

Lin Yue would tell them to screw off at that time!

After lurking for a while, Lin Yue stood up again and looked at the mutated sheep. He realized that they were also lying on the ground as if they were tired.

Lin Yue thought for a moment and placed the ladder on the edge of the roof. He pretended to go down the ladder.

These sheep quickly got up and stared warily at Lin Yue's every move.

However, Lin Yue quickly returned to the roof. The sheep sat down again after a while.

Lin Yue stood up again. The sheep also stood up. After repeating it seven times, the sheep seemed to have lost their patience and began to move towards the shelter.

This was the result Lin Yue wanted. When he did it a few more times, a sheep seemed to be unable to hold it in anymore. It moved closer, but was still very vigilant.

Lin Yue took out the mutated mutton from his inventory and threw it to the ground.

He would not eat this thing anyway, so he did not feel it a pity to throw it away.

After doing this, he quickly realized that it was effective.

The five sheep were attracted by the fresh smell of blood and seemed to be unable to restrain themselves. Their eyes were fixed in that direction!

However, at this moment.


A strange sound suddenly sounded. Lin Yue looked around in confusion and suddenly realized that a strange thing had appeared beside the wood.